That'll be it Çeviri İspanyolca
4,745 parallel translation
Sing it like that on broadcast day ; They'll be running to the store for baked beans.
Estarán yendo a la tienda a por judías estofadas.
When Witham's Freedom Cavalcade comes here, it'll be one damned humiliation if they announce from our yard, that Ajax beat us.
Cuando la cabalgata de la libertad de Witham venga aquí, será una maldita humillación si ellos anuncian desde nuestro patio, que Ajax nos ganó.
You'll never be able to prove it for certain, I suspect, but to come up with a plausible theory that people say, " of course!
Aunque nunca seremos capaces de demostrarlo con certeza, lo sospecho pero para llegar a una teoría plausible en que la gente dice : " ¡ Por supuesto!
Say you're sorry I couldn't make it, but that you'll be happy to reschedule for tomorrow.
Di que sientes no poder ir, pero que podéis pasarlo a mañana.
Not as often as other surgeons due to my success rate, but my fiancée, Kate, is coming up for a couple of days, and I just want to make sure that, you know, you'll be okay with it.
No tan a menudo como otros cirujanos, debido a mi tasa de éxito, pero mi prometida, Kate, va a venir un par de días, y solo quería asegurarme de que, lo llevarías bien.
Look, I know that you can't call me back, but I keep thinking if I just leave these messages that when you do come home it'll be like you never left.
Mira, se que no puedes llamarme, pero sigo pensando que si te dejo mensajes que cuando vuelvas a casa será como si nunca te hubieras ido.
When it comes to that, that'll be your call to make, Director.
Cuando eso ocurra, será usted tú quien deba decidir, Director.
Well, I wouldn't be able to track Ducky's model of phone, but as long as Jimmy's battery hasn't been removed, even if it's dead, I can still get a trickle charge that'll power up the...
Bueno, no puedo localizar el teléfono de Duck pero mientras no quiten la batería del de Jimmy, aunque esté sin carga puedo conseguir que resucite un momento lo que haría que...
In that case, it'll be hard for them to believe us.
En ese caso, será difícil que nos crean.
It's just that with the baby, and such... she'll be a bit late.
Es que con lo de la niña, y tal... tardará un poco.
I don't have to explain myself to you, of all people, and and if you blow that thing again the next time you hear it'll be when some whore is giving you a blow job.
no tengo que justificar nada contigo, entre todas las personas, y y si vuelves a soplar esa cosa la próxima vez que la escuches será cuando una prostituta te la esté soplando.
The district attorney will review the evidence, and if he agrees that it was self-defense, she'll be free to go.
El fiscal del distrito revisará las pruebas, y si está de acuerdo en que fue en defensa propia, la dejará en libertad.
If we tell them now that we don't want their kids, it'll be awkward and awful, and it might end our friendship.
Si les decimos ahora que no queremos sus hijos, va a ser incómodo y terrible, y quizás termine nuestra amistad.
- If you pull that trigger, you'll be pulling it for free.
- Si aprietas el gatillo, estarás tirando de ella de forma gratuita.
I haven't been in that one, I know there'll be shit in there that I can take to the jumble sale, hopefully flog it.
No he estado en esta, seguro que hay porquerías aquí que pueda usar para llevar al mercadillo, y con suerte darles salida.
It'll be that witch!
Debió ser esa bruja.
It'll be interesting to see how the Hawks fare after the media firestorm that surrounded the team this past week.
Va a ser interesante ver cómo les va a los Hawks después de la tormenta mediática que rodeaba al equipo la semana pasada.
Do you think it'll matter that we still have a day left or will I be like a three birds with one stone thing?
¿ Cree qué importará que nos quede un día más o será 3 pájaros de un tiro?
I have a reflex, where we'll be driving somewhere, and I'll just, like, spot something from down the road that I know what it is and I know that it's valuable.
Y tuve una idea hacia donde iria esto y que seria, complejo y requeriria mucho trabajo, pero sabia, sabia que seria valioso.
One day I'll send you out for a routine enquiry and it'll turn out to be just that.
Alguna vez te mandaré a un interrogatorio de rutina... y resultará ser solo eso.
It's an operation that needs to be done sooner or later, and we'll take advantage of the anesthesia of the biopsy.
Es una operación que hay que hacer tarde o temprano, y aprovecharemos las anestesias de la biopsia.
That's how it'll be.
Así se hará.
I'll be honest with you, yeah,'like, when I first walked in here it was nothing but, like,'dread and concern that I was actually thinking, you know what?
Seré honesto contigo, sí, cuando llegué aquí era todo como tan horrible y deprimente que pensaba : " ¿ sabes qué? ,
And after that, it'll be his?
¿ Y después será suyo?
I'll take, uh, half a pound of the corned beef, three of those little sausages, some of that pink fish, and two of those giant pickles, a full explanation of what it means to be a Jew, and two of those brown and white cookies.
Cogeré 200 gramos de cecina, kilo y medio de esas salchichitas, un poco de ese pescado rosa, y dos pepinillos gigantes de esos, una explicación completa de lo que significa ser judío, y dos de esas galletas marrones y blancas.
I hope you'll be able to lie to military doctor. It is unlikely that the same observant than I am.
Y espero que por tu bien ese médico militar no sea tan observador como yo.
Oh, reminds me... next time you see our Governor, you tell him when it comes to reelection that I'll be there for him.
la próxima vez que veas a nuestro gobernador, díle que cuando llegue la reelección estaré allí para él.
I'll just pick a name at random, and that'll be it.
Sólo escogeré un nombre al azar y ese será.
Some people say that if you're nominated, it'll be a surprise.
Algunos dicen que Si estás nominado será una sorpresa.
- ♪ be it Tonys - ♪ or love both : ♪ you'll be leaving tonight with the prize ♪ ♪ life gives you that big finish ♪ ♪ you just forget what came before ♪
* - sean los Tonys * * - o el amor * * vas a irte a casa esta noche con el premio * * la vida te da un gran final * * y se te olvida lo que sucedió antes *
And when it comes out that Bennett is the father, he'll be arrested and convicted as a sex offender and he'll go to prison, too.
Y cuando se sepa que Bennet es el padre, será arrestado y condenado por ser un delincuente sexual y será enviado a prisión también.
I'll do it properly when I get back and tear this up before you ever see it but I'll feel easier that I've recorded on paper that I wish YOU to be my sole heiress.
Lo haré bien cuando vuelva y romperé esto antes de que lo veas pero será mejor haber escrito en papel que quiero que seas mi única heredera.
She'll ask that young man for Rose, so it won't be too obvious.
Preguntó por ese joven para ella, así que no quise ser demasiada clara.
But... it'll be a cold day in hell before I pay one red cent for that gal's heinie.
¿ Pero? Antes muerto que pagar un centavo por el trasero de esa muchacha.
That means it'll be us walking through Tess's door instead.
Eso significa que seremos nosotros los que tendremos que entrar en casa de Tess.
It'll be like Natasha and that money you gave her never existed.
Será como Natasha y que el dinero que dio nunca su existencia.
But it doesn't change the fact that we'll be out fighting again tomorrow.
Pero eso no cambia nada. Pelearemos de nuevo mañana.
Then I'll kindly forgive you, and that'll be the end of it
Entonces, te perdonaré generosamente y será el fin de todo esto.
That it'll all be okay.
Que todo estará bien.
Look, it's either that or your blood supply'll be cut off.
Mira, es eso o el suministro de sangre se cortará.
She'll tell me that she'll be OK, and I'll say I don't doubt it.
Me dirá que estará bien y yo le diré que no lo dudo.
Just so you know, the interview will be part of the official record, submitted into the court when the case goes to trial, but other than that, we'll try and keep it private.
Solo para que los sepas, la entrevista será parte del registro oficial, enviado a la corte cuando el caso vaya a juicio, pero fuera de eso, lo mantendremos privado.
Look, that'll be it now.
Mire, por ahí viene.
You want to play games, that's fine with me, but I want no part of it, and if you try and stop me, it'll be you getting conked on the head.
¿ Quieres jugar a juegos, eso está bien para mí, pero no quieren saber nada de ella, y si intentas detenerme, que va a ser conseguir que azotó en la cabeza.
That putt-putt is gonna be around forever, and when I am done with it, it'll attract more visitors than the Hoover Dam.
Ese golfito estará por siempre, y cuando acabe con él atraerá más visitantes que la Presa Hoover.
Okay, I'll go. But let it be clear that I'm doing it for him, not for you.
Está bien, iré, pero que quede claro que lo hago por él, y no por ti.
If the President and I are going to discuss something, it'll be the fact that I was called off my post by his secretary a couple of hours ago.
Si el presidente y yo vamos a hablar de algo, sera del hecho de que he sido llamado para que abandone mi puesto por su secretaria hace un par de horas.
Once we load out tomorrow, that'll be it for the blood drive.
Una vez que terminemos todo mañana, eso será para la próxima campaña de donación.
What you need is absolute scientific proof that you two are meant to be together, like Tom and me, so even in the rough times, you don't worry how it'll end up.
Lo que necesitas es una prueba científica de que los dos estáis hechos el uno para el otro, como Tom y yo, para que así, aún en los momentos más duros, no tengas que preocuparte de cómo acabará.
There's gotta be something in it that'll help us figure out who he is.
Tiene que haber algo allí que nos ayude a averiguar quién es.
If he walks away, if he doesn't run for re-election, that is a blow the republican party will not recover from, not for years, and if it does recover, it'll be in the hands of Sally Langston
Si él se va, si no se presenta a la re-elección será un golpe del que el partido republicano no se recuperará durante años, y si lo hace será en las manos de Sally Langstrom y sus caciques conservadores,
that'll be me 20
that'll be the day 55
that'll be 336
that'll be all 248
that'll be fun 52
that'll be nice 30
that'll be fine 69
that'll be good 30
that'll be enough 20
that'll be great 47
that'll be the day 55
that'll be 336
that'll be all 248
that'll be fun 52
that'll be nice 30
that'll be fine 69
that'll be good 30
that'll be enough 20
that'll be great 47
that'll be all for now 17
be it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
be it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
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it's friday 105
item 93
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it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
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itis 22
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itch 25
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itself 24
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items 25
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itch 25
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itself 24
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items 25
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it's cool 1584
it's me again 322