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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You own it

You own it Çeviri İspanyolca

7,371 parallel translation
You gotta catch it on your own, boy.
Tienes que subir solo, muchacho.
At the time I thought, " Well, with some of your savings, maybe it's time you did something on your own.
En el momento pensé, " Bueno, con algo de mis ahorros, tal vez sea hora de hacer algo propio.
It's time you did something on your own. "
Es hora de que hagas algo propio. " 
That's why I asked her to marry me and now you're asking me to hide it from my own family.
Es por eso que le pedí que se casara conmigo y ahora me estás pidiendo... esconderlo de mi propia familia.
If you take things into your own hands again, that will be your ear on that machete, and it won't be no accident.
Como vuelvas a hacer algo así por tu cuenta, cortaré yo tu oreja con un machete.
I've seen you start trouble before... but I've never seen you do anything other than own up to it.
Te he visto causar problemas pero siempre te he visto hacerte cargo de todo.
You have no idea what it's like to find out that you've been taken advantage of for years by someone you love, or to meet the other woman in your own home, or...
No tienes ni idea de lo que es enterarte de que has sido utilizada durante años por alguien a quien amas, o conocer a la otra mujer en tu propio hogar, o...
He doesn't care about the penguins, he's just trying to feather his own nest, and he wants you and Livvie in it.
A el no le importan los pinguinos, el solo trata de emplumar su propio nido, y los quiere a ti y a Livvie en él.
You didn't trust that it could happen on its own.
No confiabas en que igual sucedería.
But I know you ain't the killer poisoned that coffee cause you almost drunk it your own damn self.
Pero sé que no eres el que envenenó el café porque casi te lo tomaste.
Now you know what it's like to be one of your own victims.
Ahora sabes lo que es ser una de tus propias víctimas.
Maya, it's important that you know that what we're about to do to you is for your own good.
Maya, es importante que sepas que lo que estamos a punto de hacerte es por tu propio bien.
Riley's voice : Maya, it's important that you know that what we're about to do to you is for your own good.
Maya, es importante que sepas que lo que estamos a punto de hacerte es por tu propio bien.
It doesn't want to accept the truth, but trust your own eyes, everything you've seen today.
No quiere aceptar la realidad, pero confía en lo que ves, en todo lo que has visto hoy.
It always sounds weird when you say your own name.
Siempre suena raro cuando dices tu propio nombre.
And I just want to say that even in the moments when, superficially, it didn't seem like you were supporting me and it seemed like you were criticizing my choices and doubting my talent, I know that you were supporting me in your own way.
Y quiero decir... que incluso cuando parecía que no me estaban apoyando... y criticaban mis decisiones y dudaban de mi talento... sé que me estaban apoyando a su manera.
No, because you did it on your own.
Lo hiciste solo.
You saw it with your own eyes.
Lo viste con tus propios ojos.
And I was, I just... it was, like, bad timing with everything, and, look, you got the job on your own.
Y yo estaba, como, en un mal momento para todo, y mira, obtuviste el trabajo por tu propia cuenta.
Or what do you think, is it actually b ) some son-of-a-gun drug dealer who's a little too smashed on his own merchandise to realise he's mislaid a small matter of, what, say, half a million in used 50s?
O qué piensas, Es de hecho "B" : algun hijo de puta narcotraficante que está un poco-demasiado enganchado a su propia mercancía para darse cuenta de que ha extraviado una pequeña, qué?
It can be very disturbing when you do things on your own.
Puede ser muy preocupante cuando haces las cosas por tu cuenta.
You're on your own wireless network out of here that isn't broadcasting it's SSID, but it's called outlair.
Estás emitiendo en tu propia red inalámbrica fuera de aquí que no está transmitiendo su SSID. pero se llama la guarida.
You know, I'm gonna take you up there so you can see it with your own eyes, but we don't have time with that now.
Sabes, te llevaré allí así lo puedes ver con tus propios ojos, pero no tenemos tiempo ahora para eso.
It did turn you into handing your own over at the bar, didn't it?
Hizo que entregaras a los tuyos al tribunal.
How about you're gonna let me have it'cause I'm in my own damn house? - Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh-shh...
Un poco.
It's because you're a stupid, little bitch, and you would do anything they tell you to do'cause you don't have a fucking brain of your own!
Porque eres un estúpido, pequeña puta, y harías todo lo que ellos te digan ¡ porque no tienes un puto cerebro propio!
And you can think whatever it is, but that's gonna have to stay in your own head.
Mira, yo no soy lo que buscas buscando.
'Every family has misunderstandings...''... and when your own hurt you, it's far more painful.'
Todas las familias tienen malentendidos. Y cuando los tuyos te hieren, es aún más doloroso.
When someone gives you a life, it ain't truly your own.
Cuando alguien te da una vida, no es realmente el suyo propio.
I don't even know my own number, can you believe it?
No sé ni mi propio número, ¿ puede creerlo?
Did you hear that, Dad, it's for your own good.
¿ Escuchaste eso, papá? Es por tu propio bien.
You will be allowed to take this, largely in the privacy of your own home, but you will be monitored to make sure you're taking it.
Se le permitirá tomarlos en la privacidad de su propio hogar, pero se le controlará para estar seguros de que se los está tomando.
You mustn't worry and you won't be on your own for any of it.
Usted no debe preocuparse y no hará nada por su propia cuenta.
Well, you know, it's nice to have your own place.
Bueno, ya sabes, es bueno tener tu propio lugar.
So, if you're O.D., it's gonna be your own goddamn fault.
Que si mueres de sobredosis será tu puta culpa.
It's a god damn miracle that you're still surviving on your own.
Es un maldito milagro que todavía estes sobreviviendo por tu cuenta.
You know, you can rant and deflect blame all you want, or you can own this, take responsibility for it, and go fix it.
Sabes, puedes despotricar y desviar la culpa todo lo que quieras, o puedes adueñartela, tomar responsabilidad por esto, ir y arreglarlo.
It's just, you start to lie, and then slowly but surely, it takes on a life of its own.
Es solo que, empiezas una mentira, y después, despacio pero certeramente, toma vida propia.
You keep it in your own bin, and if you don't have no room in your own bin, you'll keep it in your fucking house!
Mantenla en tu cesto, y si no tienes más lugar, ¡ la mantendrás en tu maldita casa!
It's like getting a valentine from your own mom, you know?
Es como que te felicite tu mamá.
What does it mean if you can't find your own dad's grave?
¿ Qué quiere decir que no puedas encontrar la tumba de tu propio padre?
- Look, I was going through my own shit at the time, and I let it infect the good thing that was happening between the two of you.
Yo estaba lidiando con mis cosas... y permití que eso afectara lo que ustedes tenían.
Do you have any idea what it's like to be ten years old and carry your own shit around in a bag?
¿ Tienes alguna idea de lo que es tener diez años y llevar tu propia mierda en una bolsa?
Now it's basically a fucking fork bomb, and you locked me out of my own system.
Ahora es básicamente una bomba fork, y me han dejado afuera de mi propio sistema.
I mean, it's bad enough I get jacked by the local neighborhood watch, but now you're gonna point my own fucking pistol at me?
Quiero decir, es bastante malo consigo alzado con el gato por el local, vigilancia de la vecindad, pero ahora vas a apuntar mi propia maldita pistola a mí?
Manjidou was saying that it should be time for you to start drawing under your own name.
Manjidou me dijo que es hora de que empieces a dibujar bajo tu propio nombre.
They dress you up, they tell you you can buy everything you want, act like you own the world, but that isn't it.
Te visten, te dicen que puedes comprar todo lo que quieras, actuar como si el mundo te perteneciera. Pero no se trata de eso.
I'm representing everything they said they want, you know. It's sort of like you are what you settle for, do you know what I mean? And if, you know, if they settle for being somebody's dishwasher that's their own fucking problem.
Represento todo lo que ellos desean es sobre conformarse con uno mismo sabes, si les molesta lo que eres ese es su problema si no te conformas con ello y sigue luchando, acabaras siendo lo que deseas solo hago lo que quiero y lo que siento correcto
Is it for my welfare that you want me to leave or your own?
¿ Es por mi bienestar que quieres que me marche o por el tuyo?
All I know is that when faced with your own death, it reminds you of what's important in life.
Lo que sé es que, cuando enfrentas tu propia muerte, te recuerda lo importante de la vida.
I own my own business, you've probably heard of it, actually -
Dirijo mi propio negocio, de hecho es probable que hayáis oído hablar de él...

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