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If he was here Çeviri Portekizce

538 parallel translation
If he was here, I'd shoot him down in his tracks.
Quando o encontrar acabarei com êle para sempre.
So if he was here why doesn't he say so?
Se ele estava aqui porque não o diz?
If he was here, he's gone now.
Se esteve aqui, já se foi.
- If he was here, he'd shoot you dead.
- Se cá estivesse, matava-o a tiro.
- Well, I mean, if he was here he wouldn't be where he was supposed to be.
- Bem, se ele estivesse aqui não estaria onde devia estar agora.
Be nice if he was here alive.
Era bom que estivesse vivo.
You wouldn't say that if he was here.
Não dirias isso se ele aqui estivesse.
If he was here, he's gone now.
Se esteve aqui, já se foi embora.
That's exactly what the big guy would say to you, if he was here.
Exactamente. Era o que o grandalhão te diria, se aqui estivesse.
But before he left he said if anything happened, he hoped we'd do like he'd do if he was here.
Mas, antes de sair... disse que, se algo acontecesse, esperava que agíssemos como... se ele estivesse aqui.
I was only thinking if he were to search my rooms while I am here...
Eu só estava a pensar se ele fosse investigar meus quartos enquanto eu estou aqui...
Yeah. You know, I bet if Tom was here he'd help us.
Aposto que se o Tom aqui estivesse nos ajudaria.
I told you if anybody came up here, he was liable to get shot.
Já lhe disse que se viesse aqui alguém, disparava.
If he was killed at once, how could he have talked about me and this lady here?
Se ele morreu logo, como pôde ele ter falado de mim e desta senhora?
When Wyatt told me if he was Dutch, and if he was going to Tascosa, he'd come by here.
O Wyatt disse que se fosse o Dutch e fosse para Tascosa, passaria por aqui.
Mr Eastman was good enough to say that if I came through here, he might find some place for me.
O Sr Eastman foi simpático em dizer que se passasse por aqui, poderia ter um emprego para mim.
Why would he ask me to come down here if he didn't want me to know what was going on?
Por que me pediria para vir cá, se não queria que eu soubesse o que se passava?
If there was anyone here, he broke in.
- Se cá esteve, entrou à força.
I'll tell you what : If he thought I was dead, he might come in here looking for you.
Se acreditar que estou morto, igual vem a te buscar a ti.
Alright, even if he was right, why aren't we better off trying to fight our way through 200 miles than sitting around here waiting to be slaughtered like a bunch of sheep?
Então, porque não ficamos em melhor situação tentando sair daqui, em vez de esperar sermos mortos como um grupo de ovelhas?
Let me put it this way, if he knew I was here tonight- -
- Se elesoubesse que estive aqui...
What would people think of me if he was found here?
E que pensarão de mim, se o encontrarem aqui?
Well, if he was a rich man, we wouldn't be here.
- Se fosse rico não estaríamos aqui.
Now look, if they trace him here, he was drunk and left when you closed the place.
Olhe, se lhe seguirem o rasto até aqui, ele estava bêbado e saiu quando você fechou.
If Durocher had continued coming here your father would think he was the greatest manager.
Se Durocher tivesse | continuado a vir aqui... o teu pai acharia que ele | era o melhor treinador.
See, if a sensible man was figuring to bust out of this here jug, he'd wait till nightfall when things kind of quieted down... and there was only one deputy on duty.
Vê, um homem com senso que pense em sair daqui para fora, esperará pela noite, quando as coisas estiverem mais calmas... e aqui apenas estiver um ajudante de sheriff.
If Frank was coming, he'd have been here by now.
Se o Frank viesse, já estaria cá.
There's another thing now if we're all going to be in here three or four days, close together like it might be a good idea if a certain party, not to mention no names was to do what he said he'd do.
Mais uma coisa... Se vamos passar aqui mais 3 ou 4 dias, tão juntinhos... era bom que um certo tipo, sem mencionar nomes fizesse o que prometeu.
If he was a traitor, why is he here?
Se ele é um traidor, porque é que está aqui?
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Quando estava na recepção, com o gerente, o Sr. George Swine... que, por acaso, é meu amigo... ele arranjou-lhe uma boa acomodação?
If he knew I was here, he would kill me.
Se ele sabe que estou aqui, ele me mata.
If Guignol was here, He would save me.
Se o Guignol estivesse aqui, salvava-me.
If he was so great, tell me how he'd have got out of here.
Se era tão formidável, diz-me, o que faria agora para sair daqui?
If my husband was here, he'd kill him dead.
Se o meu marido aqui estivesse, matá-lo-ia.
One of your men... I believe it was the gardener... he said it was all right if I waited here.
Um dos seus empregados, acho que era o jardineiro, disse que eu podia esperar aqui e devo dizer que foi um grande prazer, porque nunca tinha visto tantas flores tão bonitas na minha vida.
If the Wolfman was here, he'd say, "Get your ass in gear."
Se Wolfman estivesse aqui, diria : " "Ponha a cuca no lugar" ".
He was risky to go pô it there, because if to another one it blew up with a small movement, I would not be here for counting history, but such did not happen.
Era arriscado ir lá pô-la, porque se a outra rebentasse com um pequeno movimento, eu não estaria aqui a contar a história, mas tal não aconteceu.
If he was on course and on schedule, he made the contact about here, 250 miles out.
Se ele estava no curso indicado, então, avistou o inimigo, aqui, a 250 milhas.
The police thought he was insane. They let me come here to see if I could find anything.
A polícia julgou que era ele maluco e deixou-me vir aqui vasculhar.
Ortega knew he was here and was blackmailing him, too. Karibdis had more to lose if he was caught than you did.
O Ortega sabia que estava a bordo e também o chantageava, só que ele tinha muito mais a perder, se fosse apanhado, do que vocês.
Oh, no : I was gonna try to lift one off sanitation module 0-7 : But he doesn't make rounds until midnight, and if Morphus is here now, we might as well start packing :
Ia roubar uma no módulo de saneamento 0-7 mas ele não faz ronda até a meia-noite.
What I did was, I looked in his mean little eyes... and I knew, as sure as there's shit in a goat... if I didn't do what he said... the coroner would be putting in a special order for sawdust... to fill this here slop bucket.
Mas olhei naqueles olhos pequeninos e cruéis, e soube, tão certo como merda, que, se não fizesse o que ele queria, ia desta para melhor.
- He asked if Joey was here.
- Perguntou se o Joey cá estava.
His father would skin him if he knew he was here.
O pai dava-lhe cabo do pêlo se soubesse que ele estava aqui.
I was frightened, I didn't know what I would do if he had not been here.
Estava assustada. Não sei o que tinha feito se ele não tivesse estado aqui.
If Moussa was here, he could kill himself for it.
Se a Moussa estivesse aqui, ele matava-se por ela.
If Matrix was here, he'd laugh too.
Se o Matrix estivesse aqui, ele riria também.
My doctor would kill me if he knew I was here.
O meu médico matava-me se soubesse que estive aqui.
- Really? - Yeah. I wonder if Eric will remember how things were around here before he was born.
A verdade é que... eu... acho que, em última análise, tenho medo que alguém me veja.
I wonder if eric will remember How things were around here before he was born.
Pergunto-me se o Eric se vai lembrar como eram as coisas aqui antes dele nascer.
If Panoramix was here he would tell you that this man is a fake.
Se o Panoramix estivesse aqui, não acreditaria nesta farsa, é um impostor!

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