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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What are you wearing

What are you wearing Çeviri Fransızca

864 parallel translation
What are you wearing the heavy overcoat for?
- Pourquoi portes-tu un manteau?
What are you wearing to the banquet for Gaerste?
Que vas-tu porter au banquet?
What are you wearing?
C'est quoi, ta tenue?
What are you wearing, dearest child?
Mais qu'est-ce que tu portes, ma petite?
What are you wearing tonight?
Quelle robe porteras-tu, ce soir?
What are you wearing?
Et ce déguisement?
I mean, what are you wearing?
Je veux dire, que portez-vous?
And what are you wearing!
Et de quoi as-tu l'air?
- What are you wearing, George?
Que mettrez-vous?
Isn't she adorable? You're looking divine. What are you wearing?
Tu es divine, qu'as-tu donc mis ce soir?
- What are you wearing?
- Comment serez-vous travestie?
What are you wearing your old uniform for?
Pourquoi portes-tu ton uniforme?
What are you wearing?
Et c'est quoi, ces habits?
What are you wearing under there?
Comment tu es attifé?
What are you wearing?
Enlève ça!
Hey, what are you wearing those funny clothes for?
Hé, c'est quoi cet attirail?
What are you wearing today?
Que portes-tu?
Filumena, what are you wearing?
Mais comment es-tu habillée?
What are you wearing?
Mais que portez-vous là?
- What are you wearing?
Qu'est-ce que tu portes?
- What are you wearing that for?
- Pourquoi ce masque?
- What are you wearing?
- Qu'est-ce que tu portes?
Young man, what are you wearing?
Jeune homme, que portez-vous?
What are you wearing?
Que portez-vous?
Alice, what are you wearing to the Allens'party on Friday?
Que mettrez-vous chez les Allen vendredi?
- Jeremy, what are you wearing?
Jeremy, que mettrez-vous?
What are you wearing?
Comment il est habillé?
What are you wearing that for? To keep warm in bed?
Tu mets  ca pour avoir chaud au lit?
What are you wearing that gun for?
Pourquoi t'es armé?
What are you wearing?
Comment es-tu habillé?
What are you wearing?
Comment t'es-tu habillé?
Aurore, what are you wearing?
Aurore, dites-moi comment vous êtes habillée?
Now let me show you what the well-dressed men are wearing.
Je vais vous montrer ce que portent les hommes élégants dans ce pays.
What are you doing wearing that union badge?
Tu fais quoi avec ce badge?
I got news for you. If that's what dames are wearing now, I'm glad I'm in here.
Je vais vous dire, si c'est la mode du moment, je suis contente d'être enfermée.
What are you doing wearing this suit? Working in cabaret?
Où vas-tu, attifé ainsi?
Have you seen the house and what the children are eating and wearing?
Tu as vu la maison Et ce que les enfants mangent et portent?
And what in the world are you wearing?
D'où sort cet accoutrement?
He doesn't even know you're alive... What kind of perfume you're wearing, or... How gorgeous you are.
Il ne sait même pas que vous êtes en vie, quel type de parfum vous portez, ou combien vous êtes magnifique.
What perfume are you wearing?
Quel parfum portes-tu?
What the hell are you wearing a life preserver for?
Qu'est-ce que tu fous avec un gilet de sauvetage?
Ah, what a nice tie you are wearing.
Oh, la jolie cravate!
What have you... are you wearing makeup or something?
Tu t'es maquillé? Maquillé? Pas du tout.
What on earth are you wearing?
Qu'est-ce que vous portez?
What are you doing? You're wearing lipstick again?
Mais, tu as mis du rouge?
What kind of varnish are you wearing?
Quel type de vernis t'a-t-on mis?
What are you doing, wearing that...
C'est quoi ce costume de...
What the hell are you wearing?
Que diable portez-vous?
What have to done? Are you wearing mascara?
Tu te mets du mascara?
- Are you wearing this? - What?
Tu vas mettre ce pantalon?
What on earth are you wearing?
Mais que portes-tu?

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