But sooner or later Çeviri Fransızca
341 parallel translation
It may not bind our feet to the ground, but sooner or later, it overpowers us.
Elle nous tient pas les pieds, tôt ou tard c'est elle la plus forte.
You can change the scenery but sooner or later, you'll get a whiff of perfume or somebody will say a certain phrase, or maybe hum something and you're licked again.
On peut changer de décor. Tôt ou tard, on capte un parfum, une phrase ou un air fredonné. Et on replonge!
But sooner or later, you'll catch it!
On vous aura un jour!
Oh, sure, I know you're fast with your guns... but sooner or later you'll meet a man who's faster... or who doesn't fight square.
Oui, je sais que tu es rapide au pistolet. Tôt ou tard, tu rencontreras un gars plus rapide ou pas très réglo.
Perhaps, but sooner or later there'll be other.
Peut-être, mais il en viendra d'autres.
Those little heirs are hard to get hooked, but sooner or later, their turn will come.
Ces petits Crésus avalent difficilement l'hameçon, mais ils le font tôt ou tard.
We've given them the slip once or twice but sooner or later we're going to have to settle with them.
Nous les avons semés une fois ou deux, mais tôt ou tard, nous allons devoir leur faire face.
But sooner or later, they're gonna start resenting how the Klingons run things.
Peut-être pas, mais ils finiront bien par détester les Klingons.
But sooner or later... they'll find the school anyway, won't they?
Tôt ou tard, ils découvriront l'école.
Papa and mama do everything for you, for many years we haven't been lucky, but sooner or later it will change, we will grab from this oldie 7 or 800 million.
Papa et maman Font tout, pour vous. Pendant des années, on n'a pas eu de chance mais ça va changer. On va lui prendre sept, huit cent millions.
It's a lousy war, but sooner or later it's gonna be us or the communists.
- Ah, tout le monde sait que c'est une sale guerre, mais un jour ou l'autre, ce sera nous ou les communistes.
- No, Morel. There's something you're not telling me. But sooner or later, you'll have to tell me.
Vous me cachez quelque chose, tôt ou tard vous l'avouerez... j'arriverai à vous faire avouer.
There's something you're not telling me. But sooner or later, you'll have to tell me. Yes, I'll get it out of you eventually.
Vous me cachez quelque chose, tôt ou tard vous l'avouerez j'arriverai à vous faire avouer.
But sooner or later they'll come to us
Tôt ou tard, ils viendront à nous.
Mr. Reynolds owns you Fiddler is going to teach you but sooner or later, nigger, you're mine.
Monsieur Reynolds t'a acheté... Violon va t'éduquer... mais, tôt ou tard, sale nègre... tu seras à moi.
But it'll happen sooner or later.
Mais enfin ça m'arrivera bien un jour ou l'autre.
We'll find out who got Al sooner or later but we ain't got any time to start worrying about that now.
On saura qui a tué Al, mais chaque chose en son temps.
But you have to face it sooner or later.
Il faudra le faire tôt ou tard.
But we'll trace it sooner or later.
On le trouvera tôt ou tard.
This is a major undertaking, but it is a move... that is bound to come sooner or later.
C'est une entreprise immense, mais c'est un changement qui doit nécessairement arriver tôt au tard.
It'll be found of course, sooner or later, but maybe not for a week.
On le trouvera peut-être dans une semaine.
But can't you see that sooner or later we will be found out, and Eduardo won't see who you really are?
Tu ne vois donc pas que, tôt ou tard, tout se saura, et que tu seras mal vue par Eduardo?
But the answer to that is persistence... and the hope that sooner or later something will turn up... some tiny lead that can grow into a warm trail... and point to the cracking of a tough case.
Le seul remède, c'est la persévérance, et l'espoir qu'un jour, on découvre quelque chose, une piste ténue qui mène quelque part, et permette de résoudre une affaire difficile.
But don't worry sooner or later, we'll catch up with ya.
Et n'en doutes pas, tôt ou tard, on te rejoindra.
Of course life is precious, but everybody has to die sooner or later.
Vous ne sauverez rien du tout. Nous mourrons tous un jour.
But you'll have to know sooner or later.
Mais tu le sauras tôt ou tard.
I can just hear you now, accusing me of chasing excitement again but I feel sure America is bound to get into this thing, sooner or later and I had to get into it as soon as I could, and don't ask me why.
Je sais que tu vas dire que je cherche encore les ennuis. Mais je suis sûr que l'Amérique interviendra tôt ou tard. Je devais y aller, aussi vite que je pouvais, ne me demande pas pourquoi.
I have savings, that true... but I will need them sooner or later.
J'ai quelques économies, c'est vrai... mais j'en aurai besoin un jour où l'autre.
You can play tough now but you'll have to come down sooner or later.
- Tu seras bien forcé de descendre.
- It... Well, I'm sorry, Shirley, but it'll have to come out sooner or later.
- C'est... je suis désolé, Shirley, mais cela se saura tôt ou tard.
I hate to see it happen... but he has to go through it sooner or later.
À vrai dire j'aurais aimé l'en dissuader mais il lui fallait en passer par là.
But people are bound to find out sooner or later.
Tôt ou tard, ça se saura.
Of course, it makes my aeroplane obsolete but I should have thought of this sooner or later.
Évidemment, ça rend l'avion obsolète, mais j'aurais dû y penser.
But you'll come around sooner or later.
Mais ça viendra, tôt ou tard.
[Woman On PA] Dr Miller, call the switchboard, please Well, it's, uh, still a little early, but, uh, you know, sooner or later something usually breaks
C'est encore prématuré, mais tôt ou tard, on finira par trouver une piste.
But there's always tomorrow and the day after that and sooner or later you're gonna talk to me
Mais il y a toujours demain, et le lendemain, et le surlendemain. Tôt ou tard, vous finirez par me parler.
Now, listen to me. You've got to take Santa Elia sooner or later but I've gotta know what we're up against.
Il faudra prendre Santa Elia tôt ou tard, mais je dois savoir ce qui nous attend en face.
But I must keep on living, sooner or later, she will be back.
Mais je dois continuer à vivre, car tôt ou tard, elle reviendra.
But, anyway, sooner or later, they are going to kill me.
Mais, de toute façon, ils me tueront tôt ou tard.
You were the primer, Billy... but I guess, sooner or later, the lid had to blow off.
Tu as été le détonateur. Mais, tôt ou tard, ça aurait fini par péter.
But... the Shogunate's men will be here sooner or later.
En attendant, fais comme si de rien n'était. Mais si on découvrait quelque chose...
But I suppose it would have happened sooner or later.
Ça devait arriver tôt ou tard.
But don't forget I'll get the silver sooner or later
Mais n'oublies pas, j'aurais l'argent tôt ou tard.
He has an enormous talent, but the power of his genius will sooner or later destroy him.
Il avait énormément de talent, mais la force monstrueuse de son génie finirait par le détruire tôt ou tard.
- Not yet, but he'll turn up sooner or later.
- Non, mais ça ne saurait tarder.
'But I knew then that I'd get him sooner or later.
Mais je savais que je les aurais tôt ou tard.
But even if you do, sooner or later, they're bound to wind up in the hole.
Mais même si tu y arrives, à un moment ou à un autre, la boule ira dans le trou.
I know it doesn't sound like much, but, you see, Pointer here... is gonna find something better sooner or later.
Je sais que ça a l'air de peu... mais, tu vois, Pointer va trouver quelque chose tôt ou tard.
My mother said that sooner or later I would be able to, but I haven't.
Ma mère disait que tôt ou tard je pourrais, mais ce n'est pas vrai.
But sooner or later, with or without you,
Mais avec ou sans toi, je reprendrai le journal du réseau.
I'd have told Vanessa sooner or later, but I was afraid at the time.
Je l'aurais dit à Vanessa, tôt ou tard..
sooner or later 669
or later 18
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
but so are you 19
but sometimes 291
but so far 188
but she's gone 43
but soon 162
but some 28
or later 18
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
but so are you 19
but sometimes 291
but so far 188
but she's gone 43
but soon 162
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but so am i 35
but she hasn't 17
but seriously 409
but so what 89
but surely 93
but she couldn't 19
but she can't 33
but sir 122
but something 32
but so am i 35
but she hasn't 17
but seriously 409
but so what 89
but surely 93
but she couldn't 19
but she can't 33
but sir 122