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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ A ] / A word with you

A word with you Çeviri Fransızca

2,157 parallel translation
Do you mind if I just have a word with you for a sec?
Je pourrais te toucher deux mots juste une seconde?
Claire, Jackie, the sheriff and some firemen would like to have a word with you two.
Claire, Jackie. Le shérif et quelques pompiers voudraient vous dire 2 mots.
Can I have a word with you?
Est-ce que je peux vous parler?
Come and sit down. I wanted to have a word with you.
Viens t'asseoir, Je voulais te parler.
Fatty ding dongs, we's would likes to have a word with you... fathers to son.
Gros père, on a un mot à te dire, de pères à fils.
- He wants to have a word with you too.
- Lui aussi veut te parler.
- Atkins, can I have a word with you?
- Atkins, je peux vous parler?
I hate to interrupt, but Ed wanted a word with you in his office.
Je ne veux pas vous interrompre, mais Ed voudrait vous parler dans son bureau.
Tommy, could I have a word with you, please?
Tommy, je peux te parler, s'il te plaît? Sarah, ne...
Now, if you'll excuse us, I need to give myself a little insulin shot and I'd love a word with you.
Maintenant, si vous voulez bien nous excuser, il faut que je me fasse mon injection d'insuline et j'adorerais vous dire un mot.
May I have a word with you, Shirley Schmidt?
Puis-je vous parler, Shirley Schmidt?
Ms. Garrison, could I have a word with you, please?
Garrison. Ms. Garrison, puis-je vous dire un mot, s'il vous plaît?
Can I have a word with you?
Je pourrais te dire un mot?
May I have a word with you?
Je peux te voir une minute?
lemon, could I have a word with you for a moment?
Vous avez un instant?
May I have a word with you in your office?
Je peux vous dire un mot dans votre bureau?
Well, sir, there's someone here who would like to have a word with you.
Quelqu'un aimerait vous parler, monsieur.
I was hoping I could have a word with you.
J'espérais pouvoir vous parler.
Jemaine, can I have a word with you in the bathroom?
Jemaine, je peux te parler une minute dans les toilettes?
Could I have a word with you?
Je peux te parler?
May i have a word with you?
Je peux te parler?
These gentlemen'd like to have a word with you
Ces messieurs souhaiteraient te parler.
My daddy wants a word with you. Wakey-wakey.
Mon papa veut te causer. LE DÎNER On se réveille.
Allison, can I have a word with you please?
Allison, je pourrais vous parler?
mr. Newberry, I'd like a word with you, please.
M. Newberry, j'aimerais vous parler, si l vous plaît.
Peter, can I have a word with you?
Peter, je peux vous parler?
I wanted to have a word with you in private.
Je voulais vous parler, en privé.
Dr. Kaneda, I'd like a word with you.
Dr Kaneda, je voudrais vous parler.
Moscow want a word with you, Edik.
Moscou a deux mots à te dire, Edik.
Hey, cap, can I have a word with you?
Hé, Cap, je peux vous parler?
Can I have a word with you?
Je peux vous dire un mot?
Can I have a word with you a minute?
Je peux te dire un mot?
A word with you, Captain Fancher?
Puis-je vous parler, capitaine Fancher?
Can I have a word with you?
On peut discuter un peu?
Good morning, Fred. Honey, may I have a word with you, please?
Chéri, je peux te parler?
Can we have a word with you?
On peut s'entretenir avec vous?
If you could just have a word with her about me staying there.
Tu peux juste lui dire que je suis là.
And so when you go on with a word like civilization, it sounds like something that was attained.
Lorsque les gens emploient le mot "civilisation", on a l'impression qu'ils sont persuadés que nous l'avons atteinte.
May I have a short word with you?
Je peux vous dire un petit mot?
Are you sure you want a love poem with the word "cartilage" in it?
T'es sûr de vouloir un poème d'amour avec le mot "cartilage" dedans?
You're playing word games with me at a time like this?
Il faut bien s'occuper.
* well, every word you say is like a song with you * * everything is obvious... * please rethink this.
* well, every word you say is like a song with you * * everything is obvious... * S'il te plait repenses-y.
Well, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to have a word with my associate.
Bon, excusez moi, il faut que j'en discute avec mes associées
well, what's left of it. i mean, word is, is that cataldo left you with two residentials and the video store.
Je veux dire plus précisément, ce que Cataldo en a laissé avec deux résidences et la vidéothèque.
you should have a word with him.
Vous devriez lui parler.
"Moot" point, you said mute with a "u," the word's "moot," m-o-o-t.
"D'actualité", t'as dit "classée".
Hey, Bret, can I have a quick word with you?
Hé, je peux te dire un mot?
Guess you'd call her lucky, but with this being her family, I'm not sure the word "lucky" applies
On peut dire qu'elle a de la chance mais avec ce qui est arrivé à sa famille, je ne suis pas sûr que le mot chance soit approprié.
I will have a word with the floor manager, if anything comes up, I'll put a word in for you
Je parlerai de vous si un rôle se libère.
Well, how come we're all allowed to bust on Barney when he dates some skanktron, but when you sleep with the Crypt Keeper's dad, I'm not allowed to say a word?
Tu te moques bien de Barney quand il fréquente une pétasse, alors pourquoi je ne pourrais rien dire quand tu te tapes un mort-vivant?
Have you considered the possibility the reason you haven't been laid in the last decade has something to do with your routine use of the word "trim"?
Si tu n'as pas eu de relations sexuelles depuis 10 ans, ça a peut-être un rapport avec ton habitude de dire "founes". Ouais!

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