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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Have you heard anything

Have you heard anything Çeviri Fransızca

416 parallel translation
- Have you heard anything?
Vous avez du nouveau?
Have you heard anything?
Avez-vous du nouveau?
- Have you heard anything?
Sais-tu quelque chose?
Have you heard anything from the hotel?
Vous avez des nouvelles?
Have you heard anything about the idiot?
Avez vous des nouvelles de l'idiot?
Have they seen him? Have you heard anything?
On a du nouveau sur lui?
Hey, Mac, have you heard anything lately?
Mac, tu as entendu quelque chose depuis?
Yes, I reason. But you do not have you heard anything tonight?
T'as rien entendu, cette nuit?
Have you heard anything? Not yet.
- Vous savez quelque chose?
Have you heard anything from any of the Dutch boys?
Des nouvelles des Hollandais?
- Have you heard anything from Brussels?
- De même. Des nouvelles de Bruxelles?
Listen, have you heard anything from up the river?
Des nouvelles de la riviére?
Have you heard anything?
Avez-vous entendu quelque chose?
Blake, are you kidding me? Have you heard anything?
Blake, te moques-tu de moi?
Have you heard anything yet?
As-tu des nouvelles?
Have you heard anything about the Persians?
Avez-vous entendu parler des Perses?
Have you heard anything from the secretary?
Vous avec des nouvelles du c? té des finances?
Sam, have you heard anything I've been saying?
- Have you heard anything?
- Tu as des nouvelles?
Have you heard anything from Senpachi in Oarai?
Vous avez eu des nouvelles de Senpachi de Oarai?
Have you heard anything?
MAIMUNA : Tu as entendu quelque chose?
Say, have you heard anything about NASA expanding and buying more property around the base?
Tu savais que la NASA allait acheter des terrains autour de la base?
Have you heard anything about Oscar?
Avez-vous des nouvelles d'Oscar?
Have you heard anything yet?
- Vous a-t-il répondu?
Have you heard anything yet, Mr. Graver? Don't worry about it, Alice.
Avez-vous des nouvelles, M. Graver?
- Have you heard anything?
Michael. - Du nouveau?
Have you heard anything?
Vous avez entendu quelque chose?
Have you heard anything about the girl'?
Vous avez eu des nouvelles de la petite fille?
Have you heard anything from your assistants?
Vous avez entendu quelque chose de la part de vos assistants?
You've never heard anything like I have to tell you.
Vous n'avez rien entendu de comparable à ce que je vais vous dire.
You haven't heard anything about Mr. Hollenius, have you?
Vous avez des nouvelles de M. Hollenius?
- You should have come to me. I asked you to tell me if you heard anything. I did.
Vous deviez me prévenir si on vous parlait de Floyd.
You wouldn't have heard of the producer. He has never done anything before.
Tu ne connais pas le producteur, il est nouveau dans le métier.
- You heard what Miss Inwood said. You can't have anything against Cooper now.
Il n'y a plus de charge contre Cooper.
Has everybody gone nuts? Have you ever heard anything so crazy?
Vous avez déjà vu des machines à laver la vaisselle?
Oh, by the way, have you gentlemen heard anything new about our murder case?
Au fait, avez-vous du nouveau sur notre affaire?
Have you ever heard of anything so absurd?
Avez-vous déjà entendu quelque chose d'aussi absurde?
You have not seen or heard anything.
Vous n'avez rien vu ni entendu.
If the Sergeant means what he says about giving anything, he might find the chance he's looking for. Because what you have heard is true.
Si le sergent est sérieux quand il dit être prêt à donner n'importe quoi, c'est peut-être son jour de chance, car ce que vous avez entendu est vrai.
Have you ever heard anything so awful?
Quels couacs!
Have you heard anything about our boy?
- Des informations?
You haven't heard anything about that bomb, have you?
Tu n'as rien entendu au sujet de cette bombe?
Have you not also heard them saying that anything is possible now that Commodus has become Caesar?
On dit aussi que tout est possible maintenant que je suis César.
You, er... you haven't heard anything, have you, sir? No.
Vous n'avez aucune nouvelle?
- Have you heard anything?
C'est peut-être mieux. Alors?
Well, then, you must not have heard anything about Batterville.
Vous connaissez le camp yankee à Batterville?
What you heard in Dodge doesn't have anything to do with us.
Ce que vous avez entendu à Dodge n'a rien à voir avec nous.
Oh but of course you wouldn't have heard anything.
Et tu n'as rien entendu, bien sûr. Viens voir le massacre.
Have you heard anything about that, Manning?
Et toi?
You heard a splash. It could have been anything.
C'était un bruit, ça pouvait être n'importe quoi.
Have you ever heard of anything like that?
- As-tu déjà entendu parler de ça?

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