Think Çeviri Fransızca
730,347 parallel translation
I think you're a hero.
Je pense que vous êtes un héros.
I mean, Roger actually gets democracy in a way, I think most people who cover politics don't.
Roger a une vision de la démocratie qui diffère de celle des autres.
Fifteen seasons of The Apprentice not only makes him a smooth television performer, but think of the way he looked.
Quinze saisons de The Apprentice l'ont entraîné à la caméra, et il était mis en valeur.
Do you think voters, non-sophisticates, make a difference between entertainment and politics?
Vous pensez que les électeurs lambda différencient le divertissement de la politique?
He had been through a lot, obviously, but I think he was just as resilient as ever.
Il en avait bavé, mais il est tenace.
We built on that, and I think when Roger was elected chairman of the Young Republicans, you know, that was the piece that finalized everything.
On est partis de là. L'élection à la présidence de Roger était la pièce manquante.
I don't think there's anything wrong with fear.
Qu'a donc la peur de si mauvais?
I think most observers didn't recognize Reagan's enormous appeal to blue-collar Catholics and working-class people.
La plupart des observateurs n'ont pas vu l'attrait conséquent de Reagan auprès des prolétaires catholiques.
He doesn't worry that you think he's a sleazeball. He wants you to think he's a sleazeball.
Il se fiche d'être vu comme une ordure, c'est ce qu'il veut.
The only thing I can think of worse than being talked about... is not being talked about.
Mieux vaut qu'on parle de moi en mal que pas du tout.
I think that what we provide for our clients, be them foreign countries or corporations or individuals, is a superior understanding of how Washington works.
Nous fournissons à nos clients, que ce soit des pays étrangers, des sociétés ou des individus, une compréhension supérieure du fonctionnement de Washington.
When people think of Washington corruption, they think of organizations like Black, Manafort Stone, that shook down dictators, took all their money, and then tried to take America's government and make them serve the dictators'interest.
Quand les gens pensent à la corruption à Washington, ils pensent à des organismes comme Black, Manafort Stone, qui ont extorqué des dictateurs jusqu'au dernier centime, pour ensuite tenter de saisir le gouvernement américain afin qu'il serve les intérêts de ces dictateurs.
I'm proud of the job I did at Black, Manafort Stone, because I made a lot of money, and I can't think of anything I did that was either illegal or immoral.
Je suis fier de Black, Manafort Stone, car je me suis enrichi, et je pense que rien n'était illégal ou immoral.
Well, I think there should be, frankly, more transparency.
Il devrait y avoir plus de transparence.
I like to do well, and I think I probably would have a pretty good chance.
J'aime obtenir de bons résultats. J'aurais mes chances.
Do you think that you centered Roger?
Vous avez canalisé Roger?
And I think, in some cases, she has been effective in doing so.
Je crois qu'elle a réussi, dans une certaine mesure.
I think we've got this figured out.
On a trouvé le slogan.
Do you think that's a legitimate issue? I do.
- Vous pensez que c'est un vrai problème?
I think the character of the president of the United States- -
- Oui, la réputation du président...
Do you think this issue of marital fidelity, which you keep blaming on the media, is a legitimate issue?
La question de la fidélité conjugale est-elle légitime?
I think something snapped in him when the swinger scandal happened, and he got chased out of Washington.
Il a changé après ce scandale. On l'a chassé de Washington.
Yeah, I think he played a role in the Brooks Brothers Riot.
Il a joué un rôle dans l'émeute Brooks Brothers.
But I'm the only one to approach what I think is the best story I've ever done on Roger.
Mais je pense être celui qui a écrit le meilleur article sur Roger.
He's obviously in love with Adolf Hitler in some form, and I don't think the Reform Party should be taking losers.
De toute évidence, il est en adoration devant Adolf Hitler, et le Parti de la réforme ne devrait pas s'entourer de ratés.
Do you think that Roger is up to something here that deserves closer inspection?
Vous pensez que Roger a quelque chose derrière la tête?
Do you think that Trump is just a stalking horse for, say, George Bush?
Vous croyez que Trump n'est que l'homme de paille de Bush?
I said, "Mr. President, what did you think?"
J'ai demandé ce qu'il en pensait :
I do think he is really alienated from the contemporary Republican Party.
Pour moi, il est en décalage avec le Parti républicain moderne.
He is, I think, spiritually, and now politically, a libertarian.
Je crois qu'il est libertarien, spirituellement et politiquement.
I think he's internalized some of the gay rights agenda.
Je pense qu'il a assimilé certaines idées du droit des homosexuels.
I think he's internalized some of the pro-drug agenda.
Il a assimilé certaines idées des pro-drogues.
I don't think that's changed at all.
C'est toujours le cas.
- But I don't think that's the case. - Well, you don't...
Je doute que ce soit le cas.
" Personally, I think it is brilliant.
" Je trouve que c'est du génie.
I think Trump has identified a legitimate hot-button issue.
Je crois que Trump a identifié un sujet sensible, mais légitime.
And I think that's one of the things that's always fascinated Roger, because, ultimately, it is all about the ratings and it is all about people watching and the eyeballs.
Ça a toujours fasciné Roger, car, au final, tout tourne autour de l'audimat et des gens qui regardent.
Roger is older now, and I think he sees the Trump campaign, at once as his creation, but also something that he's not allowed to participate in day to day.
Roger a vieilli, et je pense qu'il s'attribue le mérite de la campagne de Trump, encore une fois, tout en n'étant pas autorisé à y participer au quotidien.
And, meanwhile, I'm just making the very best case for him in public that I can,'cause I do think he has what it takes.
En attendant, je le soutiens en public le plus possible, car je le pense à la hauteur.
No. No, the Stone-Trump types, I think, are the conspiratorial.
Non, c'est plutôt les Stone et Trump qui adorent ça.
No, I don't agree. I don't think he had any choice,'cause he didn't bring this up.
Il n'a pas eu le choix, car il n'en a pas parlé.
While it'll be clearly a Trump presidency, I think it's influenced by a Stone philosophy.
Ce sera une présidence Trump influencée par la philosophie de Stone.
I think the campaign's being professionalized.
La campagne s'est professionnalisée.
I think he instills confidence in the campaign that they didn't have before.
Il inspire la confiance, et ce n'était pas le cas avant.
I think you would have problems like you've never seen before.
Vous allez rencontrer des problèmes inédits.
I think bad things would happen.
Ce sera la catastrophe.
I think you'd have riots.
Il y aura des émeutes.
Kind of a legend in political consulting, and, I think fair to say, one of the, if not the, architect of the Trump movement.
CONSULTANT POLITIQUE RÉPUBLICAIN Une légende dans le métier, et la base du mouvement Trump.
And I think whenever he kind of creates the dirty trickster thing for the media, he's having fun, but he's slumming a little bit.
Quand il incarne son personnage dans les médias, il s'amuse, mais il s'encanaille un peu.
And if he dies with that on his tombstone, I think he'll consider himself a success.
Si à sa mort, c'était son épitaphe, ce serait une fierté pour lui.
If Trump is elected president, I think Roger will see one more very significant impact he's had on world history.
Si Trump est élu président, je pense que Roger verra là une nouvelle preuve de son impact sur l'histoire du monde.
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think positive 41
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thinks 21
think positive 41
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think about it 2390
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