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It took me Çeviri Portekizce

3,843 parallel translation
It took me half an hour to find a usable vein on you.
Demorei meia hora para encontrar uma veia usável em si.
It took me years to tell you the truth about the Annex Project.
Demorei anos para te contar a verdade sobre o Projecto Annex.
It took me two years, but I finally got him to say it.
Levei dois anos, mas finalmente consegui fazê-lo admitir.
I'm sorry that it took me so long to find you.
Desculpa-me por ter demorado tanto tempo te encontrar.
It took me five years to secure the title.
Levou-me cinco anos a conseguir.
It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift. "
Demorei anos para perceber que aquilo também era um presente. "
It took me years to build my community.
Levei anos a construir a minha comunidade.
Sorry it took me so long to get here.
Desculpe a demora para chegar aqui.
It took me a while to realize that they were all prior aliases for one person.
Demorei a perceber que eram vários pseudónimos... De uma só pessoa.
Well, Sheldon, it took me all morning, but I found the owner of the video store.
Sheldon, levei uma manhã inteira, mas encontrei o dono do videoclube.
It took me six years to collect'em- - Six years!
Levei 6 anos para coleccioná-las... 6 anos!
Do you know how long it took me to develop that?
Sabes quanto tempo demorei para desenvolver isto?
It took me ten years to get back to that place.
Levei dez anos para conseguir este lugar.
Sorry, it took me so long.
Desculpa, isto levou-me muito tempo.
It took me years to discover this stuff.
Levei anos a descobrir isto.
It took me over two years to get to a point where I can clean out his room, and you, you don't care about his stuff?
Levei dois anos para conseguir limpar o quarto dele e tu... tu nem te importas com as coisas dele?
it took me two weeks to run out of food... and then i went out into the world.
A comida durou-me duas semanas. Depois, saí e enfrentei o mundo.
It took me a long time to get passed it, but I did.
Demorei muito tempo a superá-la, mas superei.
It took me years to know how to do that.
Levei vários anos para saber como fazer isso.
- Where it took me to your trailer.
-... onde me levou com tua carrinha!
Um... when I first applied to be an EMT, I took the firefighters test, and I'd honestly forgotten about it.
Quando me candidatei a paramédica pela primeira vez, fiz o teste para o corpo de bombeiros e, sinceramente, eu tinha-me esquecido disso.
Perk of the gig, but like everyone else, he took it easy on me.
Vantagens do cargo, mas, como toda a gente, ele teve muita calma comigo.
I don't get it, he took a shot at you, he tried to kill me, and you still jump to when he calls?
Não entendo, ele disparou contra ti, tentou matar-me e tu ainda respondes quando ele te chama?
It took you two days to come clean about this.
Tu demoraste dois dias para me contar isto.
We took cover behind it. - It's too shallow.
Lembro-me desta árvore, escondemo-nos atrás dela.
You took it out on me.
Tu descarregaste em mim.
But, since you took it upon yourself to hurt both of them, should it take me the rest of my life, I'm going to break the two of you up.
Mas como vocês decidiram magoar as duas, vou acabar com a vossa relação, mesmo que leve uma vida toda.
Michael took leave t-to help me through it.
O Michael ajudou-me a passar por isso.
Surprised it took you this long to come see me.
Admira-me teres demorado tanto a vires cá.
They moved me because one day I took the broom handle out of his hand and I broke it over his head.
Tiraram-me de lá porque um dia apanhei o cabo da sua mão e parti-o na sua cabeça.
It looks just like it did when my dad took me here when I was a kid.
Tal e qual como quando eu era miúdo e o meu pai me trouxe aqui.
It took every bit of me to get away from him.
Tive que dar tudo de mim para me livrar dele.
It took three, four times of him coming here for me to realize that he... he doesn't remember anything from that night.
Ele veio aqui 3 ou 4 vezes até que eu percebesse que ele não se lembra de nada daquela noite.
It was Declan's, and it brought back all the feelings about how you took him away from me, and I wanted you to suffer.
Era do Declan e recordou-me a forma como roubaste-mo e quis que sofresses.
He took your father's watch from the store without so much as a by-your-leave, it was as if he knew what you and I had spoken about...
Há alturas que acho que ele me detesta
I wanted your heart, Henry, but your mother took it away from me and left me for dead.
Queria o teu coração, Henry. Mas a tua mãe tirou-mo.
Would it be possible for me to speak to the person who actually took her blood?
Seria possível eu falar com a pessoa que lhe tirou sangue?
Took me years to figure out how to do it quickly, painlessly.
Levei anos para descobrir como fazer depressa e sem dor.
Geez, Rick, in the time it took you to make this thing, couldn't you have just, you know, helped me with my homework?
Com o tempo que gastaste no aparelho, não me podias ter ajudado com os trabalhos?
Look, my parents were super divorced and they never took me camping, but I always thought that I'd be incredible at it.
- Sim. Os meus pais separaram-se e eu nunca fui acampar com eles, mas sempre pensei que fosse incrível.
It took seeing a cup full of Christmas crazy for me to realize what's really important... just being with my family.
Foi preciso uma boa dose de loucura natalícia para eu perceber o que é realmente importante... Estar com a minha família.
And so I had one opportunity, I thought, that would get me out, and of course I took it.
E assim tive um oportunidade, e pensei, então, eu quero, sair, e é claro, eu aceitei.
- It took him two years to notice me.
- Ele levou dois anos para reparar em mim.
This flight really took it out of me.
Este voo na verdade apanhou-me.
They stole it from me, Carmine, they took it!
Roubaram-me isso, Carmine. Eles agarraram-no!
And I'm sorry it took this to wake me up.
E desculpa ter sido preciso isto para eu abrir os olhos.
Sorry that took so long, it's not just your thing, I've got a sexual harassment suit thing against me.
Lamento a demora, não é só a sua coisa, tenho um processo de assédio sexual contra mim.
I did it with one hand... and it only took me four minutes.
Só foi preciso uma mão. Para afogá-la durante 4 minutos.
- It took me two hours to convince him.
Levei 2 horas para convencê-lo.
My grand dad took me here a lot. We walk up and down the docks, we pick a boat, pretend to own it.
Andávamos ao redor das docas, pegávamos um barco, fingíamos que era nosso, o nomeávamos.
- That's from "Grand Theft Auto." I took it.
- Inspirei-me no "Grand Theft Auto".

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