See what happens Çeviri Fransızca
1,878 parallel translation
Then we'll see what happens with Jake.
Laisse venir, pour Jake.
I guess people wanna see what happens.
Lls attendent le résultat.
You ever see what happens to people in the divorce who aren't their clients? - Now calm your shit down.
Tu as bien vu les méthodes qu'ils emploient contre leurs adversaires!
Say that again, and see what happens.
Répète voir.
You want to see what happens? I'm gonna show you what happens.
Je vais te montrer ce qui s'est passé.
We are not gonna stick around to see what happens next.
On ne va pas rester dans le coin à voir ce qui va se passer.
See what happens if you like cold water too much?
Tu vois ce qui t'arrive quand tu aimes l'eau à ce point'.7
Just wait till you see what happens now.
Attends un peu de voir la suite.
- Now, I could have a chat with the Major and then we'll see what happens, aye?
- Maintenant, je pourrais parler avec le Major et on verra ce qu'il se passera, ok?
- We cut off her hand and see what happens.
- On lui coupe la main, on voit ce qui arrive.
Does that mean we can get to cut off your hand next, Eve, and see what happens?
Est-ce que ça veut dire qu'ensuite on te coupe la main, Eve, pour voir?
See what happens.
Vois ce qui se passera.
Why can't we just see what happens.
Pourquoi on ne laisse pas venir.
You can tell him you love him, see what happens.
Lui dire que vous l'aimez, et voir ce qui se passe.
Why don't you say that shit again and see what happens!
Reparle de ça et tu vas voir!
So for someone else to beat me to the kill screen would be a let down. But let's see what happens.
Pour quelqu'un d'autre, tenter le kill screen serait peine perdue.
So he's been announced as a world champion. We'll see what happens now with Steve putting the pressure back on Billy Mitchell. Thank you.
Maintenant on attend une réponse de Billy Mitchell. je pense que ça lui a fait très mal.
Let's see what happens.
On va voir ce qui se passe.
I need to talk to her... see what happens.
Je dois lui parler... tu vois ce que je veux dire.
Take her for a drink, and see what happens.
Appelle-la. Emmène-la boire un verre, et tu verras bien.
See what happens when you mix religion and politics?
Tu vois ce que ça fait quand on mélange politique et religion?
You see what happens when we blurt out our theories?
Tu sais ce qui arrive d'habitude dans ce cas?
Let's just say you do the things the doctor recommends and... we'll see what happens.
Disons que tu fais les choses que le médecin recommande et... advienne que pourra.
Lets see what happens when we compare Rachel's numbers to election returns.
Voyons ce qui se passe quand on compare les données de Rachel aux résultats d'élections.
Then we'll see what happens after that, long-Term.
Et puis pour le long terme, on verra après.
Try it and see what happens.
Essayez-le et voyez ce qui se passe.
I didn't say you could make out. Do you see what happens when you leave me alone all night?
Tu vois ce qui se passe quand tu me laisses seule toute la soirée?
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Je n'en peux plus d'attendre la suite.
We'll see what happens.
Nous verrons ce qui arrivera.
Tell you what : clean him up, keep him close by, we'll see what happens.
Tu me le nettoies, et tu le tiens prêt. On attend de voir.
Well wait, ahah I wanna see what happens here!
Mais je veux voir ce qu'il se passe ici!
We were gonna go the festival route, but I think we found a guy who wants to distribute it himself, so, well, we'll see what happens.
On allait faire les festivals, mais je crois qu'on a trouvé un gars qui voudrait le distribuer, alors... On verra bien.
We want to see what happens when you mix sulfuric acid with toe jam.
On veut voir ce que donne le mélange acide sulfurique / crasse de pied.
Well, thank you so much for coming on the show, gentlemen, and we'll see what happens.
Merci beaucoup de votre présence à l'émission, et nous verrons ce qui va se passer.
"No one's died." Wait and see what happens to her when I fucking see her!
Pas de mort? Attends de voir ce qui lui arrivera quand je la trouverai.
Okay, let's turn him over... and see what happens.
C'est bon? On peut le retourner. Voyons ce que ça donne.
See what happens.
On voit ce qui se passe.
I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens.
J'aimerais bien mettre Pam devant un piano, sans ses lunettes, et voir le résultat.
Fire a gun at me again, see what happens.
Tire-moi dessus, pour voir.
Would you like to see what happens when I get angry?
Aimerais-tu voir ce qui se passe quand je me fâche?
To better understand the anomaly, I will now focus its radiation on a giant medium-sized ant to see what happens.
Afin de mieux comprendre l'anomalie, je vais diriger ses radiations sur une fourmi géante de taille moyenne pour voir ce qui va se produire.
Let's see what happens.
Voyons où vous voulez en venir.
We'll see what happens.
On verra ce qui va arriver.
- I mean - - Oh, try. You'll see what happens.
Essaie, tu verras bien.
I'm just waiting to see what happens.
J'attends de voir.
You see what happens to you.
Regarde ce qu'il va t'arriver.
Take one day at a time, then see what happens.
Ne te presse pas, prends ton temps.
Well, why don't you just give it a try and see what happens?
Pourquoi tu fais pas un essai? Tu verras ce qui se passe.
And I wanted to see what happens when I come down from that top view.
Je voulais voir ce qui se passerait quand je serais en bas.
Let's see what happens.
On laisse couler.
See, what happens in Vegas, you pay for when you get back home.
A Vegas tu dois dépenser du fric, mais quand tu rentre aussi!
see what i did there 45
see what i mean 250
see what they know 17
see what you think 16
see what we can find 16
see what i can find 21
see what you can find 52
see what 279
see what you've done 31
see what you can find out 42
see what i mean 250
see what they know 17
see what you think 16
see what we can find 16
see what i can find 21
see what you can find 52
see what 279
see what you've done 31
see what you can find out 42