As i said Çeviri Fransızca
11,664 parallel translation
And as I said on the phone, there is no reason I can't come back.
Et comme je l'ai dit au téléphone, je n'ai aucune raison de ne pas revenir.
As I said...
Comme je le disais...
So, as I said, this phenomenon is mostly...
Alors, comme je l'ai dit, ce phénomène est surtout...
You said I clocked the car outside the restaurant?
Tu as dit que j'avais vu la voiture devant le restaurant?
Said I looked like Tess Daly, as if that's a bad thing.
Pour elle, je ressemble à Tess Daly.
I know you said you take it easy...
- Tu m'as dit de me calmer...
Well, remember when you said that if I could figure out a way to pay for the blender without using our rent money, I could keep it?
Et bien, tu te souviens quand tu as dit que si je trouvais un moyen de payer le mixeur sans utiliser l'argent pour le loyer, je pourrais le garder?
Okay, well, I hate to break it to everybody, but as co-habitant of said apartment,
Okay, bien, je n'aime casser l'ambiance, mais en tant que co-habitante du dit appartement,
I know that you said that you were fine missing Burning Man, but I saw the way you looked at those pictures.
Je sais que tu as dit que ça t'allait de manquer Burning Man, Mais j'ai vu la façon dont tu regardais ces photos.
Well, I heard you when you said that you wanted us to take this more seriously, so I thought I'd just pop by and see if there's anything you needed.
Eh bien, je t'ai entendu quand tu as dit que tu voulais que nous prenions ça plus sérieusement, je suis donc passée pour voir si tu avais besoin de quelque chose.
But like you said, I would appreciate it if in the future, you tell me if you're gonna do something like that.
Mais comme tu l'as dit, j'apprécierais que dans le futur, tu me dises si tu vas faire quelque chose comme ça.
And you said that I could return this case.
Et tu as dis que je pourrais rendre cette affaire.
And you said you didn't care if I backed out.
Et tu as dis que tu t'en fichais si je me retirais.
And when you said I only ever looked at you as competition, you were wrong.
Et quand tu as dis que je ne te voyais que comme une compétition, tu avais tort.
I said, how does it feel to know that you've taken the first step towards regaining control?
J'ai dit, qu'est-ce que ça fait de savoir que tu as fait le premier pas vers le regain de control?
Two days ago, I said I wouldn't pay him as much,'cause this winter really killed me revenue-wise.
Il y a deux jours, je lui ai dis que je lui payerai pas autant, car cet hiver m'as mis à sec financièrement.
- Well, I came to make sure you were as fine as you said you were. You missed quite a party.
Tu as raté une sacrée fête.
You as much as said you would help my boy if I let you take Wainwright.
Vous disiez vouloir aider mon fils si je vous laissais Wainwright.
That's... what you said the last three times I asked you.
C'est... ce que t'as dit les trois autres fois où je t'ai demandé.
Listen, um, I respect what you said the other day.
Écoute, je respecte ce que tu as dit l'autre jour.
I'm referencing what you said the other day.
Je cite ce que tu m'as dit l'autre jour.
you said I had no idea.
tu as dit que je n'en avais aucune idée.
Like you said, you don't have any right to be, so I don't even know why we're keeping this a secret.
Comme tu l'as dit, tu n'as aucun droit, donc je ne vois pas pourquoi on garde ça secret.
Say, Lois, I-I know you said this trip was couples only, but great news.
Lois, je sais que t'as parlé d'un voyage de couples, mais bonne nouvelle :
I'm gonna go get myself a coffee and try very hard to forget you said that.
Je vais aller me prendre un café et essayé d'oublier que tu as dit ça.
I got worried after you said you might not come back.
Je me suis inquiété quand tu m'as dit que tu ne reviendrais peut-être pas.
I'm sorry. You said a crash?
Désolé, tu as dit un accident?
So, when you said this was my home, too, that I should think of it that way, that was the tequila talking, too?
Donc, quand tu as dit que c'à © tait aussi chez moi, que je devais m'y habituer, c'à © tait aussi à cause de la tequila?
As the D.D.A., right now, I'm the only one here who can listen to what Slider said to you.
En tant qu'adjointe du procureur, je suis la seule ici à pouvoir écouter ce que Slider t'a raconté.
I thought you said he was here? !
T'as dit qu'il serait ici?
I swear you said you were from Florida.
Je suis sûr que tu as dit que tu étais de Floride.
You made a noise right after she said I have just as much to risk as she does.
Si, t'en a fait! Si, tu en as fait un! T'as fait un bruit après qu'elle ait dit que j'avais autant à perdre qu'elle.
I thought things were going fine, and then I started to think about what you said about how we're on this path, and you're kind of right.
Je croyais que ça allait bien entre nous, puis j'ai réfléchi à ce que tu m'as dit, le fait que la vie nous mène quelque part, et tu as raison, je crois.
I know what you said about Jules.
Je sais ce que tu as dis à propos de Jules.
I don't know if you did what Gary said you did, but the fact that I don't know, that's a problem.
Je ne sais pas si tu as fait ce que Gary m'a dit, j'en sais rien, et c'est un problème.
What the hell, I said "dance"!
Qu'est-ce que t'as, danse!
Yeah, you said if I didn't get you a big enough ring, I could get used to S'ing my own D for the rest of my L.
Oui, tu as dit que si je te donnais pas une bague assez grosse, je pourrais l'utiliser pour ma Q pour le reste de ma V.
Yeah, you said, and I quote...
Oui, t'as dit, et je cite :
- I said I'll go out with you.
- J'ai dit que je sortirais avec toi. - Tu as eu tort.
Then you said that you want everything that I have.
Tu as dit vouloir tout ce que j'ai.
I'd say I'm sorry, but you said it, right?
Je dirais bien que je suis désolé, mais tu l'as dit toi-même, pas vrai?
You said I was working the register today.
Tu as dis que je travaillais en caisse.
And of course, as the earl has said, I could not declare the joyous news until His Majesty has his proof.
Et bien sûr, comme le comte l'a dit, je ne pouvais pas annoncer la bonne nouvelle à moins que sa Majesté n'ait une preuve.
- Yeah? Yeah, I know, and I told you, but you said you didn't care if it wasn't work.
Oui je sais et je te l'ai dit, mais tu as répondu que tu t'en fichais si c'était pas pour le boulot.
Look, I thought about everything you said, and I really think I can make it work with Erin on the road.
Je pensais à tout ce que tu as dis, et il me semble que je peux gérer Erin sur la tournée.
When you said you were gonna turn up the heat, I had my doubts.
Quand tu as dit que tu allais faire monter la température j'ai eu des doutes.
And, hey, I wanted to start on knots in June, but you said she should enjoy life before the stress of college kicks in.
Et je voulais lui apprendre les nœuds en juin, mais tu as dit qu'elle devait profiter de la vie avant que le stress de la fac ne lui tombe dessus.
But I was really moved by what you said back there.
Mais j'ai vraiment été touchée par ce que tu as dit.
I mean, you said buying it was your single biggest accomplishment besides touching your toes that one time.
Tu m'as dit que l'acheter était ta seule grosse réussite excepté la fois où tu as pu toucher tes orteils.
You said you know what type of man I am.
Tu as dis que tu savais quel genre d'homme je suis.
I think I'll mistake what you said as a joke in poor taste and excuse myself to the bathroom.
Je vais prendre ça pour une blague de mauvais goût. Excuse-moi, je dois aller à la salle de bains.
as i said before 82
as i said earlier 16
as in 815
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as i said earlier 16
as in 815
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it turns out 330
as it goes 32
as it stands 27
as i live and breathe 101
as i was saying 398
as i told you 121
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as i told you before 18
as i see it 73
as i'm sure you know 58
as it stands 27
as i live and breathe 101
as i was saying 398
as i told you 121
as it turned out 75
as it should be 53
as i told you before 18
as i see it 73
as i'm sure you know 58
as i remember 54
as i am 41
as i understand 31
as instructed 23
as it so happens 16
as i'm sure you're aware 52
as i recall 330
as i say 155
as i do 42
as i thought 76
as i am 41
as i understand 31
as instructed 23
as it so happens 16
as i'm sure you're aware 52
as i recall 330
as i say 155
as i do 42
as i thought 76