I probably will Çeviri Fransızca
565 parallel translation
Which I probably will not.
Probablement pas.
Look, Taylor. If I go to the police, and I probably will... - don't worry about my bringing you into it.
Si je vais voir la police, comme je compte le faire, je ne vous mentionnerai pas.
I probably will, eventually.
Je finirai par la retrouver.
If she doesn't, I probably will.
Si ce n'est pas elle, ce sera moi.
Yes, I probably will.
Oui, probablement.
I'm sure the familiar strains of Verdi's music will come back to you tonight... and Mrs. Claypool's checks will probably come back in the morning.
La musique de Verdi nous reviendra ce soir et le chèque reviendra peut-être demain.
All right, I'll enjoy life now if it kills me, and it probably will.
D'accord, je vais profiter de la vie au risque d'y laisser ma peau.
I'll confess to you, Constantia, that what you will probably see for yourself there's a risk of my becoming rather an old fool about him.
Je dois avouer, que... Comme vous le constaterez vous-même, Il me mènera bientôt par le bout du nez!
He finds out whether I'm going to buy or not, and then he submits a proposition to Hanson House, who will probably pay twice as much as we can afford, just to keep Stanhope out of the low-priced field.
Quand il saura si j'achète ou non, il fera une proposition à Hanson House, qui paiera le double de ce que nous offrons pour garder Stanhope à l'écart de ce marché.
From what I've seen of the boy, the Kirbys are probably very nice and if things aren't too elaborate tomorrow night, why, it will be all right, too.
À en juger par leur fils, les Kirby sont sûrement très gentils. Ce n'est pas plus mal si les choses ne sont pas trop travaillées...
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si je pars, je peux gagner le pot. Si je reste, je peux le perdre. Et si je n'aide pas a porter les bagages, ma femme me fera la peau.
In the circumstances I don't think you'll wish me to continue as you will probably, most of you, have some other duty to perform.
Par conséquent... je ne saurais continuer... car vous avez sûrement d'autres devoirs à remplir.
I don't know, and we will probably never know.
Ça, je n'en sais rien et nous le saurons probablement jamais.
It will be a little difficult, but.. Since I'm an important stock holder, they'll probably listen to me.
Difficile, mais comme je suis un gros actionnaire, ils m'écouteront
The way I feel now, a good cat nap will probably make a new woman out of me.
Dans mon état, seule une sieste pourrait me remettre d'aplomb.
Gentlemen, probably no man can ever tell how L'Angelier met his death, and His Lordship will tell you that, in the prisoner's defence, I am not obliged to try.
Peut-être ne saurons-nous jamais comment L'Angelier est mort et en tant que défenseur, la loi ne m'oblige pas à le découvrir.
" The police will probably read this note so I can't tell you where I'll be.
" je ne peux pas te dire où je suis.
I don't agree with you... but the difference of opinion will probably remain academic.
Je ne suis pas de votre avis. Mais c'est un différend purement spéculatif.
And when I get to court, the judge will probably let you off.
Et une fois au tribunal, le juge vous laissera partir.
I have been told that her ladyship has gone to visit her aunt and will probably not return this evening.
Madame doit passer la nuit chez sa tante. Elle est chez sa tante?
I will probably kiss you before very long.
Je vous aurai embrassée avant peu.
Still, I will probably go to jail, and jails I've found unpleasant.
Mais encore, j'irai sûrement en prison, et j'ai trouvé les prisons déplaisantes.
It probably will, but I don't object to that.
Un peu, mais je ne m'en plains pas.
Now, mind you, I don't think you'd ever show any real style like some of my boys, but you'd probably lick them all because you got something inside of you that a lot of fighters will never have no matter how much I teach them :
Tu n'auras jamais autant de style que certains de mes gars, mais tu les allongeras tous. Car tu as en toi quelque chose que peu de boxeurs ont. Même après des années d'entraînement.
Well, I think my official duties will probably...
Je pense que mes devoirs vont...
"Some people will probably claim that I, Bernhard Borge, ought to know my own limitations and not dabble in occult matters."
"Certains prétendront sûrement que moi, Bernhard Borge..." "... devrais être conscient de mes propres limites, et ne pas me mêler des choses occultes. "
I better warn you, it will probably be pre-1941.
- Elle datera d'avant 1941.
Tomorrow I will probably be known throughout the entire Pentagon as old Dustpan.
Demain, tout le Pentagone va m'appeler la vieille pelle à poussière.
And I probably never will come back.
Pour sans doute ne plus revenir
He is the only man I know... Who will probably be presented the Navy Cross at his court martial.
La Cour Martiale lui attribuerait sûrement le Mérite Naval!
Juste à temps.
It will probably seem strange to you that I'm going to talk about things to do with my family
Naturellement. Je peux?
- I probably will.
Probably soon I will forget the smell of petrol.
Etje vais sans doute me déshabituer de l'odeur de l'essence.
Now, look, I represent Stefan Veliko while he's over here, so whatever you have to say will probably interest me more than Mr. Steed.
- Tenez! - Merci, Steed.
It will probably makes you laugh but I was willing to save you.
Ça va peut-être te faire rire mais je voulais te sauver.
If you listen to what I tell you, it will probably convince you that I'm insane, huh?
Écoutez ce que je vais vous raconter, et vous serez probablement convaincus que je suis fou.
I shudder to think how many things he can and probably will do about it.
Je frémis à l'idée de tout ce qu'il est capable de faire.
I am sorry, but the Yugoslav frontier is quite near and your dog's yapping can be heard clearly by certain gentlemen who, if they recognize me, will probably shoot me.
On est près de la frontière. Si les gardes entendent le chien et me reconnaissent, je suis mort.
But I think you'll be all right. The Germans will probably return you all your things.
Les Allemands vous rendront vos affaires.
Well, I'd say the New York money will probably lay about oh, 8-5 on Lancey.
La tendance générale sera sûrement de... 8 à 5 pour Lancey.
And I think that it will probably end there. What about Polly?
Et c'est probablement là-bas que ça se terminera.
So if I don't kill him with the operation, the drug probably will.
Si ce n'est pas moi qui le tue, ce sera le médicament.
Probably. That Kirk will find a few changes if I read my Spocks correctly.
Mais Kirk va trouver du changement, si je connais bien mes Spock.
Look, Archie, if it will please you, I will submit a list to you of my faults. Some of which will probably shake you up a bit.
Si tu veux, je peux te faire la liste de mes défauts dont certains te secoueront un peu.
But I will probably have to be... Ambassador to the Court of St. James.
Mais je serai sans doute dépêchée auprès de la Cour Royale britannique.
I know I've been a fool and I probably always will be, but Dolly, forgive me and marry me.
Je sais que je me conduis en fou, mais... Dolly, pardonnez-moi et épousez-moi.
Oscar, I don't now, I never have... and probably never ever will work in a bank. I don't even have a bank account.
Oscar, je ne travaille pas...
I've never seen a gathering of this magnitude. Probably never will again.
Et c'est peut-être aussi la dernière.
I'm going to Kyoto, but it will probably
Je pars pour Kyoto, je devrais probablement
Tell her I'll be back sometime tomorrow probably, will you?
Dis-lui que je serai de retour demain.
i probably shouldn't 29
i probably am 16
will 4406
william 1771
willy 296
will you 5002
willie 478
williams 400
willow 183
willis 102
i probably am 16
will 4406
william 1771
willy 296
will you 5002
willie 478
williams 400
willow 183
willis 102
willkommen 17
willing 37
willi 47
willard 96
williamson 37
willpower 20
willa 165
willows 29
willem 32
william shakespeare 26
willing 37
willi 47
willard 96
williamson 37
willpower 20
willa 165
willows 29
willem 32
william shakespeare 26