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Visite Çeviri İspanyolca

1,348 parallel translation
You just said "Dad." Everywhere I go today I keep getting signs telling me to see my father.
Acabas de decir "papá". Encuentro señales por todos lados que me dicen que visite a mi padre.
Perhaps if I am more... inhospitable, he will stop.
Si fuera menos... hospitalario, quizá no me visite más.
If you get a chance stop by and visit my folks in Dublin.
Visite a mis padres en Dublín.
I visited him twice in prison.
Lo visité dos veces en prisión.
But today, when I visited the Red Cross camps... overwhelmed by the flood of refugees... fleeing from the horror of Kazakhstan... I realized I don't deserve to be congratulated.
Pero cuando visité los campos de la Cruz Roja saturados por el éxodo de refugiados que huyen del horror de Kazakhstán vi que no me merezco esas felicitaciones, ni yo ni nadie.
I visited the Liao Ning night market.
Visité el mercado nocturno. La calle estaba abarrotada.
I visited his wife a while back.
Visité a su esposa hace unos días.
Ain't no other reason city folks visit these paths, except something bad happens, and this was... real bad.
No hay ninguna otra razón... para que la gente de la ciudad visite este rincón, salvo si algo malo sucede. Y esto fue... muy malo.
The authorities are prepared to grant your son Malcolm leave to see you.
Las autoridades le concederán a su hijo Malcom... un permiso para que lo visite.
I appreciate your visiting me.
Le agradezco que me visite.
- To arrange a visit with my wife.
Para que me visite mi esposa.
I'm gonna arrange for you to visit your wife in the hospital.
Arreglaré para que visite a su esposa en el hospital.
Oh push, Arfon, push. I still can't get my fingernails clean. Zelda, I thought you said your worst job was- -
Estoy muerta, subí a la montaña rusa 7 veces, fui de compras visite a Ricky Martin, y esas tinas calientes son agotadoras
You tried to teach me that when I visited our homeworld.
Trataste de enseñármelo cuando visité nuestro planeta.
Zarija deserves to see me.
Zarija merece que lo visite.
You were asking whether the accusations against my father in the John Harmon murder had anything to do with my wish to remain quite secret here.
Y uno bueno, espero. Es nuevo para mi que me visite una dama de mi misma edad, y tan bella como usted.
I visited him one morning... and found them gazing into each other's eyes.
Una mañana le visité y los encontré mirando fijamente a los ojos del otro.
I don't mind him calling on Jasmin.
No me importa que visite a Jazmín.
You do want me to come and see you in Oxford, don't you?
¿ Querrás que te visite?
I sensed something when I visited your house.
Sentí algo cuando visité tu casa.
When I visited you recently, I had news.
Cuando te visité hace poco, tenía noticias.
No, I visited Dharma when she was awake.
No, yo visite a Dharma cuando ella estaba despierta
Perhaps I'll just take a walk around the station, check out the dressing rooms, introduce myself to a few people.
Quizás dé una vuelta por la estación visite los vestidores, me presente a los empleados.
Well, actually, they meet on the Internet, and I visited their website yesterday for the first time.
Se conocen por Internet y ayer visité su sitio por primera vez.
- Do. Ask her to stop by.
Dígale que me visite.
Well, Dr Raines, my husband thinks it's important my visit with hold the children.
Dr. Raines, para mi esposo es importante que visite a los niños.
I have visited my mother's grave every year on the anniversary of her death but my father would never talk about it.
Visité la tumba de mi madre todos los años en la fecha de su muerte pero mi padre nunca quiso hablar de ello.
But I did when I visited Xena in Ming Tien's prison.
Pero lo hice. Cuando visité a Xena en la prisión de Ming Tien.
I had visited just about everyone who ever meant anything to me.
Visité a todos los que alguna vez significaron algo para mí.
" Visit J.M. Inc.
¿ Visite J.M. S.A.?
- I visited Lance today in the...
- Hoy visité a Lance en el hospital.
I visited all of the cell areas, including the death house area.
Visité todas las celdas, incluyendo la zona de pena de muerte.
I visited Hermes " family years later and we became much closer.
A la familia de Hermes, la visité años después y quedamos más próximos.
I hope Mr Osborne will visit us soon.
Espero que el Sr. Osborne nos visite pronto.
I once visited you because of the tunnel construction in Shisuoka.
Le visité para hablarle de una construcción de un túnel en Shisuoka.
She's a liar, I visited, Idan didn't.
Ella es una mentirosa, si que la visité, Idan no lo hizo.
Do you have any idea how wonderful it has been being visited by him, singing about love, singing my life?
¿ Sabes lo genial que es que te visite? ¿ Cantando al amor? ¿ Cantando mi vida?
Or see Dr. Benton at the clinic, if it doesn't drop below 100 by tomorrow.
O visite al doctor Benton en la clínica si no baja de 38 grados... -... antes de mañana.
Miss Chapman sent me to check on your daughter.
La señorita Chapman me envía a que visite a su hija.
I've got to buy them all! So first, I'd better go to Hawaii and visit Pearl Harbor!
Debo comprarlos todos, será mejor que vaya primero a Hawai y visite Pearl Harbor.
The president better not plan a visit.
Mejor que el presidente no visite la base.
If the police figure out it was me visiting you in prison and not your nonexistent niece, this whole thing could end before it starts.
Si la policía descubre que yo te visité en prisión y no tu sobrina inexistente, todo acabará antes de comenzar.
So next time you're, like, treating... that person on the phone really shitty... because they can't find your frequent flyer number... just remember... you could get a visit someday.
te arriesgas a que te visite un día. ¿ No es terrible?
Curious. I was just visiting the system you spoke of only a few months ago.
Visité el sistema del que me habló hace unos meses.
You had me over last Saturday.
Los visité la semana pasada.
I called on Jasmin, then went home.
Visité a Jazmín y luego me fui a casa.
I just fell in love with the Big Apple last summer... when I was visiting my brother Peter there.
Me enamoré de la gran manzana el verano pasado cuando visité a mi hermano Peter.
In short, Copperfield, something has at last turned up.
Visité a Dora en la primera oportunidad.
I went down to that school and had a little visit with the kindergarten broad.
Fui a la escuela y visité a la mujer del jardín de infantes.
You know, I came to visit your grandfather in this cell.
Sabes, visité a tu abuelo en esta celda.

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