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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did they say anything

Did they say anything Çeviri Portekizce

92 parallel translation
- Did they say anything about me?
- E diziam alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did they say anything?
- Eles disseram alguma coisa?
Did they say anything?
- Eles falaram? - Não, nada!
Did they say anything else?
Disseram mais alguma coisa?
Did they say anything at all about
Eles disseram para onde levariam aquela coisa?
- Did they say anything about my butt?
- Disseram alguma coisa sobre o rabo?
- Did they say anything?
- Disseram alguma coisa?
Did they say anything to you? No, they just looked at me and walked out of McHale's.
Não, olharam para mim e saíram do McHales.
Did they say anything about Red Kryptonite?
Eles disseram alguma coisa sobre Kriptonite vermelha?
- Really? Anything new with them? Did they say anything new about themselves thatyou didn't know?
Alguma novidade de que ainda não soubesses?
Did they say anything about style?
Eles disseram alguma coisa do estilo?
Did they say anything?
Eles disseram alguma coisa?
Did they say anything to each other when he was leaving?
Disseram alguma coisa um ao outro à despedida?
Did they say anything about what part of Florida was hit?
Eles não sabem. Disseram alguma coisa sobre a região da Florida atingida?
- Did they say anything else? - No.
- Eles disseram mais alguma coisa?
- Did they say anything about his temper?
- Disseram algo sobre o feitio dele?
Did they say anything, anything at all that might help us?
Disseram alguma coisa, qualquer coisa que nos possa ajudar?
The signs - did they say anything about Christina's mother?
Os sinais. Eles dizem alguma coisa sobre a mãe da Christina?
- Did they say anything?
- Eles disseram qualquer coisa?
- Did they say anything else?
- Disseram mais alguma coisa?
- Hey, did they say anything?
- Eles disseram alguma coisa?
Did they say anything about Ceausescu?
Falaram alguma coisa sobre Ceausescu?
Did they say anything?
Disseram alguma coisa?
Did they say anything about a promotion?
E quanto a uma promoção?
Did they say anything else?
- Disseram alguma coisa mais?
Did they say anything about Carl?
Disseram alguma coisa sobre o Carl?
So... er... this school you auditioned for, did they say anything, you know, like why you didn't get in?
Então... a escola para a qual concorreste, disseram alguma coisa, tipo, porque é que não entraste?
Did they say anything that suggested where they were going?
Disseram alguma coisa que sugerisse onde iam?
Did they say anything about me?
- Disseram-te algo sobre mim?
Did they say anything to you?
Disseram algo a vocês?
So, these, these men, did, did they say anything?
Então, esses homens, não disseram nada?
Did they say anything to you? Before they, uh...
Por acaso falaram antes de eles...?
Did they say anything about the car?
Disseram alguma coisa do carro?
Uh, uh, did they say anything else?
Disseram mais alguma coisa?
Did they say anything about your leg?
Disseram alguma coisa da tua perna?
But what did they say first, before they said anything else?
O que disseram no início antes de dizer qualquer coisa?
Did the boy they picked up say anything?
O miúdo que apanharam disse alguma coisa?
Did someone come back from the dead and say they didn't feel anything?
Alguém voltou dos mortos e disse que não sentiu nada?
Did they say anything about that?
Disseram que estava empolgado.
And they didn't say anything about... why did mom leave?
Mas não dizem nada sobre... Por que se foi ela embora?
So don't say I never did anything for you because they're waiting for you right now.
Não digam que nunca fiz nada por vocês, elas estão à vossa espera.
- I did, and they didn't say anything.
- Fiz-o, e não me hão dito nada.
Did they say or do anything unusual?
Eles disseram ou fizeram algo fora do comum?
They say anything, did you hear any voices?
Eles disseram alguma coisa, ouviste as vozes deles?
Did they say anything at all?
Disseram alguma coisa?
They didn't say anything about me, did they?
Mouth, não disseram nada sobre mim, pois não?
- Did they ever say anything to you about that?
- Eles disseram algo sobre isso?
Did they talk, say anything?
Conversaram, disseram alguma coisa?
I told you, gentlemen I don't remember anything. It's all a blank. Yeah, you did, but, you see, that's what they all say.
Achei que vos tinha dito cavalheiros não me lembro de nada da noite passada, é tudo um vazio.
I do not know, they did not say anything
Não sei, não me querem dizer.
Did Rick say anything to you about Glenn when they got back from town?
O Rick disse-te algo sobre o Glenn depois de eles terem voltado?

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