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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / He said that

He said that Çeviri Portekizce

10,858 parallel translation
On the plane, he said that when we got back to the house, that he'd do it again before I went off to college.
No avião, ele disse que quando chegássemos a casa, faria de novo antes que eu fosse para Universidade.
He said that you're upset about the air time you're getting.
Ele disse que estás chateada com o teu tempo de antena.
He said that he would have me arrested if we go there.
Ele disse que me mandava prender se fossemos aí.
He said that?
Ele disse isso?
But this Commander Krang, he said that this will help open a portal to another dimension?
Mas o tal Comandante Krang disse que ajudaria a abrir um portal para outra dimensão?
Yeah, I tried to tell him, and he said that I was paranoid.
Sim, tentei dizer-lhe e ele disse que estava a ser paranoica.
He said that your methods are radical, that you believe in your patients when others don't.
Ele disse que os seus métodos são radicais, que acreditas quando outros não acreditam.
He said that whatever I tell him will never leave the room, because it's a secret between him and me.
Ele disse que o que eu dissesse a ele jamais sairia daquela sala porque era um segredo entre ele e mim.
And he said that two nights from now, there'll be a celebration for Cumberland's birthday there.
E ele disse que, dentro de duas noites, celebrarão o aniversário do Cumberland.
And that when his father had threatened him on the plane to do this again before he went to college, something in Michael said no.
E que, quando o pai o ameaçou no avião para fazer isso de novo antes que ele fosse pra Universidade Algo no Michael disse que não. Não mais.
He said I wasn't pretty enough to be a model, and that I was too small.
Ele disse que eu não era suficientemente bonita para ser modelo, e que era muito baixa.
That's what he said to me.
Foi o que ele me disse.
He said it wouldn't be that much longer until they were together.
Disse que não ia demorar muito até que estivessem juntos.
But you said that's what he wants.
Mas você disse que era isso que ele queria.
That's exactly what he said.
Foi isso mesmo que ele disse.
My dad used to say that to me, and now he just said it to my daughter.
O meu pai costumava dizer-me, e agora diz à minha filha.
So he said, " I notice after this time, julie, that this is a scam.
Ele disse : " Depois de algum tempo percebi, Julie, isto é uma farsa.
At least that's what he said.
Pelo menos, foi o que ele disse.
Well, that guy said he was going for a drink.
Aquele tipo disse que ele ia beber um copo.
The police said that he tied each hostage to a chair and arranged them in a circle.
A polícia disse que ele amarrou cada refém numa cadeira e os organizou em círculos
He said that... and...
Ele disse-me isso.
No, you said, "If that French fuck gets to her." How do you know he's French?
Disseste : "Se o franciú a apanha." Como sabes que é francês?
- He just said that.
- Ele acabou de dizer isso.
As a hatchling, the doctors said that he had been diagnosed with soggy bones syndrome and that he was not gonna make it past, like, six months, but that was 20 years ago.
Quando era recém-nascido, os médicos disseram que ele tinha sido diagnosticado com síndrome dos ossos moles DIAGNÓSTICO SÍNDROME DOS OSSOS MOLES e não viveria mais de seis meses, Três a Seis Meses mas isso foi há 20 anos.
He said he was cleaning them, and that they were investment grade antiques.
Ele disse que as estava a limpar e que eram um investimento em antiguidades.
And I put somebody else on the phone, and that's when he decided, that's when he said, he told them to take me to the hospital.
Eu passei o telefone a outra pessoa e foi aí que ele decidiu... ele disse... Ele disse-lhe... Ele disse-lhe para me levar ao hospital.
They said that when they found him, he still had the knife in his back!
Disseram que quando o encontraram, ainda tinha a faca nas costas.
Well, I don't want to talk about that right now. You said he left you money so you could move.
- Disseste que ele deixou dinheiro, para te mudares.
He didn't believe in that stuff, so my dad said,
Ele não acreditava nesse tipo de coisas. Então ele disse
He said he saw Choi Dong Hen and his gang near the crime scene that night.
Disse que viu o mafioso Choi Dong Heon e a sua gangue na cena do crime naquela noite.
He already said something about that to us, and I said, " What?
Ele falou nisso connosco e eu disse :
- One thing your dad said today is that he's really...
Uma coisa que o teu pai disse hoje é que ele é mesmo...
I forgot that you guys were with him. - Yeah, he said he was really proud of you for all kinds of reasons.
Sim, ele disse que tinha muito orgulho em ti por uma série de razões.
That's what he said, too, my niece's killer.
Sim, foi o que ele disse, O assassino da minha sobrinha.
He said usually the best way to explain it to the parents is to say that Mother Nature made a mistake.
Não te envolvas nisto.
He just stuck his big, fat Irish nose in the air and said that His Highness's loyal supporters would of course extend credit to his representative.
Levantou o seu nariz gordo irlandês e disse que os leais apoiantes de Sua Alteza dariam crédito a um representante dele, claro.
With that amount of years for what they said he did... I'm guessing he pissed someone off good.
Com tantos anos de prisão pelo que dizem que ele fez, suponho que enfureceu alguém.
Jimmy Quinto said that, uh, he was gonna get his sentence reduced if he went through some experiments.
O Jimmy Quinto disse que lhe reduziam a pena se se sujeitasse a algumas experiências.
I always said that... outside of my conception... he was never there for me.
Sempre disse que, tirando a minha conceção, ele nunca esteve presente.
He said he was busy and that he would get back to me.
Ele disse que estava ocupado e que me ligava de volta.
Cornell said that he was his direct contact, whatever that means.
O Cornell disse que ele era um contacto direto, seja lá o que for.
"Hey," I screamed, and he... he pulled a gun on me and said that... if I didn't say it was Luke Cage, he was gonna kill me.
Eu gritei : "Ei!" Ele apontou-me uma arma e disse que, se eu não dissesse que tinha sido o Luke Cage, ele me matava.
He said I'm the only guy that can do this.
Sou o único que pode fazer isto.
He said, "Mrs. Sklon, could you pass that inspection?"
Ele disse, "Sra. Sklon, poderia saltar essa inspecção?"
By then, he said lots of things like that.
Mas ele dise muitas coisas do tipo.
Duane said that he would leave me the money.
O Duane disse que deixava aqui.
See, your mother said that he couldn't see you anymore if he didn't stop drinking.
A tua mãe disse que ele não te poderia ver mais se não deixasse de beber.
Look, all I know is this, Senator Torrance got himself a state grant to build a church that he's gonna preach in, and Alderman Said helped him get it.
Só sei que o senador Torrance arranjou auxílio estatal para fazer uma igreja, na qual ele vai pregar, e o vereador Sayid ajudou a consegui-la!
- That's what he said.
- Foi o que ele disse.
When he grabbed her crotch in front of everyone and said that?
Quando agarrou nas partes intimas dela em público e disse aquilo?
He said you broke into his room. That he struggled, but you knocked him out.
Ele disse que invadiste o quarto dele, que lutou, mas apagaste-o.

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