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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Didn't she tell you

Didn't she tell you Çeviri Fransızca

852 parallel translation
The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can't come back here and tell me that you didn't touch her!
La dernière chose dont elle se souvient c'est de s'être battu avec toi, alors tu ne peux pas revenir et me dire que tu ne l'a pas touché!
Your mother couldn't bring herself to tell you she was divorced. She didn't want you troubled by that.
Ta maman n'osait pas te dire qu'elle était divorcée.
I'll tell you why she didn't want to talk to me.
Je vais vous dire pourquoi elle ne voulait pas me causer.
Didn't I tell you she was clever?
Tu vois comme elle est intelligente?
Didn't MiIdred tell you the kind of girl I am when she asked you to dance with me?
Mildred ne vous a pas dit quel genre de fille je suis lorsqu'elle vous a dit de m'inviter?
Why the devil didn't you tell me she looked like that?
Pourquoi ne pas m'avoir parlé de sa beauté?
- Dale didn't tell me she'd met you.
- Vous vous connaissez?
I just didn't wanna get her mixed up in this thing. She can tell you who I am.
Je ne voulais pas la mêler à ça, mais elle vous dira qui je suis.
- Well, didn't she tell you that I...
- Elle ne t'a pas dit?
She asked me to be a good wife. But she didn't tell me how rude you are.
Mais elle avait omis de me dire que vous étiez si impoli.
Didn't she tell you?
Elle t'a rien dit?
I'm rather glad she didn't tell you, for it's good news.
Je suis ravi qu'elle n'ait rien dit, c'est une bonne nouvelle.
Oh, and I know what was wrong with that introduction. Danny didn't tell you, did she?
La présentation de Danny était incomplète :
Dad, I didn't want to tell you this, but do you know what she called you?
Je ne voulais pas te le dire, mais tu sais comment elle t'a appelé?
She didn't tell you what it is?
Elle ne vous a rien dit?
Ha-ha-ha. - Or didn't Lucy tell you she was going? - She told me.
Il n'a pas approuvé
Why didn't you tell your secretary to get things right before she ran off?
Votre secrétaire n'a rien organisé avant son mariage?
Didn't you tell me that she and Frank have always been in love?
Ne m'avez-vous pas dit qu'elle et Frank ont toujours été amoureux?
- She didn't tell you to hang yourself.
- N'y restez pas pendu.
Why didn't you tell me she had talent, besides being exciting, beautiful...
Vous ne m'aviez pas dit qu'elle était talentueuse et si belle...
- Why didn't you tell me she was here?
- Pourquoi ne m'a-t-on pas prévenu?
Why didn't you tell me that she was here in Paris?
Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit qu'elle était à Paris?
You must've forgotten to tell your mother she didn't want to see me!
Vous avez du oublié de dire à votre mère qu'elle ne voulait pas me voir!
And she didn't tell you anything?
Et elle ne vous a rien dit?
She thought you sent it and I didn't have the heart to tell her.
Elle a cru qu'il était pour elle et je n'ai rien osé dire.
Anyway, she doesn't blame you for it. Didn't she tell you not to feel badly?
Toi, tu n'es pas mis en cause.
I didn't tell you because it meant she had stolen them to protect Korvo. Consciously stolen them for him.
Ça signifiait qu'elle les avait volés pour protéger Korvo, sciemment volés pour lui.
That checkroom girl left without you, didn't she? Tell me.
Cette fille du vestiaire est partie sans toi, non?
What she didn't tell you was that she goaded me into doing it. She set me against him in every way she could.
Elle a juste oublié qu'elle m'avait poussé par tous les moyens.
Yeah, but you didn't tell me she was... - Hello.
Ouais, mais tu ne m'avais pas dit qu'elle était- -
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
J'ignorais qu'elle avait une arme et savait s'en servir.
Didn't she tell you she's had rheumatic fever?
Et ses rhumatismes articulaires?
You mean, she didn't tell you about that either?
Elle ne vous en pas parlé non plus?
How do you know she didn't tell Bannion anything?
Comment sais-tu qu'elle n'a rien dit à Bannion?
And she didn't tell you?
Elle ne vous a rien dit?
She didn't tell you about that, I bet.
Elle ne vous a pas dit ce que c'était?
Listen, didn't you tell me she left?
Tu ne m'avais pas dit qu'elle était partie?
Don't say I didn't tell you true She told you true
Ne me dis pas que je ne t'ai pas prévenu.
You didn't tell her to go crazy and do what she did.
Ce n'est pas toi qui lui a demandé de commettre cette folie.
You won't tell Aron that she didn't die?
Ne dis pas à Aron qu'elle n'est pas morte.
- Didn't I tell you she was beautiful?
Elle est belle, pas vrai?
Then why didn't you tell this to Miss Fern when she questioned you?
Pourquoi n'as-tu pas avoué ça à Mlle Fern?
If you didn't tell her, then why was she around here snooping'?
Si tu ne lui as rien dit, alors pourquoi était-elle en train de fouiner?
Didn't your aunt ever tell you she was receiving this sort of thing?
Votre tante vous a dit qu'elle recevait ce genre de chose?
Where did she go with him? Didn't she tell you?
elle t'a dit où elle allait?
Hey. You didn't tell me she was staying for dinner.
Tu ne m'as pas dit qu'elle venait dîner.
Didn't she ever tell you about all those lickings she got for things she didn't do?
Elle recevait des fessées pour ce qu'elle n'avait pas fait!
You didn't tell her about the brooch. She would have liked that.
Vous avez pas parlé de la broche, ça lui aurait fait plaisir.
Ben, you mean to tell me that you didn't notice that she was a woman?
Ben, es-tu en train de me dire que tu n'as pas vu que c'était une femme?
She didn't tell you because she didn't want you to wear it out of a sense of duty.
Et j'ai voulu vous éprouver.
Didn't give me a chance to tell you she was coming.
J'espêre que ma femme s'est occupée de vous.

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