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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Didn't he tell you

Didn't he tell you Çeviri Fransızca

1,451 parallel translation
- Are you sure he didn't tell you anything?
- Tu es sûr qu'il ne t'en a pas parlé?
Before, you said,'He didn't tell us there'd be Peacekeepers here'.
Quand vous disiez "Il ne nous avait pas dit qu'il y aurait des pacificateurs"
So when you said that you didn't get a chance to tell the captain my idea... Uh-huh. -... what you actually meant was that you told him my idea, he rejected it out of hand and you didn't argue the point or even give it another thought.
Alors quand tu dis que t'as pas eu le temps de lui en parler... tu voulais dire en réalité... que tu lui avais dit, qu'il ne voulait pas de mon idée... et que donc t'as laissé tomber l'affaire.
He didn't tell you?
Il ne vous l'avait pas dit?
Morrissey came back for his stuff, he gave you some money, and you didn't tell the landlord. Which, by the way, is none of our business.
- Il est revenu pour ses affaires, il vous a donné de l'argent et vous n'avez rien dit au propriétaire.
He didn't tell you.
Il ne vous en a rien dit.
He kept asking where you were, and I didn't know what to tell him.
Il te réclamait, je savais pas quoi dire.
You're upset he didn't tell you he was fucking somebody else.
Ca te gêne de pas avoir su qu'il en baisait une autre.
So, wait. He had a booger, and you didn't tell him?
Attends, il avait de la morve et tu ne lui as pas dit?
- He didn't tell you it was his birthday? - No.
- Il t'a dit que c'était son anniversaire?
- He didn't tell you?
- Il ne vous a rien dit?
He didn't tell you where he was going?
Il ne t'a pas dit où il voulait aller?
Tell me how he winds up here, in this building, on this floor, in this room, on the same day you came to see her if he didn't know.
Dites-moi comment il a atterri dans cet immeuble et dans cette pièce, le jour même de votre visite, s'il ne savait pas.
Why didn't he tell you so you could tell me?
Pourquoi ne te les a-t-il pas données, pour que tu me les dises?
- Hey, I didn't tell you to kill nobody, OK?
- Hé. Je ne t'ai pas dit de tuer quelqu'un, OK?
Didn't she tell you what he did to her?
Elle vous a dit ce qu'il lui a fait?
Duddits didn't bother to tell you what job he had in mind for you.
Duddits n'a pas voulu vous dire quel rôle vous aviez à jouer.
He didn't tell you about my hobby?
II ne vous a pas parle de mon hobby?
Didn't he tell you to shut up?
On t'a pas dit de la fermer?
Didn't he tell you I'm blind?
Est-ce qu'il vous a dit que je suis aveugle?
- Didn't he tell you? - No.
Il vous a pas dit?
No, he didn't tell me you'd be coming.
Non. Il ne m'a pas dit que vous veniez.
Why did you tell her that he didn't know about her?
Pouquoi tu lui a dit qu'il n'était pas au courant?
He didn't tell me you were coming.
- On ne m'a pas dit que vous veniez.
He didn't tell you?
Il ne vous a pas dit?
He's married? Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Pourquoi tu ne me l'as pas dit plus tôt?
Oh, he didn't tell you?
Oh, il t'a rien dit?
He didn't tell you?
Il ne t'as rien dis?
He didn't have to tell me, you could see it in his eyes, in every thing he did.
Il n'avait pas à le dire, on le voyait dans ses yeux. Dans tout ce qu'il faisait.
He saw the killings and you didn't tell me?
Il a été témoin du massacre d'Archambault puis tu m'en as pas parlé?
To be frank, Man at his time of dying didn't tell me he loved you.
À vrai dire, quand il est mort, Man ne m'a pas dit qu'il t'aimait.
He didn't tell you to be tough.
Ni que tu sois forte :
He didn't want to tell you?
- Non. Il te raconte pas ça.
He fired your nephew. Didn't tell you?
Il vire ton neveu. ll ne te l'a pas dit?
Dex didn't tell you about that? No... no, he didn't.
- Dex ne t'a pas parlé de ça?
If this time traveller is trying to protect humanity... why didn't he tell you all this before millions were killed?
Si ce voyageur temporel essaye de protéger l'humanité Pourquoi ne vous a t-il rien dit avant que des millions de gens soient tués?
I can't believe he didn't tell you about that.
Je me demande pourquoi il vous en a pas parlé.
He didn't want you to know about it, but I came over here to tell you.
II voulait vous le cacher, mais je suis venue vous prévenir.
You just traveled cross-country to see your son for the first time since he was born and you didn't tell me.
Tu as traversé tout le pays pour voir ton fils pour la 1re fois depuis qu'il est né et tu ne me l'as pas dit.
He didn't tell you.
Il ne te l'a pas dit.
So he could tell you you didn't?
Pour qu'il te dise que non?
You didn't tell me he was such a good kisser.
Tu ne m'as pas dit qu'il embrassait si bien.
I didn't wanna be the one to have to tell you this about him... but he's perfect.
Je ne voulais pas te le dire mais... il est parfait.
- How did he know if you didn't tell him?
- Comment pouvait-il savoir, sinon?
He didn't talk about what it was exactly? He didn't tell you who the student was?
Et il ne vous a pas dit du tout ce que c'était, il ne vous a pas donné le nom de cet élève?
Didn't I tell you he was cozy?
Je t'avais dit qu'il serait à l'aise.
Didn't he tell you?
Il ne t'a rien dit?
Didn't you tell him he was rejected?
Son manuscrit n'a pas été retenu.
I didn't know what to do, he told me to tell you.
Je savais pas quoi faire. Il m'a dit de te le dire.
Didn't I tell you he was a tortured soul?
Je ne t'ai pas dit qu'il était torturé?
Well, I figured he didn't tell the others, but I thought you knew.
Je savais qu'il n'avait rien dit. Même pas à vous?

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