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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did they tell you

Did they tell you Çeviri Portekizce

520 parallel translation
Wait a minute, did they tell you to entertain me too?
Espera um momento, ordenaram-te também que me entretenhas?
What did they tell you?
O que lhe disseram?
Did they tell you how they plan to dirty the throne?
Contaram-te como planeiam sujar o trono?
Did they tell you that?
- Disseram-lhe isso?
Did they tell you that was the custom of the white man? Yes.
Disseram que esse era o costume do homem branco?
Did they tell you how his mother birthed him, turned from him, gave him his evil name, and died?
Disseram-vos como a mãe o deu à luz, deu-lhe aquele nome e morreu?
Did they tell you how God's lightning struck down and branded him?
Como um raio de Deus o atingiu e o marcou?
Did they tell you how he spat in the holy goblet in the church at Valparaiso?
Contaram-vos que ele cuspiu ao senhor lá na igreja?
And did they tell you what happened his last voyage?
Contaram-vos o que aconteceu na última viagem?
Did they tell you how the whale marked him inside as well as out? Did they tell you that mischief was worked on his soul?
Contaram-vos como a baleia o marcou por dentro, e como destruiu a sua alma?
Yeah, what else did they tell you?
Sim, que mais te disseram eles?
Did they tell you that your crime wasn't serious?
- Foi o que pensei.
- Did they tell you about the Baroness?
- Contaram-lhe da baronesa? - Não.
Did they tell you to invite me as well?
Será que eles pensaram, em me convidar também?
What did they tell you at the asylum about your husband's condition?
Que disseram no hospital sobre a condição do seu marido?
- Did they tell you that?
- Foram eles que te disseram?
What did they tell you?
O que eles te disseram?
Hey, did they tell you about my touchdown?
Contaram-te como foi o meu touchdown?
They stole our water, Mel, did they tell you?
roubaram-se nossa água.
What did they tell you when you called?
O que disseram é que quando lhes perguntaste?
What did they tell you when you called in the food shortage?
O que é que te disseram quando informaste da falta de comida?
What did they tell you in Owsla? Think!
O que lhes disseram os Owsler?
What did they tell you?
O que é que eles te dissseram?
What did they tell you about me?
Que te contaram sobre mim?
I could tell you why they did it.
E vou-lhes dizer porque é que o fizeram.
Already there have been serious riots in your key industries and they didn't tell you that, did they?
Já houve grandes revoltas nas vossas indústrias-chave e não vos contaram, pois não?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Mesmo que digas aos tiras que eu planejei o golpe contigo... O que é que eles me podem fazer?
You didn't tell him they were your drawings, did you?
Bem, já está.
Well, to tell you the truth, I did, but I decided they could meet without me.
Na verdade sim, mas Eu decidi ficar juntos sem mim.
Did he tell you they threw him out?
ele Ihe disse que foi expulso?
What did they tell you?
Vamos, responda-me!
Well, didn't they tell you what I did?
- Não te disseram o que fiz?
Did I tell you they'd be here?
Não te disse que estariam aqui?
How much did they pay you? I tell you, Mr. Bishop, I've never seen him.
Eu lhe digo, Sr. Bishop, que nunca o vi.
Tell me, which lunatic asylum did they get you out of?
Diga-me, a que asilo de malucos o foram buscar?
Tell me, did you find out where they are keeping Muda-Hassim? The refuge of the falcon.
Sim, Brooke prendeu o Rajá num mosteiro, do monte Faborum.
Did she tell your fortune? Did she say you should spread your charms, and they will return many fold?
Disse-te que se espalhasses o teu encanto, ele voltava a dobrar?
Do you think you can find the energy to tell me what they did to our professor?
Acha que encontraria forças para dizer-me o que eles fizeram com nosso professor?
Look, why don't you tell Captain Kirk or Dr. McCoy what you did, and they'll explain it to you, okay?
Diga ao Capitão Kirk ou ao Doutor Mcoy o que você fez e eles vão lhe explicar, ok?
Tell me, Posey, what did they lock you up for?
Diz-me, Posey, por que é que te prenderam?
Did they make you tell them about Taylor, too?
Obrigaram-te a contar do Taylor?
Did he tell you of our Highland chiefs strutting like peacocks on the streets of Paris, drinking and quarrelling over the day they would return?
Falou-lhe ele acerca dos nossos líderes falando como pavões nas ruas de Paris bebendo e brigando acerca do dia do retorno? Ele falou-lhe disso?
Did he tell you how they died?
Disse-lhe como eles morreram?
Did he tell you how they died, lonely old men in attic rooms?
Ele disse-te como eles morreram, esses homens idosos solitários em quartos pequenos?
You just tell me did they find the mother lode?
Diz-me apenas... eles acharam o filão principal?
Well, uh, you know, I did wanna tell you, they've definitely established now that your uncle passed away from an electrical shock.
Queria dizer-lhe uma coisa... Concluíram que o seu tio morreu vítima de um choque eléctrico.
Did I ever tell you where they come from?
Nunca lhe diz de onde eles vem?
Tell me about the people, how did they welcome you?
Diga-me, como foi que os habitantes os receberam?
I don't give a fuck what they tell you women, when the sex is over, the man be talking shit like, did she come, I wonder if she came,
Não me interessa o que dizem às mulheres. Quando o sexo acaba, os homens pensam :
Your brother said it was easy to clean, they did tell you it was the same house didn't they?
O seu irmão disse que seria fácil de limpar, disseram-lhe que era a mesma casa, não foi?
Did they ever tell you how our parents died?
Alguma vez te disseram como morreram os nossos pais?

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