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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / What'd you tell them

What'd you tell them Çeviri İspanyolca

120 parallel translation
- What'd you tell them?
- ¿ Qué les has dicho?
Yeah, what'd you tell them?
- ¿ Qué les has dicho?
- Tim, stick them up. What'd I tell you?
Hay que estar preparado.
But, if you'd only tell them what it would mean.
Pero si sólo les dijera lo que significaría.
What'd you tell them?
¿ Qué les dijiste?
A lot of help that is. If you sent your stories to this lady maybe she'd tell you what's wrong with them.
Si le enviaras tus cuentos a ella tal vez ella te diría qué tienen de malo.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
and we thought we'd better come over and see what is was all about Tommy, you didn't tell them
De indios, de gánsteres, de todo.
Well, how can you tell them what you'd like to know?
¿ Y cómo les vas a decir qué es lo qué te gustaría saber?
What'd you want to tell them?
¿ Qué querías decirles? Lo de Thomas.
Well, what'd you tell them?
Que les dijiste?
Now, if you was to... if you was to go out there... and you were to tell her not to listen to them... I think she'd mind what you say.
Ahora, si fuera a la casa... y le dijera a ella que no les haga caso... creo que le haría caso.
What'd you tell them?
¿ Qué les dijo?
Sometime I'd be at the job... and I had to go and sit in the car for a few minutes. They'd ask me, "What's wrong with you, man?" And I wouldn't tell them.
Alguna vez en el trabajo, tener que ir a esconderme unos minutos al coche, y mis compañeros me preguntaban :
Three years, eight years, and then finally you're an honest person so you tell them when you do figure it out, and you say I've decided what I'd like,
Tres años, ocho años, y luego finalmente eres una persona honesta así que les dices cuando lo has resuelto, y dices "he decidido lo que quiero",
Well, I'd like to tell you something about them, Doctor, but I don't think what I know would make it worth your while.
Bueno, me gustaría decirle algo sobre ellos, Doctor pero no creo que lo que sepa valiera hacerle perder el tiempo.
I'd like to tell you something about them, Doctor, but I don't think what I know would make it worth your while.
Me gustaría decirle algo sobre ellos, Doctor pero no creo que sepa algo que le pueda servir.
Tell them what you'd like them to play, Ceddie.
Diles que quieres que toquen Setti
What'd you tell them?
¿ Qué les has dicho?
What'd I tell you about them pictures? What the fuck, are you deaf?
- ¿ Esrás sordo?
- What'd you tell them about us?
- ¿ Qué les has contado de nosotros?
I think you'd better tell them because I don't know what you're going to say.
Creo que es mejor que lo digas tú porque no se que vas a decir.
- What'd you tell them?
- ¿ Qué les dijiste?
- So what'd you tell them?
- ¿ Qué les dijisteis?
But to tell you the truth, Cor... as good as it was to win those silver gloves... what was great was hoping... that someday I'd have a son to pass them on to.
Pero si te digo la verdad, Cor, tan bueno como fue ganar esos guantes de plata, lo genial fue la esperanza de que algún día tendría un hijo para pasarlos.
What'd you tell them the interview was about?
¿ De qué dijiste que era la entrevista?
Did you ever go to the D.A. and tell them what was going on?
¿ Fue a la Fiscalía del Distrito a contarles lo que pasó?
What'd you tell them?
que les dijo?
Watching that man go free after he killed them. You see, I could tell from his eyes that he was remorseful for what he'd done.
Al mirarle a los ojos supe que le remordía la conciencia por lo que había hecho
If you'd like, I could get Washington on the phone... and you could tell them yourself what incompetent managers they are.
Si quiere, llamaré a Washington y podrá decirles que son unos incompetentes.
You didn't really think I'd appear before some collection of idiot parents and have them tell me what I've done wrong for the past 30 years.
- Por favor ¿ usted creyó que me presentaría ante una colección de padres para que me dijeran lo que hice mal en estos 30 años?
- What'd you tell them?
- ¿ Qué les contaste?
What'd you tell them.
¿ Qué les Has dicho?
My advice to you is I'd write them a letter and I'd tell them why you did what you did and how you really feel.
Mi consejo es escríbele una carta y explícale por que has hecho lo que has hecho y como te sientes
That's great. What'd you tell them?
¿ Qué le respondiste?
Now what I ´ d like you to do with these is... to put your fingers into them and tell us which is the most disgusting.
¡ Eeccs! Bien, ahora lo que me gustaría que hiciera... es tocar estas dos cosas con los dedos y decirme cual le parece más repulsiva.
What did you tell them? That I'd think about it.
Que lo pensaría.
Ohh, God, what'd you tell them?
Oh, Dios, ¿ qué les dijiste?
- What'd you tell them?
¿ Qué les contaste?
What'd you two banditos tell them?
Míralos. Son viejos amigos.
-'Cause you know what I told them folks? - What'd you tell'em?
¿ Saben lo que les dije?
What'd you tell them?
¿ Y qué les dices?
If someone asked you to describe me to them, what's the first thing you'd tell them?
Si alguien te pidiera que me describas ¿ qué es lo primero que les dirías?
The D.A. doesn't call over to ask for a detective... any more than you can tell them what prosecutor to use.
Ni la fiscalía llama para pedir un detective... ni usted puede decirles qué fiscal usar.
- What'd you tell them?
Saben demasiado. ¿ Qué les contaste?
What'd you tell them about me, Dad?
¿ Qué les has dicho, papá?
My marriage? What'd you tell them about my marriage, Dad?
¿ Les has hablado de mi matrimonio, papá?
You'd have to tell them what happened With me and your husband.
Tendrás que contarle lo que pasó conmigo y tu marido.
And what'd you tell them?
¿ Y qué les dijo?
And what'd you tell them?
¿ Y qué les dijiste?
What'd you tell them about me?
¿ Qué les contastes sobre mi?

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