This one's on me Çeviri Fransızca
437 parallel translation
As me late husband used to say, "This one's on the house." Thank you again.
Comme dirait mon mari, c'est la maison qui régale.
You come barging in here at this unearthly hour. You wake me up by banging on my gong, scatter cigarette stubs all over my place and then you order me about as if I were one of Spike's waiters.
Vous débarquez ici à une heure indue, vous me réveillez avec le gong, vous laissez des mégots partout et vous me donnez des ordres comme si j'étais un serveur.
Ranger wants you and me to take care of this one - special occasion.
Ranger veut qu'on s'en occupe tous les deux - Occasion spéciale.
Oh, no, sir, this one's on me.
- Oh, non, monsieur, c'est un cadeau.
I don't know if you've ever had anything like this happen to you, but to be poor and unknown one minute and on top of the world the next, that's a feeling nobody can take from me.
Je ne sais pas, Dr Maxford, s'il vous est déjà arrivé d'être pauvre et inconnu la minute d'avant, pour ensuite devenir le roi du monde, mais c'est une sensation que nul ne m'enlèvera.
All you got to do is keep on looking... at me with adoring eyes... and maybe we'll get out of this in one piece.
Essayez d'avoir toujours l'air amoureux. Peut-être s'en sortira-t-on.
Petunia's always been in pretty close touch with the Lord. But this is a new one on me.
Pétunia a toujours été très proche du Seigneur mais là, ça me dépasse!
He's the one that put this curse on me.
C'est lui qui m'a jeté cette malédiction.
This one's on me, honey.
C'est pour moi, ma belle.
Maybe so. The first one is that Jet is probably where he can see this fire. Makes me remember there's an old line shack up there.
Mais on peut imaginer que Chet a pu voir ce feu, il a pu se cacher n'importe où dans les collines tout en ayant un point de vue confortable.
Of course... this girl, she's the only one I know who is not on the me side.
Bien sûr... cette fille, c'est la seule que je connaisse qui ne soit pas de ce côté-là.
For me, it is a religion. And one doesn't really care to see one's religion practiced... in an atmosphere such as this.
Pour moi, c'est une religion, et on ne tient pas à voir sa religion pratiquée...
Boss, I don't think there's room for this guy and me on one breeding farm.
Patron, il n'y a pas de place pour nous deux ici.
You know, there's history slathered over every square foot of this country of ours. And one time or another, me and the old lady has dozed it out.
Tu sais, l'Histoire est là partout dans notre pays, et parfois moi et ma femme, on la découvre.
Permit me to ask you one further question. In the event of armed hostility between this government and that of Soviet Russia, would you, if called upon, willingly bear arms on behalf of the government of the United States?
Je vous demande maintenant, si dans le cas d'une guerre entre les U.S.A. et l'U.R.S.S., vous seriez prêt à prendre les armes pour le compte du gouvernement des U.S.A.
No, this one's on me, too.
Non, c'est pour moi.
And one of them sticks a gun in my back and says "This party's going on till we say it's over, Buck."
Une d'elles me pointe une arme dans le dos et dit "La fête sera finie quand on le décidera beau gosse."
This one's on me.
J'y vais pour de bon.
Come on, let's make this one, me and you.
On s'en fait une, moi et toi.
Let's make this one you and me.
On s'en fait une, toi et moi.
- This one's on me.
- Je t'offre celle-ci.
I always say - and you can quote me on this one, boys - there's nothing succeeds like success.
Comme je dis toujours, et n'hésitez pas à me citer, un succès en entraîne un autre.
But, you've got 14 psychiatrist on this staff and two of'em are Negros and one of them should be down there with that boy and not me and you know that as well as I.
Mais vous avez 14 psychiatres dans votre équipe, dont deux Noirs... et l'un d'eux devrait s'occuper de ce garçon, pas moi.
There's no one but me on this boat.
Puisque je suis seul sur ce bateau...
There was always this risk and now that it's out in the open I for one welcome the challenge.
On a pris un risque et maintenant que la vérité a éclaté, je me réjouis de relever le défi.
That's the first time I hear this one.
Ah ben, c'est bien la première qu'on me le dit alors, ça.
If I can keep his eye on me he'll still think there's one of us in this house.
si j'attire son attention il croira que l'un de nous deux est encore dans la maison.
You put that away. This one's on me.
C'est moi qui régale.
You make one move on my trick this show... and you're gonna be singing "Hail, Brittania" on your backside... because your head's gonna be shoved up your ass.
Écoute bien, essaie de me piquer mon client, et tu chanteras Hail Britannia les quatre fers en l'air. Car je t'aurai mis la tête où je pense!
This man from New York seems pretty set on doing it- - the one who's coming out to see me.
Ce type de New York semble être bien décidé. Celui qui est venu me voir.
This one's on me.
C'est mon probléme,
Get down on this one and tell me how good it's goin'.
Occupe-toi de ça et dis-moi comment ça se présente.
This here producer out in Hollywood, his name's Hal Wallis, he's seen me on one of the Dorsey shows and he wants me to come to Hollywood.
Il y a un producteur à Hollywood nommé Hal Wallis qui m'a vu dans l'émission des Dorsey et qui veut que j'aille à Hollywood.
This one's on me.
Laisse-moi faire.
It's like this I met two guys on the street. They asked me for a cigarette, and I gave'em one.
J'ai rencontré deux mecs dans la rue, ils m'ont demandé une cigarette.
This one's on ME.
Je vous offre la session.
I think this one's on me.
Je crois que c'est à mon tour.
- This one's on me, Coach.
- Je te l'offre.
It's like a test, Mr. Braddock said if I do well on this one, he'll take me along on his other jobs.
Une épreuve, a dit Braddock. Si je marche bien sur celui-là, il m'associera à ses autres jobs.
Well, it's between me and this one other guy, and today's the day they're making their decision.
Il y a un autre candidat, c'est aujourd'hui qu'on saura qui ils ont pris.
But look, Ray, just to show you there's no hard feelings, this one's on me.
Ecoute, Ray, pour te montrer que je ne t'en veux pas, c'est moi qui invite.
Open up. This one's on me, partner.
Laisse-moi faire, vieux.
Woe, do you now leave me like a beggar? And this breast that loves and is attuned to you, why do you now repel it? Why bind in narrow shameful bonds the one born free, who on his own is his own and no one else's?
malheur vous me laissez comme un mendiant et cette poitrine qui en aimant vous a pressentis, vous la repoussez en bas et l'enfermez en des liens outrageusement étroits, elle qui née libre, sort d'elle seule et n'est d'aucun autre?
I swear on me Grandmother's life, as you walked out that door you came in this one!
Je jure, sur la vie de ma grand-mère, que quand tu es sorti par cette porte, tu es rentré par celle là.
On one instance... and that's saying if I did this, which I didn't... he's stating that, that's enough... For the rest of my life, watch me.
En une fois, et ça, c'est si je l'avais fait, ce qui est faux, il décide que voilà, il faudra toujours me surveiller.
And I'll tell you what. If there's a man on this ranch who can keep up with me for one week, then I'll marry him.
S'il y a un homme sur ce ranch... qui peut se mesurer à moi pendant une semaine, je l'épouserai.
This one's on me, Mr. Talbot.
Celui-ci est pour moi, M. Talbot.
Look, this is like the one my grandmother gave me and I gave it to my sister Margherita on her wedding day. Do you remember
Elle ressemble à celle que m'a donné ma grand mère je l'ai donné à ma sœur Margherita à son mariage, tu te souviens?
Like, okay, I had this one guy one time. He's walkin'down the street, and he steps on my foot.
Un jour, un mec descend la rue et me marche sur les pieds.
But I mean, I've had one day of work on this and two conversations about what's missing in my performance.
Mais après une journée de tournage... Et ça fait deux fois qu'on me parle de ce qui ne va pas.
- This one's on me.
- Simon Stagg. - Un gros prix
this one's for you 107
this one's on the house 18
this one's nice 16
this one's different 27
this one's my favorite 23
this one's called 26
this one's special 17
this one's yours 39
this one's mine 73
this one's 37
this one's on the house 18
this one's nice 16
this one's different 27
this one's my favorite 23
this one's called 26
this one's special 17
this one's yours 39
this one's mine 73
this one's 37
this one's good 21
on me 427
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
on me 427
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this is ridiculous 1419
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083