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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I was born here

I was born here Çeviri Portekizce

271 parallel translation
- That I was born here.
- Nasci aqui.
- I was born here.
- Nasci aqui.
I was born here and have never left the island.
Aqui nasci e nunca saí da ilha.
Yes, I was born here.
Sim, eu nasci aqui.
I was born here.
Eu nasci aqui.
Not always, but I was born here.
- Não, mas nasci aqui.
I ain't no native, I was born here!
Natural coisa nenhuma!
Well, I never heard'em and I was born here.
Nunca ouvi falar e eu nasci aqui.
I was born here in England.
Nasci aqui, em Inglaterra.
I mean I'm sorry I have to leave.. because I was born here.
Tenho pena de ir embora porque nasci aqui.
Hell, I was born here and I was raised here and goddamn it, I'm going to die here!
Raios! Nasci aqui e cresci aqui... e maldito seja se não morrer aqui!
I was born here.
Nasci aqui.
I was born here.
Nasci nesta aldeia.
- I was born here.
- Eu nasci aqui.
And I was born here in the States.
E eu nasci aqui nos Estados Unidos.
I was born here, and so was my poor family.
- Nasci cá, e também a minha família.
I've lived in the village for 18 years, but before that I was born here.
Vivi na aldeia durante 18 anos, mas aqui nasci.
I was born here, I lived here, I'll die here, but no regrets.
Nasci aqui, vivi aqui, morrerei aqui, sem lamentos.
I was born here in Flint, but I don't know anything about it.
Nasci aqui, em Flint, mas não sei nada deste sítio.
I can't go! I was born here.
Eu não posso sair de Springfield!
Actually, I was born here.
Sou de Twin Peaks.
I was born here
Nasci nesta casa.
All I know is, I was born here before Nana passed on.
Tudo o que sei, é que nasci aqui antes da Nana morrer.
I was born here, so I should never disagree with that!
Eu nasci aqui, então nunca discordarei disto!
Well, I was almost born here.
Bem, quase nasci aqui.
I was right here, in this very chair when her first child, the little Princess Thérèse, was born.
Eu estava bem aqui, nesta cadeira... quando a primeira filha, a princesa Teresa, nasceu.
I was born and raised not far from here.
Nasci e fui criado num local não muito distante daqui.
Here we are in my home, the house that I was born in... alone and together in my favorite room.
Aqui estamos na minha casa, na casa em que nasci. A sós e juntos. Na minha sala favorita.
She say : "Here I was born, this is my country." The sun that gave it to my people. Gave them the earth, sky and water.
Ela disse... foi aqui que nasci, e este é o meu lugar... o sol deu para o meu povo... ele deu para eles a terra, o céu e a água.
I was born up here.
Eu nasci aqui!
Well, Evan was born here and I'm a citizen now.
O Evan nasceu aqui e eu agora sou cidadã.
Somewhere in here, I was born, and there I died.
Algures aqui nasci eu, e morri aqui.
- Born here, I was not.
- Não nasci aqui.
I was born right here.
Nasci aqui.
- I was born here and I stay here!
Eu cresci aqui e vou ficar.
I was born out here.
Nasci aqui.
I must tell you that soon after little Cecil was born, my husband brought us out here on our honeymoon.
Devo dizer-lhe que logo após o nascimento do pequeno Cecil, o meu marido trouxe-nos aqui, em lua-de-mel.
Eva and I lived here for several years. Then Erik was born.
Eu e a Eva morávamos aqui há anos e o Erik nasceu.
I wish to tell you that it's been long that around here no one was born as smart and astute as Vuk.
Quero que saibas. Que fazia muito tempo que por esses arredores não havia nascido um raposo tão esperto e astuto como Vuk, lembre-se sempre dele.
I was born and raised here in this, my father's castle... and sent forth from here to marry you.
Eu nasci e fui criada neste castelo. Ele pertence ao meu pai. Eu deixei-o para me casar convosco.
I know a couple of Indians at Apache Junction that was born here but there's very few who was born here.
Conheço uns índios em Apache Junction nascidos aqui... mas poucos nasceram aqui.
- Really? - Yeah. I wonder if Eric will remember how things were around here before he was born.
A verdade é que... eu... acho que, em última análise, tenho medo que alguém me veja.
I wonder if eric will remember How things were around here before he was born.
Pergunto-me se o Eric se vai lembrar como eram as coisas aqui antes dele nascer.
I don't understand your connection, that by saying... because General Motors was born here, it owes more to this community.
Eu não entendo a relação, de ao dizer que por a General Motors ter nascido aqui, deve mais a esta comunidade
He lived here for a few months but he died before I was born.
Morou alguns anos aqui mas morreu antes de eu nascer.
I was born in this place, and I'll die here.
Nasci neste sítio e é aqui que vou morrer.
So I have to stand here today as what I was when I was born.
Então I tenha que estar aqui hoje como o que l era quando i nasceu
I know I was here in the past, before I was born.
Eu sei que estive aqui no passado, antes de eu nascer.
She was born in LA, and since my Uncle Phil moved out here I came to visit him.
Ela nasceu em LA e dado que o tio Phil se mudou para cá... vim visitá-lo.
Here I was born.
O ano em que nasci.
I was born two miles from here.
Nasci a 2 milhas daqui.

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