When it does Çeviri İspanyolca
3,054 parallel translation
you'll want to be on the right side when it does.
tu querrás estar en el lado correcto cuando se haga.
But when it does, it's almost like I don't deserve them.
Y cuando ocurren, es como si no me las mereciera.
And, when it does, we... you, me, Hauser...
Y cuando suceda, nosotros... tú, yo, Hauser...
♪ And when it does, you lovely people may be in for a shock ♪
* Y cuando lo haga, estén preparados para el shock *
When it does, bad things happen.
Cuando lo hace, ocurren cosas malas.
His flight lands in under an hour, and when it does, I'm going to be waiting for him at the hospital, and I'm going to be doing this. Ooh. And what's happening right now?
Su vuelo llega en menos de una hora, y cuando lo haga, voy a estar esperándole en el hospital y voy a estar haciendo esto. ¿ Y qué pasa ahora mismo?
Yeah, well, when it does, give me a call.
Sí, bueno cuando lo haga, dame un toque.
We should be there for Tara when it does.
Deberíamos estar cerca de Tara para entonces.
Maybe, but we don't know how it works when it does.
Tal vez, pero no sabemos como funciona cuando lo hace.
Sometimes this stuff comes up, and when it does, we just have to follow up, you understand. Go ahead, sit down.
A veces surgen estas cosas, y cuando lo hacen, tenemos que seguir adelante, entiende.
When it does come back, let us know.
Cuando vuelvas en sí, dinos.
Yeah, and when it does, you act surprised.
Sí, y cuando lo haga, actúa sorprendido.
It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I am big enough to acknowledge it.
No pasa a menudo pero cuando pasa, soy lo bastante mayor para reconocerlo.
Well, when it does, be sure to notify me
Cuando ocurra, asegúrate de decírmelo
And, when it does, we... you, me, Hauser...
Y, cuando lo haga, nosotros... tú, yo, Hauser...
Have you ever noticed that the government always claims that when it does these things, it does so in the name of
Te has dado cuenta que el gobierno siempre proclama que cuando hace este tipo de cosas lo hace en nombre de la
I don't know why it is when man does something bad he likes to keep a souvenir.
Yo no sé por qué será que cuando un hombre hace algo malo le gusta guardar un souvenir.
When he does, one brother inside his army will be worth 1,000 fighting against it.
Cuando Io haga, un hermano en su ejército valdrá tanto como 1.000 contra él.
Yeah, when does it become public?
Sí, ¿ cuándo se convirtió público?
When he does it, I don't have a clue.
No pretendo saberlo, no tengo ni idea.
- When does it start?
- ¿ Cuándo empieza?
Does it hurt there when I press?
Cuando presiono, ¿ Te hace daño?
The employee's handbook states, does it not, that officers should err on the side of caution when dealing with vulnerable prisoners?
El manual de empleados establece, ¿ no es así? que los agentes deben extremar las precauciones cuando tratan con prisioneros vulnerables.
When does it stop?
¿ Cuándo va a parar?
When the bat arrives, it stick its head into the flower to get the honey and as it does so and presses there, out from this hook, come the stamens and dab pollen on its back.
Cuando llega el murciélago, pega la cabeza en la flor para obtener la miel y como lo hace y aprieta allí, a partir de este gancho, vienen los estambres y un toque de polen en su espalda.
What does it say about David Potter when he withdraws a libel charge against a man who accused him of being, and I quote,
" ¿ Qué dice acerca de David Potter cuando retira una acusación por difamación contra un hombre que lo acusó de ser, y cito :
How does Dr. House handle it when three smart doctors come up with three different, but equally valid ideas?
¿ Cómo maneja House la situación cuando tres doctores brillantes llegan con tres ideas diferentes, pero igualmente validas?
My role when I was brought in was primarily to analyse the case to see does it really fit the three people they have in prison?
Mi papel en la investigación fue el de analizar el caso para ver si encajaba con los tres chicos encarcelados.
See, when you say "orgasm," it does not sound fun.
Ves, cuando dices "orgasmo" no suena gracioso.
I mean, when you really think about it, does it ever really matter who wins or loses?
Es decir, cuando realmente piensa en ello, ¿ realmente importa quién gana o quién pierde?
How does it feel to be a pioneer? Uh... When the buyer heard that you wanted the prints back, he asked to meet you.
¿ Cómo sienta ser un pionero? Cuando el comprador oyó que querías los impresos de vuelta me pidió conocerte.
He said that we experience history, - what does it mean for us to be historical beings, - not when we are engaged in things, when things move, - only when we see this, again, -
¿ Qué significa para nosotros ser seres históricos? No cuando nos enfrentamos con las cosas ; cuando las cosas cambian.
When anybody ever says that, all they mean is that it does give them so much pleasure.
Cuando dicen eso, significa todo lo contrario.
When does it end?
¿ Dura mucho tiempo?
Ooh... Sam hates it when Callen does that.
Sam odia que Callen haga eso.
Ow. Angela, does it hurt when she presses or lets go quickly?
Angela, ¿ le duele cuando presiona o cuando deja rápido de hacerlo?
Sometimes, when a question does not want to be answered, it is necessary to travel to a place where your mind has never before been.
A veces, cuando una pregunta no quiere ser respondida es necesario viajar a un lugar donde tu mente nunca ha estado antes.
And it does not help when they throw birthday parties right below you.
Pero no ayuda cuando hay una fiesta de cumpleaños debajo.
When PKMzeta gets told to deploy in a neuron, it gets told to do that on the basis of a recent experience, and what it does is it mediates efficient or increased efficiency of neural transmission.
Cuando la PKMzeta recibe instrucciones de "aterrizar" en una neurona, lo hace sobre la premisa de una experiencia reciente, y lo que hace es interceder para incrementar la eficiencia de la transmisión neural.
Oh, what difference does it make when...
¿ Qué importancia tiene...?
When does it start getting really serious?
¿ Cuándo comienza poniendo muy en serio?
When you been running as long as I have, it does something to your head.
Cuando has estado corriendo tanto como yo lo he hecho, le hace algo a tu cabeza.
Well, it's true that he does stay at the consulate when he's in town on business from time to time, but that was last night.
Bueno, es cierto que se queda en el Consulado cuando está en la ciudad por negociso de vez en cuando, pero eso fue anoche. Se ha ido.
Prince has cut and does his homework... in order to attack you when you least expect it.
Tiene corte de príncipe y hace los deberes... para así poder atacarte cuando tú menos lo esperes.
It emits a ping to your central servers when it's in use, does it not?
Emite un ping a tus servidores centrales cuando está siendo usado, ¿ verdad?
What does it mean when a boy kisses a girl?
¿ Qué significa... cuando un chico... besa a una chica?
It don't help when he rams it down your neck, does it?
No ayuda cuando te lo clavan en el cuello, ¿ verdad?
There may be some pathalogical person that does that but, as my wife said, it's the death bed chest. When we look back at our life we look back and its the moments where we had that empathic connection where we transcended ourselves and could actually FEEL a loved one, or someone else as if we were experiencing it ourself.
Puede que haya alguna persona patológica que lo haga pero como dice mi esposa, es en el lecho de muerte cuando miramos atrás en nuestras vidas y recordamos los momentos en los cuales tuvimos una conexión de empatía donde nos trascendimos a nosotros mismos
And, Michael, when you compare to the rest of the contenders, it does take you the longest time to get the right performance in the studio.
Y, Michael, cuando se te compara con el resto de los concursantes, te llevó el mayor tiempo conseguir la interpretación correcta en el estudio.
When any individual intentionally misleads the court, it does tremendous damage to our justice system.
Cuando algun individuo induce a error al Tribunal intencionadamente, se causa un tremendo dano a nuestro sistema judicial.
Well, you think it's cute when Zola does it.
Bueno, crees que es mono cuando Zola lo hace.
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when it happened 60
when it comes 19
when it happens 48
when it's over 71
when it was over 25
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it rains 55
when it happened 60
when it comes 19
when it happens 48
when it's over 71
when it was over 25
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it's all over 25
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it doesn't hurt 114
it doesn't matter 3827
it doesn't fit 43
it doesn't exist 124
it does 1969
it doesn't make sense 437
it doesn't even matter 37
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it doesn't hurt 114
it doesn't matter 3827
it doesn't fit 43
it doesn't exist 124
it does 1969
it doesn't make sense 437
it doesn't even matter 37
it doesn't suit you 52
it doesn't work 306
it doesn't matter to me 71
it doesn't bother me 71
it doesn't matter anymore 84
it doesn't mean anything 188
it doesn't add up 72
it doesn't say 66
it doesn't have to be 79
it doesn't help 45
it doesn't work 306
it doesn't matter to me 71
it doesn't bother me 71
it doesn't matter anymore 84
it doesn't mean anything 188
it doesn't add up 72
it doesn't say 66
it doesn't have to be 79
it doesn't help 45