Going away Çeviri Portekizce
4,112 parallel translation
Going away for an entire year, I am going to need someone to watch my back.
Ir para aventura durante um ano inteiro, vou precisar de alguém que olhe por mim.
- I thought you weren't going away again.
- Pensei que não voltarias a viajar. - Eu sei.
Going away?
Vai viajar?
How long are we going away for?
Por quanto tempo vamos estar fora?
But I know what you mean. This going away to college thing. We just send them off?
Mas entendo-o, tudo isto de ir para faculdade vão-se e não sabemos onde estão em cada momento.
No, I don't. He's such a wreck about her going away.
Está muito nervoso por ela se ir embora.
She's not going away.
Não se vai embora.
Fine, dude, keep it all locked away for a few more years, but it's not going away.
Tudo bem, meu, mantém tudo preso a sete chaves durante uns anos, mas não vai desaparecer.
He's going away tonight.
Ele vai-se embora hoje à noite.
Going away, Billy?
Vai a algum lado, Billy?
They are counting, the ice is cleared away, and Challenger should be going away very soon.
Estão na contagem, o gelo dissipou-se, e o vaivém espacial deverá ser lançado muito em breve.
Mark, why didn't you give her our going away card?
Mark, porque não lhe deste o nosso cartão de despedida?
We got you a going away card.
Fizemos-te um postal de despedida.
I'm going away on a trip.
Vou de viagem.
He copes by going away.
Só está bem fora daqui.
And on the bright side, Sally was crushed you were going away.
Pelo lado positivo, a Sally ficou destroçada por ires embora.
So the DVDs, the web site, it was all going away.
Os DVDs, o site, acabaria tudo.
And I'm telling you, this guy is not going away.
Estou a avisar, esse homem não vai parar.
If I go away, they're going to start thinking that I killed him.
Se eu desaparecer, eles vão começar a pensar que eu o matei.
We're going to need to take it away.
Vamos precisar de o levar.
Are you going to plunk away all day, or will you come hunting?
Vai tocar o dia todo, ou vem caçar?
I'm going to take Danny's computer away for examination.
Tenho de levar o computador do Danny para investigação.
They're not going to take her away from you.
Eles não vão levá-la para longe de ti.
They're not going to take her away.
Eles não vão levá-la.
I'm going to put this away.
É melhor guardar isto.
And since you're new, they're going to try and test you, see what they can get away with. So just say no for a while.
E uma vez que és novato, eles vão pôr-te à prova e testar-te, ver como conseguem saír impunes.Então, basta dizeres não por algum tempo.
If I'm going to take that child away from her biological parent, yes, she does.
Se eu vou tirar essa criança do seu parente biológico, sim, ela tem.
Hey, what the hell's going on? Department of Family Services is taking us away.
O Serviço Social vai levar-nos embora.
Going out to a football match and staying away a week.
Sair para uma partida de futebol e ficar afastado por uma semana.
But we're already late. Something is going on here that I don't know anything about, so I'm walking away.
Passa-se algo que eu não faço ideia, por isso, vou-me embora.
Beverly loved those letters, they were the only thing that kept her going with him away.
A Beverly adorava aquelas cartas, eram a única coisa que a animavam enquanto ele esteve longe.
You said you were going to make it all go away.
Disseste que farias com que tudo desaparecesse.
Susan, I know you don't think that anybody can possibly understand all the emotions that you're going through right now, since your husband was taken away from you.
Juro. Susan, sei que pensa que ninguém pode compreender todas as emoções que está a vivenciar neste momento, desde que o seu marido lhe foi roubado, mas quero que saiba que compreendo, mais do que possa imaginar.
You really think she's going to run away with a guy like you.
Acha mesmo que ela vai fugir com um sujeito como você?
There is no alcohol where I'm going. I'm not gonna let you take away my last chance to have a martini.
- Para onde vou não há álcool e não vou deixar-te impedir-me de beber o meu último Martini.
I'm not going anywhere, but I started something I can't walk away from, and it's really important you still believe in me.
Não vou a lado nenhum. Mas comecei uma coisa que não posso abandonar e é mesmo importante que acredites em mim.
I already told the kids you were going. Well, kryptonite couldn't keep me away.
Não faltaria por nada deste mundo.
I guess when you told me you were a part of it, I... I thought it was going to take you away, too.
E creio que quando me disseste que fizeste parte dele, achei que também te ia tirar a ti.
Listen, we are going to have to break away from this story.
Temos que dar uma fim a esta história.
I feel a lot more satisfied now that we're going to get away with using it as hard as we intend to.
Sinto-me mais satisfeito agora que estamos a deixá-lo tão duro como pretendíamos.
That Mike Ross is a fraud, and I am not going to let him get away with it.
Que o Mike Ross é uma fraude e não vou deixá-lo sair impune.
You're going to take me away because Dillon gave the order? !
Vão afastar-me porque o Dillon deu a ordem?
Think I'm going to let them get away with that?
Acha que vou deixá-los escapar desta?
Maybe her father saw going that far away as a form of betrayal.
Talvez o pai entendesse essa possível distância como traição.
Oh, I can get the bottles of Shackleton going right away.
Oh, eu posso conseguir as garrafas de Shackleton vai imediatamente.
I brought a little going-away present for you.
Trouxe um pequeno presente de despedida para si.
It says you're going to lose. Then that's too bad... Because you're going to throw it away.
Então, é uma pena, porque vais deitá-lo fora.
And now we're not going out, so go away!
Agora já não andamos. Vai-te embora!
Taylor and I were going to run away.
O Taylor e eu íamos fugir.
Were you going to tell your father you were running away with Taylor?
Disse ao seu pai que ia fugir com o Taylor?
Well, first, she told us she didn't even know him, and then she told us on the night he was murdered, they were going to run away together, so...
Bom, primeiro ela disse que nem sequer o conhecia, depois disse que na noite em que ele morreu eles iam fugir juntos, então...
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
going 418
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53