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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Cross him

Cross him Çeviri Fransızca

616 parallel translation
Don't double-cross him or toss him around. When dear old Dad once gets mad he's a hound! "
N'essayez ni de le tromper ni de l'agacer, car quand mon cher, vieux papa 5'emballe il peut devenir méchant!
Your mother says I'm a crook, and your father thinks I tried to double-cross him.
Ta mère dit que je suis un escroc... et ton père croit que j'ai essayé de le doubler.
But I'll hate to cross him.
Mais ça me gêne de le doubler.
Now it's all right to cross him up.
Maintenant, on s'en fiche.
Bet him eight to five he can't, and I'll double-cross him.
Pariez à 8 contre 5 qu'il ne peut pas et je saboterai le tour. Tu vas arrêter?
You're not suggesting that I cross him, are you?
Vous ne suggérez pas que je le balance, non?
Well, supposing I do cross him.
Eh bien, disons que je le balance.
"Sherwin, Slatterly, Stevens." I can cross him off the list.
Sherwin, Slatterly, Stevens... Je peux le rayer.
You know Little Boy if you cross him!
Si tu trahis Little Boy...
You cross him, it means we're both out.
Si tu déconnes, on se fait virer.
I've never been the kind of guy that lets nobody double-cross him.
Je n'ai jamais été le genre de personne qui laisse quelqu'un le doubler.
... and the minute he's free, you'd double-cross me and go back to him.
"... et dès qu'il sera libre, tu me trahiras pour retourner avec lui. "
H. Watch me cross over, you'll see me stand beside him.
J'irai vers lui... et j'y resterai.
I saw him carrying the cross.
Je l'ai vu porter la croix.
When even the thief upon the cross beside him... asked him to remember, Jesus said...
Quand même le voleur sur la croix à côté de la sienne lui a demandé de se souvenir, Jésus lui dit :
Let your cross save him now.
Laissez votre croix le sauver.
Oh, did he think I could be cross with him?
Tu croyais vraiment que j'étais fâchée contre toi?
My pal trying to double-cross me! Excuse me, gentlemen, it's not my business but I saw him put the ring in your pocket.
Excusez-moi, messieurs, cela ne me concerne pas, mais je l'ai vu mettre la bague dans votre poche.
Think I'm gonna let him get away with a double-cross?
Je devrais le laisser me doubler?
You can't give Turkey another chance to double-cross you when you got this boy to pay him off.
Tu ne peux pas donner une autre chance à Turkey de te doubler alors que lui pourrait le faire payer.
He'll cross the Rio Grande, and the whole South will rally round him.
Il traversera le Rio Grande, et tout le Sud se ralliera à lui.
Drive him to Minchefls, he'll help him cross tomorrow.
Conduis-le chez Mincher. Il le fera traverser la nuit prochaine.
Don't be cross with him, Ma.
Ne soyez pas trop dure.
Don't cross with him, Jamie. You're too drunk to do yourself justice.
Arrête, Jamie, t'as trop bu pour te faire justice.
If you find proof that clears him, give him the Southern Cross.
Si vous avez une preuve qui l'innocente, confiez-lui le Southern Cross.
So you'd give him command of the Southern Cross, and no other reason.
Et que vous lui confiez le commandement du Southern Cross, et rien d'autre.
If I said to you that Sergei is waiting somewhere on earth you would cross seas and climb mountains just to see him again.
Si je te disais que Sergueii t'attend quelque part sur terre, tu braverais vents et marées pour le rejoindre.
Go back to the corporal. Tell him to pull the machine gun out. He's got to cover us until we cross the swamp.
Le caporal nous couvrira jusqu'à la traversée du marais.
I'm really very cross with him.
Je lui en veux.
Those guys decided to award the Congressional Medal to Drake and the Distinguished Service Cross to the officer with him.
Le sergent Drake va être décoré de la Médaille d'Honneur... et l'officier qui l'accompagnait, de la Croix.
It's your cross to bear. Stop giving him money.
Ne lui donne pas d'argent.
I'll try to get him to cross the border.
Çelà est une bonne nouvelle.
Then they weighed him down with a cross and scourged him.
Alors, ils le firent marcher avec la croix et le flagellèrent.
Let's bring him to the Red Cross. Hey!
Mettons-le dans l'ambulance.
He must have been set pretty flaton his feet'cause I caught him with a no-more-than-ordinary right cross. He didn't get up. He didn't move.
Ce jour-là, il devait avoir les jambes en coton... parce que je lui ai envoyé... un simple crochet du droit, rien de plus... il ne s'est pas relevé.
Was it justice, or was it charity that gave me my orders when I put him to death on the cross?
Était-ce la justice, ou la charité qui m'a donné l'ordre de le mettre à mort sur la croix?
I saw him cross the bridge. "
Je l'ai vu traverser le pont.
- Don't let him get away! - Get his Cross!
Empêchez-le, prenez sa croix!
If the man who took Jesus down from the cross and Laid him in the sepulcher is not worthy, who then is?
Si celui qui a descendu Jésus de la croix et qui l'a enseveli en est indigne, qui peut l'être?
Yes, I met him when he was collecting a DFC.
Oui, je l'ai rencontré quand il a reçu la "Distinguished Flying Cross".
The boys will take care of him for his long double-cross.
Les copains lui feront payer sa trahison.
[To make him cross the bridge I had to use force.]
Je dus l'y contraindre par la force.
This scorpion wanted to cross a river... so he asked the frog to carry him.
Il voulait passer une rivière sur le dos d'une grenouille.
She thought him utterly charming... though the truth was that he dribbled when he ate... and he was cross-eyed and bald and fat... and he had all sorts of little human habits... which would have irritated her very much... if she hadn't been in love.
Elle le trouvait tout à fait charmant, alors qu'en réalité, il bavait en mangeant, il louchait, il était chauve et gros et il avait toutes sortes de petites manies qu'elle n'aurait pas supportées si elle ne l'avait pas aimé.
This is the only one I've cross indexed for division, so don't let him keep it.
C'est celle que j'ai annotée, ne lui laisse pas.
Miss Cross, you're sure you haven't seen him?
Vous êtes sûre de ne pas l'avoir vu?
Miss Cross, yesterday you told the jury that your stepfather disappeared from home a year and a half before you killed him.
Mlle Cross, hier, vous avez déclaré au jury que votre beau-père avait disparu un an et demi avant que vous ne le tuiez.
He's sly so we can't trust him even if we cross into Hayakawa.
À en juger par sa conduite passée, on n'est sûrs de rien quand on aura porté l'or là-bas.
Bury him in the church courtyard. Make a cross.
Enterrez-le au cimetière.
If I have to cross the Poison Sea... I'll find him.
Même si je dois traverser la mer empoisonnée, je le retrouverai.
Tell him to go back and tell the others to surrender... because we now have them in a cross fire.
Qu'il aille dire aux autres de se rendre,

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