It is not okay Çeviri Fransızca
516 parallel translation
It is not okay.
Ce n'est pas O. K.
- No, Wayne, it is not okay.
Non, Wayne, ce n'est pas d'accord!
No, it is not okay!
Si, c'est grave!
Excuse me? The sea? Even though the weather is not ideal, it's not winter yet, so the sea should be okay.
Dans la mer? Alors la mer devrait être bonne.
What are you doing here? Why did not you ask your accomplice? Okay, it is clarified in the train.
Pourquoi ne le demandez vous pas à votre complice ça va, nous tirerons ça au clair dans le train.
- Okay. I'm not so sure it is. I'm not so sure I care to expose myself... to typical, instinctive masculine brutality!
Je ne sais pas si je souhaite... m'exposer à la brutalité masculine type...
Okay, now, all I want to do now... is to read easily through the script... and frankly, I'm not too familiar with it myself.
Maintenant, je voudrais qu'on fasse une lecture toute simple du script, que je connais moi-même très mal.
The sex is okay, it's not great.
Le sexe est sympa, Mais c'est pas génial.
Is that okay with you? 'Cause it's not okay with me.
Moi non!
Okay, now either that thing is going to work or it's not.
Bon, ce truc peut marcher ou pas.
David, 10 years is a long time to wait for something and not get it. Okay.
Dix ans à attendre vainement quelque chose, c'est long.
- It's okay. - Not only is Jacques Mayol... a very special friend... but he happens to be one of the best divers in the world! I'll go somewhere else.
- T'en fais pas, j'irai ailleurs.
Well, uh, then I'm okay, because this is a diary. It's not love letters.
Alors, ça va, parce que c'est un journal, pas des lettres d'amour.
This isn't the car, okay, it was a Volvo not whatever this is and there was a dead person in it.
C'était une Volvo, c'était pas cette voiture-là. Et il y avait un mort dedans.
Or is it just not okay for me to want you?
Je n'ai pas le droit d'avoir envie de toi?
Well, I can tell this is not love at first sight... but you got to live with me and I got to live with you, so... let's try to enjoy it, okay?
Eh bien, je comprends que ce ne soit pas le coup de foudre, mais vous devez vivre avec moi, et je dois vivre avec vous, alors... essayons d'en tirer parti, d'accord?
Whatever that is, I am not okay with it.
Quoi que ce soit, je ne suis pas d'accord avec ça.
It is not a disease! Okay? Not a disease!
Ce n'est pas une maladie!
Just get it straight. Lee is not into taking risks, okay?
Lee ne prendra pas de risques.
I mean, my system works just fine and it's all in one piece. No, Donna, what you have is not a system, it's a toy, okay?
Listen, I know that this is completely inappropriate, okay? I know that it is not my place to tell you how to raise your daughter... but I can't help it.
Ecoutez, j'admets que tout ceci est déplacé... ce n'est pas à moi de vous dire comment éduquer votre fille... mais c'est plus fort que moi!
What i don't like about america is the pursuit of empty talk combined with a very high degree of self-satisfaction if i ask my american agent how he is he'll say i'm extremely well not okay or well it has to be extremely well
Pourquoi? Ce que je n'aime pas aux États-Unis, ce qui me gêne, c'est cette tendance à parler pour ne rien dire et ce très puissant sentiment d'autosatisfaction. Quand je demande comment il va à mon agent américain, il répond : "Extrêmement bien."
Okay. Now this is gonna sound bad, but it's not as bad as it seems.
Ça va paraître terrible, mais ça ne l'est pas tant que ça.
- It is not for you. - Okay.
Mais pas toi.
No, it's not gonna be okay. Tomorrow is my last day and I don't have a lead.
Demain, c'est mon dernier jour... et j'ai rien en vue!
Well, is it okay or not?
Ça se passe bien ou pas?
I realize now that being waited on hand and foot is okay for your average joe. But it's not for me.
Etre entouré de gens qui vous sont dévoués c'était bon pour des gens ordinaires, mais pas pour moi.
- Okay is not the word for it.
- Bien, c'est peu dire.
Okay, but when I get back here, if she is not ready. I'm going to leave her ass here. Got it?
Mais quand je reviens si elle n'est pas prête je la laisserai ici, tu piges?
- Okay man, what is it? - Not now, please
- Pas maintenant, s'il te plait
Okay, it is not a prop for prop's sake.
Ce n'est pas juste un accessoire.
Why is it okay for two women to kiss, but not two men?
OK entre femmes, pas entre hommes?
It is so not okay.
Non, pas du tout.
No, it's not okay, Liz. None of this is okay.
Rien de ceci n'est O.K.
Why is it okay for them, but it's not okay for us?
Pourquoi ça serait possible pour eux mais pas pour nous?
Keys. Okay. I know my mom's car doesn't look like much... but not destroying it is the key to my and my mother's relationship, okay?
La voiture de ma mère n'a l'air de rien... mais la garder en état est la clef de ma relation avec ma mère.
Well, okay,'cause, I mean, it's not like this is my home or any...
Entendu. C'est pas comme si j'étais chez moi...
Une de mes amies - ce n'est pas moi - est enceinte.
This is not a nightmare, okay? So stop it.
Ce n'est pas un cauchemar, arrête!
Okay. The Alpha One is A-OK. But it asks that we not do that again.
L'Alpha 1 est intact, mais il demande qu'on ne recommence pas ça.
Why is it okay for you and it's not okay for me?
Pourquoi tu peux le faire et pas moi?
Okay, it's not a bad start, is it?
C " est un bon début, non?
And besides, why is it okay for you and not okay for me?
Et pourquoi c'est normal pour toi et pas pour moi?
Okay, so what you're saying is that this is not only a romantic problem... now it's, you know, intergalactic?
Ce que tu dis, c'est que ce n'est plus un simple problème amoureux... mais intergalactique?
And this is not a negotiation, so if it's okay with you, we can talk further.
Non négociable. Si tu es d'accord, on va plus loin.
Look, whatever you're thinking about, just forget it, okay? This is over now and you just gotta deal with it. It's not over yet'cause you don't know where you're going, and I do.
Je sais pas ce que tu mijotes, mais laisse tomber, c'est fini.
Then why is it, sir, you will not unlock the door? I'm sorry, okay?
Alors pourquoi, monsieur laissez-vous la porte fermée? Je suis désolé, OK?
His word is he'd be okay with it. - And if he's not?
Et j'ai sa parole qu'il est d'accord.
Okay, Phoebe, it is not just a book.
Ce n'est pas qu'un livre.
Okay, but like it or not, there's been a lot of changes lately. And this is hardly the biggest.
Que ça te plaise ou non, les choses ont changé, et je ne parle pas que d'ici.
Okay, yeah, Emma is a little bit older than me, but I gotta tell you, guys, it's not all about looks and sex for me.
Oui, Emma est un peu plus âgée que moi, mais je dois dire... y a pas que le physique et le sexe dans la vie.
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109