A year later Çeviri Fransızca
576 parallel translation
A year later.
Un an plus tard.
It's only because I was born a year later than him, there's a big difference between us.
J'ai seulement un an de moins que lui. Mais nous sommes très différents l'un de l'autre.
A year later, we come together with the wallop of empty paper bags.
Un an plus tard, on se retrouve avec la fougue de sacs en papier.
A year later, the gallery Gibelin opened with the first show of a young terrific painter :
Et un an apres, on inaugurait à la galerie Gibelin la 1 re exposition d'un jeune peintre autour de qui on faisait grand bruit,
He was hated by a father who committed suicide a year later.
Son pere le detestait. Il s'est suicide un an plus tard.
It was about a year later.
C'était un an plus tard.
Puis, environ un an plus tard, elle a repris le chant.
Then a year later, I fires at Joe again and miss.
Un an plus tard, je lui tire dessus et je le rate.
I saw him a year later, about Mony.
Je l'ai revu un an après à propos de Mony.
"Not until a year later in the city of Los Angeles did the case come alive again."
Un an plus tard, à Los Angeles, le dossier a ressuscité.
And him a year later.
Et mon père, un an plus tard.
But not quite a year later, several things happened that showed her to be in urgent need of help.
Mais moins d'un an plus tard, la situation devint alarmante.
- Then, over a year later -
- Et puis, un an plus tard...
But in turn, a year later Zèphe Maloret buried his father.
Mais un an après, chacun son tour, - c'était le Zèphe Maloret qui enterrait son père.
Ichi has returned a year later to pay his respects.
Si, Ichi y est retourné l'année suivante pour honorer sa tombe.
I bore Kikuchiyo a year later.
Kikuchiyo naissait un an plus tard.
A year later, the Prince died in Koethen, and I helped make the funeral music there, composed and performed by the former chapel master.
Un an après mourut le prince à Cöthen, et j'ai là-bas, en tant qu'ancienne cantatrice de la cour, aidé à faire les musiques de deuil composées et dirigées par l'ancien maître de chapelle. Cantata BWV 244a. Air pour soprano.
A year later though, as Pope Martino V, also Zanetta's mother forgave the fugitives, who brought as a present a nice baby just born, baptised Giacomo.
Un an après, comme le pape Martin V, la mère pardonna aux fugitifs. Ils lui laissèrent un magnifique nouveau-né, Giacomo.
A year later, I was still with them.
Un an plus tard, j'y étais encore,
And a year later, she gave police information Which led to the arrest of her postman.
et l'année suivante, elle informa la police et permit l'arrestation de son facteur.
He was hanged at leeds a year later Despite the abolition of capital punishment And the public outcry.
Il fut pendu l'année suivante à Leeds en dépit de l'abolition de la peine capitale et des protestations du public.
A year later, she died.
Un an après, elle est morte.
A year later, at the age of 16, I won a piano competition.
Un an plus tard, à 16 ans, j'ai gagné un concours de piano.
I saw him again a year later.
Je le revis un an plus tard.
At 22, he marries the daughter of an admiral, who divorces him a year later.
A 22 ans, il épouse la fille d'un amiral qui demande le divorce un an plus tard.
A year later, on the fifteenth of June in the year 1773 Redmond Barry had the honour to lead to the altar the Countess of Lyndon.
Un an plus tard, le 15 juin... de l'année 1773... Redmond eut l'honneur de conduire à l'autel la Comtesse de Lyndon.
- And who a year later he changed them all. And I believe, if not know that boredom? - Annie?
Elle les changeait tous les ans.
Francesca was born on July 10 a year later.
Francesca est né le 10 Juillet, un an plus tard.
A year later, the Grand Pavilion was built.
Un an après, on a construit le grand Pavillon.
A year later, Shostakovich himself was awarded the Prize.
L'année suivante, Chostakovitch a reçu son Prix.
- Almost a year later, I get this postcard from him... with this P.O. box postmark, you know?
Un an plus tard, je reçois une carte postale de sa part. Cachetée par la poste.
He had given the prototype of Ephemerol... to his pregnant wife, our mother... four years before it hit the market, and then again a year later.
Il avait administré le prototype d'Ephemerol... à sa femme enceinte, notre mère... quatre ans avant qu'il ait touché le marché... et encore, un an plus tard.
But a year later, I had as much money as the man was asking for the lot.
Un an plus tard, j'avais le montant que le propriétaire demandait.
This is Chinese dogwood, which is as you can see, a fantastic beautiful plant in flower but actually has a very nice edible fruit which follows later in the year.
C'est un Cornoullier de Chine qui est comme vous pouvez le voir une plante magnifique mais qui a également un très bon fruit comestible qui arrive plus tard dans l'année
It will be remembered that the host of last year's gala event was Chet Trask, who was later voted... the most popular man in college.
Pour mémoire, le dernier gala a couronné Chet Trask comme le garçon le plus populaire de la fac.
Un an plus tard, le nouveau président a toujours l'air d'un étudiant.
And three year later, he think he have pimple on back of his neck.
Trois ans après, il a cru avoir un bouton dans le cou.
"His mother, nor his father either." "One year later, my father while returning from America" "On the line of Brazilian Queen"
Son père non plus... car un an plus tard, mon père, en revenant d'Amerique, sur le "Brazilian Queen", mit fin a ses jours.
It was a year later.
Un an plus tard...
We're expecting a lot of Indian villages this year. Why not join us later?
- On est attendus chez les Indiens.
He later withdrew his submission. Kearny led a troop in three engagements this year.
Il la retira ensuite et prit le commandement d'une unité.
And, a year later, they dared you to break into that grocery store with them, and you went along, and you dragged me along, too, and we got caught.
On s'est fait prendre et t'as passé 11 mois en maison de redressement, moi avec.
But every year, a month later, in another parish, a new invasion is prepared.
Mais chaque année, un mois plus tard, dans une autre paroisse, une nouvelle invasion se prépare.
And now, one year later, the dream of the impossible has become a fact.
Et maintenant, un an plus tard, le rêve impossible était devenu réalité.
- Chen Sun? - He was a follower of Zeniya Gohei. Who was apprehended last year in Kanazawa, and later died in prison.
Un partisan de Zeniya Gohei, qui fut arrêté l'an dernier à Kanazawa, et qui mourut un peu plus tard en prison.
For not having a license for his car radio. He was hanged at leeds a year later
And here they come running at me a whole year later.
Maintenant ils me traquent, un an après.
He died a year later.
Il est mort un an après.
The man, later identified as 43-year-old Fred Atkins of Camelford, went berserk this morning during an argument over who was to be served first, and bit the counter girl on the arm.
L'homme est identifié. Il s'appelle Fred Atkins. Rendu fou furieux parce qu'il se croyait lésé, il a mordu la serveuse au bras.
Tied the knot nine years ago this January. And fathered a little feller one year later.
Depuis 9 ans en janvier, et y a 8 ans que j'ai un garçon.
I mean, you know, here's an 82-year-old man who's very emotional... and you know, and if you go in one moment, and you see the person's dying... and you don't want them to die, and then a doctor comes out five minutes later... and tells you they're in wonderful shape... I mean, you know, you can go crazy.
Un vieillard de 82 ans, qui a le cœur fragile, il voit sa femme en train de mourir et un médecin lui dit qu'elle pète le feu...
a year from now 43
a year ago 267
a year 660
a year and a half 29
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
a year ago 267
a year 660
a year and a half 29
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53