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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Who called

Who called Çeviri Fransızca

3,473 parallel translation
Was that you who called me down here?
C'est toi qui m'a appelée?
And who called for her ride?
Et qui a appelé pour la course?
Can I, um, can I tell her who called?
Je peux lui dire que vous avez appelé?
We know who called it in?
On sait qui a appelé?
- Who called you?
Qui a appelé?
She is the one who called 911, though.
C'est elle qui a appelé les secours.
Who called her?
- Qui l'a appelée?
Are you sure it's the same man who called you about Beckett?
Tu es sûr que c'est le même homme qui t'avait appelé?
This is the guy who called it in. Says he was driving by and caught the tail end of the hijacking.
225 ) } Il a appelé. 225 ) } et a assisté au braquage.
- Who called it in?
- Qui l'a trouvée?
I can't remember who called me and said, "They've found him."
Je ne sais plus qui a appelé et m'a dit : ils l'ont retrouvé.
Found Banks'cell phone, you're not gonna believe who called him last night.
J'ai le portable de Banks, devine qui l'a appelé quatre fois cette nuit.
I'm with the officer who called in the 10-13 at Katrina Florists.
Je suis avec l'officier qui a appelé pour un 10-13 à Katrina Florists.
Who called?
Qui a appelé?
This boss you're talking about... isn't he the one who received us last time? The guy who called himself Bull?
Ce boss dont tu parles, c'est celui qui nous a reçus et qui s'appelle Bull?
Oh, how could I forget someone who called one of my most loyal clients obese?
Comment pourrais-je oublier quelqu'un qui a appelé un des mes plus loyal client "obèse"?
Was it you who called about Sabrina getting married?
Tu m'as appele en masque pour dire que Sabrina se mariait?
So I guess that was your mom who called me earlier looking for the address?
C'est ta mère qui m'a appelé pour l'adresse, tout à l'heure?
Well, you're the one who called yourself half-sister.
Tu es celle qui s'est appelée demi-soeur.
It looks like Barb got into a fight over coupons. with someone who called herself the Deal Diva.
Il semble que Barb se soit disputée à propos de coupons avec une certaine Deal Diva.
The name of the person who called Mrs Billings is Terrance Novak.
La personne qui a appelé Mme Billings est Terrence Novak.
- Who called this in?
- Qui vous a appelé?
Not the guy who called you a bitch.
Pas celui qui t'a insultée.
- Who called it?
- Qui avait raison?
I saw your man on TV, the one who called me a coward?
J'ai vu votre homme à la TV, celui qui m'a traité de lâche?
Find out who he called, who called him on the day he died.
Trouve qui il a appelé, qui l'a appelé le jour de sa mort.
I'm the one who called 911 about the Steinkellners.
Je suis celui qui a appelé le 911 à propos des Steinkellner.
Well, there's Tim, the bicurious therapist who called my sex line, and his beautiful goddess of a pilates instructor wife Giselle.
Et bien, il y a Tim, le thérapeute bi-curieux qui appelait ma hotline, et sa magnifique déesse de femme Giselle qui est prof de pilate.
If there's not doctor, then who called for last rites?
S'il n'y a pas de docteur, qui a appelé pour les derniers sacrements?
And you had no idea who was taunting you, who was doing the so-called egging on?
Et vous ne saviez pas lequel d'entre eux vous plottait, qui faisait ce qu'on appelle l'incitation?
I-I may have called that service from time to time, but I-I never knew who I was talking to. I mean, how would I?
Peut-être parfois j'ai pu appeler ce service, mais comment j'aurais pu savoir à qui je parlais?
Who the hell called you in?
Qu'est-ce que vous foutez là?
Who called this in?
Qui a appelé?
Anyone who runs away from his responsibility as a son is called a coward.
celui qui fuit ses responsabilités est appellé un peureux.
So, guess who just called me.
alors, devine qui vient juste de m'appeler.
I called a contractor who swears up and down he's gonna be available by the end of the week.
J'ai appelé un contractuel qui m'a juré à maintes reprises qu'il sera disponible d'ici la fin de la semaine.
He was just a horribly racist radio personality, who seemed to handle it well, when you called in.
Ce n'était qu'un animateur radio horriblement raciste, et qui l'assumait totalement quand on l'appelait.
People who observe Anonymous, see this group called Anonymous is going after this white-nationalist and say :
Là, ceux qui suivent Anonymous voient qu'on pourchasse ce nationaliste.
Which still doesn't explain where Gage is now or who Tracy called.
Ce qui n'explique toujours pas où est Gage ou qui Tracy a appelé.
When did our relationship turn into a "when I call you out, you must come out" kind of relationship? A person who hasn't called for the past 2 years, isn't this laughable?
tu dois venir "? 439 ) } n'est-ce pas risible?
It's called Hillary Clinton, the woman Who Should Have Been President.
Ça s'appelle Hilary Clinton, la femme qui aurait du être Président.
Who cares what it's called, Spencer.
On se fiche de comment ça s'appelle, Spencer.
Les russes espionnaient un officier du MI6 appelé George Ballard, posté à Moscou.
Well, the defense claims that the vial never existed, but what if you called one last rebuttal witness who happens to know that it did?
Et bien, la défense prétend que la fiole n'a jamais existé, mais si vous appeliez un dernier témoin à réfutation, qu'arrivera-t-il quand ce sera fait?
Broyles just called, and apparently they found a man who died in his apartment in Brooklyn.
Broyles vient juste d'appeler, et apparemment, on a trouvé un homme mort dans son appartement, à Brooklyn.
I've called you from work in my fields to give an example of what happens to those who desert me.
Je vous ai rappelés du travail dans les champs pour donner un exemple de ce qui se qui arrive à ceux qui me désertent.
You know a girl called Jane who used to live here?
Tu connais une certaine Jane?
Smoke clears, and the so-called insurgents are actually tribal elders who were about to vote down a measure to run an oil pipeline from their village to Uzbekistan.
La fumée se dissipe et les prétendus insurgés étaient en fait des chefs de tribus qui étaient en train de voter contre l'installation d'un pipeline de pétrole de leur village vers l'Uzbekistan.
Guess who she called ten minutes before she got on that elevator?
Qui a-t-elle appelé juste avant de monter?
Philip Seymour Hoffman and a guy who once wrote for a little show called Crank Yankers.
Philip Seymour Hoffman et un mec qui, un jour, a écrit pour un petit spectacle appelé "Les Magiciennes de la manivelle".
You look fantastic for a woman who's just been around the world, not to mention getting called into the sit room your first day back.
Tu es magnifique pour une femme qui vient de faire le tour du monde, sans parler de ton appel en salle de réunion juste le jour de ton retour.

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