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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Wheelwright

Wheelwright Çeviri İspanyolca

44 parallel translation
Name's Wheelwright, a guy who builds wheels.
Se llaman Wheelwright, el que construye ruedas.
She's at wheelwright's.
No, ha ido al carretero.
Ah. Them was the days for a wheelwright.
Buena época para los carreteros.
Tell them, I was working at Mr. Baloup's as wheelwright. You can just ask. Gentlemen of the jury,
Champmathieu es un ladrón, reconocido y condenado como Jean Valjean.
You remember that ice cream parlor, wheelwright's, on sunset strip?
¿ Recuerdas esa heladería de Saint Andrew?
Miss Wheelwright, the night nurse.
La Srta. Wheelwright, niñera de noche.
- After we got out of the hospital- - - Wheelwright :
- Después de salir del hospital...
- Wheelwright : Amazing!
I knew a wheelwright named Abercrombie.
Conocí a un carrero llamado Abercrombie.
- Crowe Wheelwright.
- Crowe Wheelwright.
Among those taking part are Wheelwright Amberley Grotefield Mrs. Nift The House of Commons yo-yo team George and Lily Brisket sisters with a difference... Coloratura soprano Mildred Gas Stove
Aquí presentes se hallan Wheelwright Amberley Grotefield, la señora Nift, el equipo de la Casa de los Comunes, George y Arthur Brisket, y una hermana sin igual, la Colorada Soprano Mildred, la Estufa.
The worldly-wise wheelwright!
- Escuchen al carretero que tiene mucho mundo!
And you had to marry whatever bootblack or wheelwright your family picked for you.
Y había que casarse lo limpiabotas o carretero su familia recogió para usted.
Evelyn Wheelwright founded this sorority with a mission - - a mission to bring equality and respect to all sisters.
Evelyn Wheelwright fundó esta sociedad... con una misión- - una misión de darles igualdad y respeto a las hermanas.
His father was a wheelwright.
Su padre era carretero.
Is there no one who's met a Virginian wheelwright?
¿ No hay nadie que haya conocido un carpintero de Virginia?
I'm no wheelwright, and neither was Jacob.
No soy carpintero, y tampoco lo era Jacob.
Next to pilots and Indian fighters, few things as crucial to the success of a train as a skilled wheelwright.
Con pilotos y los luchadores indios, hay pocas cosas cruciales para el éxito de una caravana como lo es un ruedero experto.
It takes ten years to make a journeyman wheelwright.
Se necesitan diez años para ser aprendiz de ruedero.
She knows the Wheelwrights, who...
Conoce a los Wheelwright que...
So, I was a little surprised to see you take the Wheelwright place.
Me sorprendió que alquilaras la casa de los Wheelwright.
I knew it as soon as you took the Wheelwright place.
Lo supe en cuanto llegaste.
He was a wheelwright.
Mi padre era herrero.
Your father was a wheelwright?
¿ Su padre era herrero?
Very impressive, Dr. Wheelwright.
Muy impresionante, Dr. Wheelwright.
The scientist Wheelwright who created it wants to meet Volkoff's must trusted weapons buyer.
El científico que lo creó, Wheelwright quiere encontrarse con el comprador de armas de más confianza de Volkoff.
Bartowski, your flash on Wheelwright was 100 % correct.
Bartowski, tu flash sobre Wheelwright fue 100 % correcto.
Well, she actually came to me with the Wheelwright info.
Bueno, de hecho ella vino a mí con la información de Wheelwright.
We just got word that Wheelwright is en route.
Nos acabamos de enterar de que Wheelwright está en camino.
Dr. Wheelwright, relax.
Dr. Wheelwright, cálmese.
We have no lead on where Wheelwright and Chuck's mom fled to after the shooting.
No tenemos ninguna pista de dónde Wheelwright y la madre de Chuck escaparon después del tiroteo.
See, I knew that if I shot you, Wheelwright might panic and try to unload the weapon on his own.
Sabía que si te disparaba, Wheelwright se asustaría e intentaría descargar el arma él mismo.
This is Wheelwright's mobile lab.
Este es el laboratorio móvil de Wheelwright.
Well, thank God we got Wheelwright to give up that antitoxin before he went completely off the reservation.
Bueno, gracias a dios que tenemos a Wheelwright para darle esa antitoxina antes de que nos quedáramos por completo sin reservas.
She was a wheelwright's orphan.
Era una huérfana errante
I'm a wheelwright, Micheletto.
Soy un herrero, Micheletto.
¿ Wheelwright?
Wheelwright, Kentucky.
Wheelwright, Kentucky.
Private Wheelwright died on the field of honor, sir!
¡ El Soldado Wheelwright! ¡ Murieron en el campo del honor, Señor!
( dramatic music playing )
Be a wheelwright.
Ser ruedero.
I'm friends with the Wheelwrights.
Conozco a los Wheelwright.
Mr. Connors the wheelwright?
¿ El Sr. Connors, el carretero?

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