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There was one thing Çeviri İspanyolca

859 parallel translation
There was one thing.
Había una cosa.
There was one thing, part of his little finger was missing.
Había una cosa. Le faltaba parte del meñique.
Artie, there was one thing about last night. Maybe I shouldn't bring it up.
Artie, hay algo que quiero decirte sobre anoche.
I told him that there was one thing about horses that I just couldn't imitate, and that it was really bothering me.
Le dije que había una cosa de los caballos... que yo no podía imitar, y que realmente me molestaba.
If there was one thing I needed at this moment, it was a mummy.
Si necesitaba algo en este momento era una momia.
And yet there was one thing you never learned.
Sin embargo, me parece que hay algo que nunca aprendiste.
Of course. But there was one thing that made me very curious.
Algo me produjo una gran curiosidad.
There was one thing in common.
Hubo algo en común.
You see there was one thing I didn't bargain for in our relationship.
Hay una cosa con la que no contaba en nuestra relación.
There was one thing more : he said that I should ride ahead on my bicycle.
Y otra cosa, dijo que yo fuera delante en la bicicleta.
Cousin Beatrix had the notion of injecting a little competition into the affair, but, unhappily, there was one thing she overlooked.
A Beatriz se le ocurrió inyectar competencia al asunto. Pero olvidó un detalle.
But... after we got together, there was one thing I was counting on.
No tan deprisa. Cuando me tenías entre tus brazos, esperaba... que algún día me sacases de esto.
But there was one thing that was sure.
Pero una cosa estaba clara.
There was one thing about us we always knew we were in love.
No había nada que...
Well, there was one thing.
Pero sí hay una cosa.
There was one thing I wanted to ask you.
Había una cosa que quería preguntarle.
There was one thing, the number 6-2-1.
Parecía importante.
Oh, there was one thing that happened.
Sólo una cosa.
There WAS one thing.
Hubo una cosa.
I know it doesn't make any difference now, but there was one thing I wasn't lying about. I do love you.
Ya sé que ya no sirve de nada pero no mentí sobre una cosa te quiero.
In the desert, where I was born, there is but one thing sacred, the guest!
En el desierto, donde nací, ¡ nada es más sagrado que un invitado!
One thing I know for sure : there never was a woman who seemed more desirable.
# Algo sé seguro... # no ha habido nunca una mujer # que me resultara más deseable.
I'm afraid she was, Phil, but there's one thing she shan't do.
Me temo que sí, Phil, pero hay algo que no haría nunca.
And ever since I was a kid, I've known There was only one right thing for any girl to do.
Desde niña supe que una chica sólo tiene una alternativa :
There was always one thing more to do.
Siempre había algo más que hacer.
Otto always said there was one good thing about getting killed
Otto, siempre dije que había algo bueno en que te matasen.
Well, there was only one thing I ever asked you.
Sólo te he pedido una cosa.
For one thing, I was out there in the water.
Para empezar, yo estaba en el agua.
I know now how foolish and hopeless it was, but there was only one thing on my mind, the safety of a person whose life was dearer to me than my own.
Ahora sé lo estúpido y desesperado de esa decisión. Sólo podía pensar en una cosa : la seguridad de esa persona tan querida.
But there's one thing I know. The robbery was committed from inside.
Pero estoy seguro... de que el robo se cometió desde dentro.
There was only one thing wrong with Ratty's cure for motor mania.
Solo que Rata no contó con un pequeño detalle en la cura de la auto-manía.
There was one thing. Yeah?
Recuerdo algo.
[It was hot, so there was only one thing for them to do :]
Y como hacía calor a ellos no les quedaba más que una cosa que hacer.
There was just one thing I was cravin'
Só / o había una cosa
Oh, I say, there was a very nice one in the fall river thing.
Ah, el periódico decía una cosa muy interesante sobre el asesinato del río,
when I realized... that it was you was running away... that you left Venice... There's only one thing in my mind :
Cuando supe... que eras tú la que huía de mí... que habías abandonado Venecia... sólo tuve un pensamiento :
Except for Warbonnet, there's only one thing ever meant a darn to Tuck, and that was Corinna.
Excepto por Warbonnet, solo hay una cosa que alguna vez importó a Tuck, y era Corinna.
And before I go, there was just... one thing I wanted to know.
Antes de irme, había algo... Una sola cosa que quería saber.
One thing was certain - there'd be no turning back.
No podía retroceder.
They both liked Picasso and there was one other thing : She was in love with him.
A ambos les gustaba Picasso y había algo más ella estaba enamorada de él.
You know there is one thing I could never stand, it was a reformed drunk.
Nunca pude soportar a los alcohólicos arrepentidos.
As you all no doubt know, that was bikini, and if there's one thing we found out, it was that there's no such thing as an even statistical dispersion of radioactive materials.
Como ustedes saben, se desarrolló en Bikini. Entre las cosas que encontramos... es que no existe tal cosa como la... dispersión estadística uniforme de los materiales radioactivos.
There was one more thing.
Hay una cosa más.
Oh, there was just one other thing.
Oh, sólo otra cosa.
But there was just one thing wrong with it.
Pero sólo tenía un problema.
There was one honest thing in that letter, kid.
Esa carta tenía una verdad, muchacho.
No habia nada
Before i go, though, there's one thing i want to do. I'd have done it before, but it would've shown them where i was.
Lo habría hecho hace tiempo, pero les habría indicado dónde estaba.
There was one more thing.
Una cosa más.
I think there's one thing I could do well. One thing I was born for.
Creo que hay una cosa que haría bien, una cosa para la que he nacido.
Maybe there was some sort of medicine that would have helped me but one thing I didn't have any need of was a number nine.
Quizá me convenía... alguna medicina... pero no una purga.

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