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But she didn't Çeviri Portekizce

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And he knew that she could be a little obsessed sometimes, but he didn't let it get to him.
E sabia que ela, às vezes, era um pouco obcecada, mas ele não deixou que isso o afectasse.
They also told a uni that Emily was supposed to be at a party last night, but she didn't show'cause she was grounded, but they don't know why.
Também contaram que a Emily ia a uma festa ontem à noite, mas não foi porque estava de castigo, mas não sabem o porquê.
She wanted me to, but for the first time in my life, I didn't ask.
Ela está escondendo algo pior.
Now she didn't know, but...
Ela não sabia mas...
But she didn't intend to stay that way.
Mas ela não queria continuar assim.
But she didn't take her bag, clothes, money, nothing.
Mas não levou mala, roupa, dinheiro, nada.
She had those gifts with her'cause she wrapped'em here, but she didn't say why.
Ela embrulhou os presentes aqui, mas não disse o porquê. Depois, ela foi-se embora. Horas depois, o Kelvin estava morto.
But she didn't take the hit.
Tentou fazer o certo.
He took a hit on the shoulder, and he's got a bump on the head, but he's fine, and before you ask, he didn't see you turn all Bruce Lee back there. Where's dinah? She's doing her job, working the scene.
Em breve descobriu que não estava sozinho.
We usually talked every day, and when she didn't call, I just assumed she was busy with a case or something, but... maybe there was something else going on.
Mas talvez estivesse a acontecer algo.
But she didn't show.
Mas ela não apareceu.
I come from a Jewish family but she told me Santa didn't come to our house because my room was dirty.
Eu venho de uma família judia, mas ela costumava dizer-me que o Pai Natal não ia a nossa casa porque o meu quarto estava sujo.
Yes, but she didn't want to.
Sim, mas ela não queria.
But get this, our new victim... she didn't play the violin or any instrument.
Mas reparem nisto, a nova vítima... Ela não tocava violino nem qualquer outro instrumento.
We didn't know if she was gonna make it. But look at her.
Não sabíamos se ele ia sobreviver, mas olha para ele.
But she didn't know who he testified against.
Mas não sabia contra quem ele testemunhou.
You didn't think she could handle it because you couldn't, but Deb is stronger than you are.
Pensaste que ela não iria conseguir lidar com isso, mas a Deb é mais forte que tu.
I just asked her about Brandon letting the permits lapse, but she said she didn't know anything about it. Hold on, hold on.
Só perguntei sobre o Brandon deixar a licença, mas ela disse não saber nada sobre isso.
But she didn't venture to say what?
- Não se atreveu a dizer o que era?
We didn't make her, but she sure is us.
Nós não a fizemos, mal ela é seguramente a nossa cara.
Well, I didn't get that far, but I can tell you, as of three days ago, she hasn't withdrawn a single cent.
Não cheguei a tão longe, mas posso dizer-te que, até há três dias atrás, ela não levantou um misero cêntimo.
Parker hugged her and she spit up on him, but Parker didn't seem to care.
O Parker abraçou-a e ela cuspiu-lhe, mas o Parker pareceu não se importar.
Blake's friend posted the video on WeTube, but she didn't make it go viral.
A amiga de Blake postou o vídeo no YouTube, mas não o espalhou.
It feels to me like this creature lost its arms, lost its jaw, but she didn't reinvent I.
Parece-me como esta criatura perdeu seus bracos, perdeu a sua mandíbula, mas ela nao reinventar I.
I stopped by earlier to check her propane, but she didn't answer.
Passei lá de manhã para verificar o gás, mas ela não me atendeu.
'Smriti didn't know who she was.''but I understood everything.''l already knew that Sangeeta she is your Smriti.''but when I found out that maybe..
Smriti não sabia quem ela era Mas eu entendi tudo. Eu já sabia que Sangeeta era a sua Smriti
Vera's a sweet kid but she turned into quite the establishment bitch, didn't she?
A Vera é uma doce miúda, mas tornou-se numa grande cabra, não foi?
She said she got stuck at work, but she worked in some office, and so it didn't make any sense.
Disse que ficou presa no trabalho, mas ela trabalhava em um escritório, então não fazia sentido.
But she didn't get high. She got clean.
Não se drogou, ficou limpa.
Odette would do the crime, but she didn't want to do the time.
A Odette cometia crimes e não queria cumprir as penas.
She asked me to meet her afterwards and said that she had a question for me, but of course, as you know, they canceled the show, and I didn't find out until the next day what had happened.
Ela pediu-me para ir ter com ela mais tarde e disse que tinha uma pergunta, mas como sabem, cancelaram o programa, só descobri o que se passou no dia seguinte.
She knew I would hate you, but she didn't want me to hate you.
Ela sabia que eu ia odiar-te, mas não quis que eu te odiasse.
We performed C.P.R. I tried to resuscitate her myself, but she... she didn't make it.
Fizemos reanimação, eu própria tentei ressuscitá-la, mas ela...
I tried calling Rory over and over, but she didn't pick up.
Tentei ligar repetidamente para a Rory, mas ela não atendeu.
I found two granola bars under her bed this morning. But at least she didn't lie about where they came from.
De manhã encontrei duas barras de cereais debaixo da cama dela, mas ao menos não me mentiu sobre a proveniência delas.
didn't kiss her either- - lame- - not a great closer, Ted- - but he finally kissed her, they started dating, she went to Germany, Ted kissed Robin, lost Victoria, Ted did a rain dance, got Robin, Ted and Robin broke up, Robin moved to Brazil, came back with a Latin stud,
Beijou-a, começaram a andar, ela foi à Alemanha, o Ted beijou a Robin, perdeu a Victoria, ganhou a Robin, o Ted e a Robin acabaram, a Robin foi para o Brasil, voltou com um garanhão latino, o Ted fez uma tatuagem.
There's a totally obvious reason why she would have jumped and no evidence that she didn't, but you're not ready to make the call.
Há motivos completamente óbvios para ela ter saltado, e nenhuma prova de que não o tenha feito, mas você não está pronto para o encerrar.
We didn't agree but she insisted on going to Germany.
Nós não concordámos, mas ela insistiu em ir para a Alemanha.
Her mom is alive, but she left her in the orphanage, and didn't want to know her.
A mãe dela está viva, mas deixou-a no orfanato, e não quis nada com ela.
But the one thing she didn't expect to feel was jealousy.
Mas a única coisa que ela não esperara sentir era ciúmes.
But she didn't take it?
Mas não a levou?
My mother might have taught me but she didn't get the chance, did she?
A minha mãe podia ter-me ensinado, mas ela não teve hipóteses, pois não?
I mean, and the weird thing is that she said she was hungover, but last night she said she didn't want to go out.
E o esquisito é que ela disse que estava de ressaca, mas ontem à noite ela disse que não queria sair.
She didn't use her fingers, but her eyes were flipping me the bird.
Não usou os dedos, mas os olhos dela estavam a fazer-me um pirete.
Yeah, but she didn't meet anyone.
- O quê? Não! - Mas ele estava no barco?
Owen didn't love the fact that she kept bailing out Rios, but it was her money.
O Owen não gostava dela ajudar o Rios, mas o dinheiro era dela.
I didn't get to frame it, but, um, I was thinking, maybe if she saw it, she wouldn't feel so alone.
Eu não consegui emoldurar, mas achei que talvez, se ela visse, não se sentiria tão só.
We didn't used to be. But she's become...
Não éramos, mas ela tornou-se...
But if he brought her back here, why didn't she try to escape?
Mas se ele a trouxe de volta para cá, por que ela não tentou fugir?
Look, I can stomp on the evidence till I'm blue in the face, but the question we still can't answer is, if she didn't do it...
Podemos questionar as provas até ao fim, mas o que ainda não sabemos é se ela não fez...
Their mom paid her to take of it, but she didn't take care of it, she had the baby.
A mãe dele pagou-lhe para ela se encarregar disso, mas ela não o fez e teve o bebé.

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