And her father Çeviri Portekizce
1,724 parallel translation
Raeburn was very fond of her and she of him. And her father?
A Tours Narciso gosta que seus funcionários tenham a melhor aparência.
We're helping Jenny and her father.
Estamos ajudando a Jenny e o pai dela.
Her Mother Had Died In Childbirth, And Her Father Had Been Murdered.
A mãe dela tinha morrido quando deu à luz e o pai tinha sido assassinado.
Her mother had died in childbirth and her father had been murdered.
A mãe tinha morrido ao dar à luz e o pai tinha sido assassinado.
At least against the lady and her father.
Pelo menos contra a Senhora e o seu pai.
Them and her father.
São eles e o pai dela.
- And her father's upstairs?
- E o pai dela está lá em cima?
You know, and her father goes and spends it all and boom, that's it - the whole thing goes to hell.
O pai dela fartou-se de esbanjar e foi tudo para o galheiro.
But when Heidi's father moved her family away, I was sure I would love again, and soon.
Mas quando o pai de Heidi se mudou com a família da cidade, eu tive a certeza que iria amar de novo, muito em breve.
And she testified that she saw with her own eyes how the father...
E ela testemunhou que viu com os seus próprios olhos o pai...
And her mother and father.
E sua mãe e seu pai.
Her father raped and murdered your sister and threw her away like a broken doll.
O pai dela violou e assassinou a tua irmã, e atirou-a fora como uma boneca partida.
Your father beat up his parole officer to the tune of 62 stitches and a wire in her jaw.
O teu pai deu uma sova á agente da condicional. Levou 62 pontos, - e tem o maxilar partido.
And Jizzy, to her, sucks as a father.
- Ela não acha o Jizzy um bom pai. - Mas não deixa de ser pai deles.
Should ask her to go and talk with his father, before he arrives.
Deves falar com o teu pai, e pedir-lhe que se vá, antes que ele chegue.
Her father comes to me and asks me for a favor.
O pai dela vem até mim e me pede um favor.
If my father gets her and finds out we're behind her being there, he'll crush us.
Se o meu pai a apanha e descobre que nós a tínhamos aqui, dá cabo de nós.
" and my father sitting stiffly next to her.
"e o meu pai assentado ao lado dela."
Masaďs Among the men of the other villages provide cattle to the father to win the girl, and marry her later.
Entre os Masaïs, os homens das outras aldeias oferecem gado ao pai para conquistar a rapariga, e casar-se com ela mais tarde.
Your father missed his checkup this morning and April was nice enough to take off her lunch hour to make a house call.
O teu pai faltou ao check-up hoje de manhã. E a April foi tão querida que usou a sua hora de almoço para fazer uma visita ao domicílio!
To learn manners and to respect her father!
Aprender a ter maneiras e a respeitar o seu pai!
By the end of the night, she's going to be back at Juilliard playing the viola and making her father happy, because that's what you're going to tell her to do.
Porque é isso que lhe vais dizer para fazer.
Her father is for it, and her mother is against it.
O pai é a favor e a mãe é contra.
Witnessed her father die, and then ID'd her mother half an hour later.
Testemunhou a morte do pai, e identifica o cadáver da mãe, uma hora depois.
Her father just got released from jail and I know she wants to protect her younger sisters.
O pai dela acabou de sair da prisão e sei que ela quer proteger as irmãs mais novas.
And she's in my dressing room right now with a prairie oyster trying to sober up before her father sees her.
Uma das melhores do mundo. Está no meu camarim a beber um cocktail daqueles para a ressaca a tentar ficar sóbria antes de o pai a ver.
She carted his body out of that museum... so that her father could finally leave this world behind... and hopefully... find his way to a better one.
Ela retirou o corpo do pai do museu para que, finalmente, o pai dela pudesse deixar este mundo esperando que ele consiga passar a um mundo melhor.
Today, now, I appeal to you in the hope that you will understand... that when my client took her father's body so that she may bury him... so that he may rest in peace... and perhaps find some salvation... she did so acting on her humanity, on... the righteousness in her heart.
Hoje, faço o apelo a vocês na esperança de que compreendam que, quando a minha cliente levou o corpo do pai para poder enterrá-lo para que ele possa descansar em paz e talvez encontrar salvação, ela fê-lo agindo segundo a sua condição humana, com a justiça do coração.
When she was 9, she was in a car accident with her father, and he bled out in front of her while they waited for an ambulance.
Quando tinha 9 anos, teve um acidente de automóvel com o pai e ele esvaiu-se em sangue à frente dela até chegar a ambulância.
Her father totally freaked when he found out, and told her to end it.
O pai dela entrou em desespero quando ele descobriu, e disse a ela para terminar.
And now I'm thinking that maybe she knew the biological father of Randy was violent, and she may have wanted me to go with her.
Agora acho que ela sabia que o pai biológico do Randy era violento e talvez quisesse que eu fosse com ela.
After 1960 and my father's death, my mother continued to frequent our local cinema in Paris where she had the joy and surprise, 30 years on, of seeing again, with her son this time, Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire.
A partir de 1960, após a morte do meu pai, a minha mãe continuou a frequentar o mesmo cinema de bairro, na Avenida Salzbourg, onde ela teve a alegria e a surpresa de rever, 30 anos depois e mais uma vez, e na companhia do seu filho, Ginger Rodgers e Fred Astaire.
Your mother, impetuous, starry-eyed, married beneath her... and your father, well, he was never one to see the bigger picture.
A tua mãe, impetuosa, romântica, casou secretamente... E o teu pai, bem, ele nunca foi capaz de ver o panorama inteiro.
But when Badri uncle and father searched for her in the evening...
Mas quando o tio Badri e o pai procuraram por ela durante a noite..
And her rich father is after Gopi's life!
E o seu pai quer matar Gopi.
We got a dead goomar In Queens and her old ukrainian father.
Temos uma amante morta em Queens, mais o seu velho pai ucraniano.
She must go with her father back to Hever and by all means, shut herself up there.
Tem de voltar com o pai para Hever e de se isolar lá.
Tell Mary, the king, her father, sends his love and devotion.
Dizei a Maria que o Rei, seu pai, lhe manda o seu amor e adoração.
It was her father's and his father before that...
Era do pai dela e do pai do pai dela...
And you were the one who told her our dad was her father.
E foste tu que lhe disseste que o nosso pai era o pai dela.
And Dylan reconnected with her real father.
E Dylan reencontrou seu pai verdadeiro.
I have little communications with her ladies. And they tell me she is still strong but always begs the king, your father of his mercy, to be allowed to see you.
Tenho pouco contacto com as aias dela, que me dizem que ela se mantém forte, mas está sempre a implorar ao Rei, vosso pai, que seja piedoso e lhe permita ver-vos.
Harvey, she's your daughter, and you're her father.
Harvey, ela é sua filha, e é o pai.
Maybe listen and daughter is her father.
A miúda pode ouvir? é o pai dela.
Your father used to give a hard time to Katalina, and look at her.
O teu pai costumava ser exigente com a Katalina. E olha para ela!
But my father interrupted her career... and demanded that she forget her dreams.
Mas o meu pai interrompeu a sua carreira. E a minha mãe esqueceu os seus sonhos.
But then she started dating again, and I knew these men would just break her heart, like my father did.
Mas depois ela começou a sair de novo, e eu sabia que aqueles homens iam apenas despedaçar o coração dela, como o meu pai.
And which, probably, Shakespeare's father also taught her.
E que provavelmente teriam sido ensinados ao pai de Shakespeare.
After her own father's death Chuck was fostered by Aunts Lily and Vivian a renowned synchronized-swimming duo and sister neurotics who helped her build a new home, bee by bee.
Após a morte do pai, Chuck foi acolhida pelas tias Lily e Vivian, um conhecido par de natação sincronizada de irmãs neuróticas que a ajudariam a construir um novo lar, abelha a abelha.
While the bickering downstairs continued Chuck decided she had heard all the fighting she cared to and turned her attention instead to her father's dusty belongings.
Enquanto a discussão lá em baixo continuava... Chuck decidiu que já ouvira demais... e voltou a sua atenção aos pertences empoeirados do pai.
Seeing Dwight engaged in male bonding with her father and the Pie-Maker's father Chuck still found no indication of Dwight Dixon's true intentions.
Ver Dwight a confraternizar... com o seu pai e o pai do Fazedor de Tortas... não levou Chuck a descobrir nenhuma indicação das verdadeiras intenções de Dwight Dixon.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her father 134
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her father 134
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18