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Her house Çeviri Portekizce

4,706 parallel translation
She took me to her house.
Ela levou-me para sua casa.
What kind of a grown woman invites a teenage boy into her house and changes her clothes where he can see her?
Que tipo de mulher convida um adolescente a sua casa e muda de roupa onde ele a possa ver?
A man set fire to her house in the middle of the night and let her burn inside.
Um homem pegou fogo à casa dela, à noite, e deixou-a arder lá dentro.
I mean, it's miles away from her house, the school, uh...
Quero dizer, é quilômetros de distância de sua casa, a escola, uh...
I picked her up from her house around 9 : 00 and then we drove here together.
Fui buscá-la a casa às 09 : 00, e viemos juntos.
Man : Search her house and you'll find'em, I'll warrant.
- Revistem-lhe a casa e vão encontrá-los.
Ask her why she won't let me look in her house, then.
- Perguntai porque não vão a sua casa.
Have her held in the castle until her house can be searched.
Prendei-a no castelo até a sua casa poder ser revistada.
They wanted her house to be searched.
Queriam que a sua casa fosse revistada.
They knew that if they searched her house They'd find proof of her kinship to him And they knew what that might mean to me.
- Sabiam que se revistassem a casa dela achariam provas do nosso parentesco, sabiam o que podia significar para mim.
No, but the deputies have already been to her house looking for your money.
Não, mas os delegados já estiveram na sua casa à procura do dinheiro.
Sue told local authorities that she was a couple blocks from her house, she didn't want to wake Gabby up, she was in and out of that mini mart in under 4 minutes.
A Sue disse à polícia que estava perto de casa, e, como não quis acordar a Gabby, entrou e saiu daquele mini-mercado, em menos de quatro minutos.
Social workers haven't come by her house at all because none of her kids are in her custody.
As assistentes sociais não foram até à casa, porque nenhuma das crianças está sob a sua guarda.
I don't know, but she wants us out of her house.
Não sei, mas ela não nos quer lá em casa.
The HPD unit we put on Parrish's daughter just called in to say she's leaving her house.
O agente que está a seguir a filha do Parrish, informou que ela saiu de casa.
We're not invading her house.
Não vamos invadir a casa dela.
Your truck was spotted right outside her house the night before she was killed.
Apanham a tua furgoneta na casa dela, na noite anterior à sua morte.
Yeah, I was at her house the night before, but not the night that she was killed.
Estive lá na noite anterior, mas não quando foi morta.
Now Tracy is planning on having her own party at the Carriage House.
Agora a Tracy está a planear dar a festa no Carriage House.
I, uh, borrowed Judge Dunn's beach house down at Del Mar, and we all went, and your mother- - she packed so much sun block that I had to carry her bag for her.
Pedi emprestada a casa de praia do Juiz Duun em Del Mar, onde fomos todos, e a tua mãe levou tanto protector solar que precisei de carregar a mala por ela.
I spoke to a witness at the halfway house where she was staying, and he said he saw Mike yelling at her the night she disappeared.
Falei com uma testemunha perto da casa onde ela estava, e viu o Mike a gritar com ela na noite em que desapareceu.
Thank God, I found her alive, strung out in some crack house.
Graças a Deus eu encontrei-a viva, drogada numa casa de crack.
Um... the night you kicked Dani out of the house, she came back to get her stuff, and I I had a few beers.
Na noite em que expulsaste a Dani de casa, ela voltou para levar as suas coisas e eu... Tinha bebido algumas cervejas.
See her. My dad won't let me sleep over at your house because he thinks you're gay.
O meu pai não me deixa dormir na tua casa, porque acha que és gay.
I was out the door and down the street telling Mrs Magavern jokes, helping water her tomato plants so she'd invite me to have supper with her family before anyone at my house had even missed me.
Eu saía porta fora, para a rua, contava piadas à Sra. Magavern, ajudava-a a regar os tomateiros e ela convidava-me para jantar com a família dela, antes de mesmo de darem pela minha falta em casa.
We're gonna move her from the safe house, put her somewhere underground, turn the comms back on.
Vamos transferi-la do abrigo, colocá-la no subterrâneo e reactivar as comunicações.
You saved her life. Come back to the house.
Volta lá para casa.
Emily's recovering in my house, and I need every bit of leverage I can get against her before she recovers her memory.
A Emily está a recuperar em minha casa e preciso de toda a vantagem possível para atacá-la, antes que ela recupere a memória.
I guess being there in that house forced her to refocus.
- Parece que estar lá, naquela casa... forçou-a a reconsiderar tudo.
And how did she end up in that house in the first place? You were supposed to bring her to me.
- E como foi ela lá parar?
Oh, my God, you won't do my dangerous birthday plan, but you're gonna let her keep a wild animal in the house?
Oh, meu Deus, não fazem o meu perigoso plano de aniversário, mas vão deixá-la ficar com um animal selvagem dentro de casa?
And I took out his men, but by the time I got inside the house, he had shot her before I could take him out.
Eliminei os homens dele, mas, quando entrei na casa, já a tinha matado.
She could have left the house of her own accord.
Ela pode ter deixado a casa de livre vontade.
I'm a friend of Claire's. I think you drove her to my house one day.
Sou um amigo da Claire, penso que a levou a minha casa um dia destes.
Bethany showed up at my house last night looking for her dad.
A Bethany apareceu em minha casa à procura do pai.
Hitting the clubs and then she stashed her party clothes down at the beach house so papa wouldn't find them.
Ia para discotecas e escondia a roupa de festa aqui - para o pai não a apanhar.
You asked her about the lake house that night.
Perguntaste-lhe da casa do lago nessa noite.
So no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house?
Então ninguém o viu raptá-la?
Stephen's friend. The two of you were talking about her last night at my house.
Estavam a falar sobre ela na noite passada lá em casa.
Take her to the safe house.
Levá-a para a casa.
If I was your lawyer, I'd tell you to give her the beach house. She's so angry at you.
Se eu fosse o teu advogado, dizia-te para lhe dares a casa da praia.
So she invited us to a party at her boss's house, and they're sending a limo, and guess who her boss is.
Mas ela estava a sentir-se mal, por isso convidou-nos para uma festa na casa do patrão dela, e vão enviar uma limusine, e adivinhem quem é o patrão dela.
There's no better place to do both than in the house of God. I think the selectmen are exploiting her condition to create fear in Salem.
Acho que os do conselho estão a aproveitar-se da sua condição para criar medo em Salem.
Bring that coin back with her blood on it, And I'll give you a fortune In house credit.
Traga essa moeda de volta com o seu sangue, e dar-vos-ei uma fortuna em crédito na casa.
I lost her scent at Bill's house.
Perdi o rasto em casa do Bill.
We saw her at the house.
Nós vimo-la na casa.
Tio and Carlos saw her leaving your house.
O Tio e o Carlos viram-na sair de tua casa.
Tae, I want units at my daughter's house, her office.
Tae, quero unidades em casa da minha filha, no escritório.
Miss Strauss had failed to show at work, so one of her co-workers, Bill Wilkerson, went to her house. They were let in by the landlady.
A proprietária deixou-o entrar.
Churchill, take her to McCawley's house.
Churchill! Leva-a para casa do McCawley.
Mrs. Lancaster adopted those boys, trying to avoid the plague on her family's house.
A Sra. Lancaster adoptou os meninos, tentando evitar a praga na sua família.

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