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Withdrawals Çeviri İspanyolca

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But look at the withdrawals.
Mire todo lo que se sacó.
- Did you want to sign for the fuel withdrawals?
- ¿ Quiere firmar los recibos de combustible? - Ya voy.
I checked with the bank. This is an itemized list of the withdrawals.
El banco me ha pasado los extractos detallados.
Those withdrawals from the bank. The strain the doctor was living under. This note.
Los extractos bancarios, el nerviosismo del doctor, la carta.
- Withdrawals, deposits, and so on? - Yeah.
- ¿ Sobre extracciones, depósitos y demás?
Excuse me, who do I see for information on withdrawals?
Quisiera información sobre un reintegro de fondos.
Withdrawals : a stack of checks.
Egresos : un cúmulo de cheques.
All his deposits and withdrawals have been made by mail.
Todos sus depósitos y retiros se han hecho por correo.
The withdrawals exceed deposits. This is worrying!
- Varios clientes retiran fondos.
... it was categorically denied that any withdrawals had taken place on the Malabar front. Unquote.
... negó categóricamente que hubiera deserciones en el frente de Malabar.
The account's full of cash withdrawals.
En las cuentas sólo hay pagos en efectivo.
I'm sorry, Mr Kingsley, but we have standing orders to get your mother's approval of any withdrawals you make.
Lo siento, Mr Kingsley, pero tenemos órdenes de obtener la aprobación de su madre de todas las extracciones suyas.
Your average withdrawals on Christmas Eve have never been less than £ 7,000.
En ese fecha la media de los reembolsos nunca ha bajado de 7.000 libras.
Yes, but I stop him and say that there are to be no large withdrawals until...
Sí, pero le detengo y le digo que no haga reembolsos elevados hasta...
No, we have paranoia, schizophrenia, ambivalence, withdrawals, sibling rivalry, you name it, we've got it.
Tenemos Paranoia, esquizofrenia, ambivalencia, retraimiento, rivalidad. - Vemos de todo.
Letters to the banks in Copenhagen and Helsinki asking for a statement of any recent withdrawals by your two partners.
Cartas a los bancos de Copenhague y Helsinki... pidiéndoles notificación de cualquier retirada reciente de sus socios.
This exposed use of the thought with withdrawals, extensions and escapes, or even its very pattern, results, for the one who reads it aloud, in the music score.
Añadamos que ese uso expuesto de la idea con retiradas, extensiones y huidas, o incluso su propia pauta, desemboca, para quien lo lee en voz alta, en la partitura musical.
The withdrawals are the results of intimidation. Therefore your appeal, as presented here, is rejected.
Las declaraciones fueron emitidas por intimidación... por lo tanto los recursos aquí presentados serán rechazados.
Check into her banking account, particularly withdrawals.
- ¿ Sí, señor? Revisa su cuenta bancaria y presta atención a los retiros.
Oh, I knew she was making withdrawals from savings.
Yo sabía que ella retiraba dinero de sus ahorros.
"on March 1, Mitchell personally approved withdrawals from the fund."
"el 1 ° de marzo, mitchell aprobó personalmente retiros del fondo."
Besides, she is Sir John Basington's minx and accustomed to hasty withdrawals.
Además, es la manceba de Sir John Basington y está acostumbrada a eso.
Taking deliveries, making withdrawals, checking records, fire inspections...
Para recoger envíos, retirar material, comprobar registros, hacer inspecciones de incendios...
A lot of cash withdrawals in the last couple of months.
Muchos retiros de efectivo en los últimos dos meses.
Well, we're managing to cover the withdrawals with the cash on hand. For the moment.
Estamos cubriendo las retiradas con eI dinero disponibIe. por ahora.
you're used to withdrawals none of your business what if i have money to pay?
Estás acostumbrada a la abstinencia A ti no te importa ¿ Y si tengo dinero para pagar?
They went to the public records, got vouchers we requested for withdrawals.
Buscaron en los archivos públicos. Tienen los comprobantes del dinero retirado.
And withdrawals?
Y giros?
Since, he's had five incompletes, four withdrawals and still reads at a fourth-grade level.
Desde entonces, ha tenido cinco incompletos, cuatro abandonos y aún lee a nivel de cuarto grado.
This doesn't show any withdrawals.
Esto no muestra ningún retiro.
Don ´ t you think your couch is having withdrawals?
No te parece que tu sofa esta emprendiendo su retirada?
Bouncing checks... making withdrawals without telling me... not listening to his doctor's recommendations.
Talones sin fondo sacar dinero sin avisarme, no seguir los consejos del médico.
Dean, over the past 18 months, has four, five, seven, cash withdrawals of 4,000, 5,000, and up, and up.
- ¿ Qué? Dean, en los últimos 18 meses tiene 4, 5, 7 retiros de efectivo de $ 4,000, $ 5,000 y arriba y arriba.
You must be going through some heavy-duty withdrawals.
Estarás teniendo un fuerte síndrome de abstinencia.
My fake boyfriend is going through real withdrawals.
Mi novio de mentira tiene el síndrome de abstinencia.
But you take a few thousand withdrawals a day, you space it out over a couple of years, that's a few hundred thousand dollars.
Si sumamos unos mil retiros al día, en un par de años tendremos unos cientos de miles de dólares.
To keep up the momentum, the President announced a second batch of troop withdrawals and promised to reduce the draft call.
Para mantener el impulso, el presidente anunció un segundo lote de retiradas de tropas y prometió reducir la llamada a filas.
All these withdrawals, £ 100, £ 200!
¡ Todos estos retiros, £ 100, £ 200!
Your dead man is making cash withdrawals.
Su cadáver esta haciendo extracciones de dinero
His ATM card showed a couple of withdrawals after his time of death.
Su tarjeta mostró un par de extracciones después de su muerte.
Becket knew that when Henry extended the hand of friendship, he was capable of following it by frosty withdrawals of affection, unpredictable explosions of carpet biting, incendiary fury.
Becket sabía que cuando Enrique extendía la mano de la amistad, era capaz de seguirla por heladas retiradas de afecto, impredecibles explosiones de carácter, furia incendiaria.
Shrimp is suffering major withdrawals.
Camarón está sufriendo graves síndromes de abstinencia.
Stuart had made two withdrawals from the bank.
Stuart había hecho dos retiros del banco.
There's withdrawals made twice before.
Efectuó retiros dos veces antes.
That's for deposits, that's withdrawals, and this one... is for getting kicked in the face.
Esa es para ingresos, esa para reintegros... y esta... para partirte la cara.
Cheque stubs, credit cards, unusual, and usual, withdrawals.
Cheques, tarjetas de crédito, gastos inhabituales o habituales.
No cash withdrawals.
Ningún retiro de fondos. Ni ATM.
Unfortunately, we do need your mother to co-sign for any withdrawals.
Infortunadamente, necesitamos la firma de tu madre para extracciones.
Reza made four withdrawals from the company's discretionary account.
Reza hizo cuatro retiros de la cuenta discrecional de la compañía.
He's having some pretty bad withdrawals.
Tiene mucho síndrome de abstinencia.
Waited for the checks to clear, then made cash withdrawals, leaving each account with $ 1,000.
Se acreditaban los cheques, retiraba el efectivo dejaba $ 1.000 en cada cuenta.

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