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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Later tonight

Later tonight Çeviri Portekizce

460 parallel translation
The opera starts an hour later tonight on account of the parade.
A ópera começa uma hora depois por causa da parada.
Yeah, I know she'll be at the Lafitte later tonight.
Sim, eu sei que irá'Chez Lafitte'hoje à noite.
I'll see you down at the dock later tonight.
Depois, vou ter contigo à doca.
I was gonna see you at your ranch later tonight. This saves me the trouble.
Eu pensei em lhe fazer uma visita hoje à noite no seu rancho.
We'll let you know later tonight, say, 10 : 00.
Avisamo-lo, mais logo, lá pelas 22 : 00.
There'll be a new man in later tonight.
Estará aí um novo homem mais tarde esta noite.
-'Later tonight.'
- Hoje à noite.
You tell her I'II come up later tonight, when the moon is full.
Diz-Ihe que vou mais tarde, com a lua cheia.
Perhaps I could come back later tonight.
Talvez eu volte essa noite.
Until later tonight.
Até mais logo.
Hey, listen, I'll call you later tonight, all right?
De noite, eu ligo.
I'm going to the control room later tonight :
Esta noite irei à sala de controlo.
Then later tonight, you and I...
Mais tarde, nós...
There's a party later tonight at Cowboy for some friends of mine.
Há uma festa logo à noite no Cowboy para uns amigos meus.
Well, I was wonderin if maybe later tonight... we could spend some time together?
Bem, estava a pensar se talvez logo à noite pudéssemos passar algum tempo juntos?
You mind if I finish reading this ticket later tonight?
Posso acabar de ler isto à noite?
- That happens later tonight.
- Isso, só mais logo.
How much good would come of us fucking, later tonight?
Que bem poderá vir de nós fodermos logo à noite?
Could be even later tonight.
Até pode ser que esta noite, mais tarde.
- We'll see you later tonight.
- Vemo-nos hoje à noite.
Hey, keri, I'll pick you up later tonight, so do yourself a favor and be here!
Keri, venho buscar-te à noite. E nem penses em sair sem mim!
- I'll call you later tonight.
- Eu telefono mais tarde.
Honey, I will come back later tonight and I will sleep with you right here.
Querido, Eu volto mais tarde e eu dormo contigo aqui mesmo.
I'll be back later tonight.
Volto mais tarde.
No offence, but would you permit me to come back later tonight... to pay my respects to your daughter?
Desculpe, se me dá licença, gostaria de voltar esta noite... para cumprimentar a sua filha.
I'll see you later at the theater tonight.
Verei-te mais tarde no teatro.
Tonight and tomorrow we can talk our heads off, but just now, I'll see you later.
Até logo.
Come back later, alone, so we'll have supper in here tonight.
Volte mais tarde, sozinho, e jantaremos aqui, esta noite.
If he hadn't got it tonight, he was bound to get it sooner or later.
Mais tarde ou mais cedo, acabaria por acontecer.
It'll be just as nice later on. Maybe you can make an early train out tonight.
Talvez você consiga vir mais cedo.
Tonight, six years later, I got my candy, all of it.
Hoje, 6 anos depois, consegui os doces todos.
Bring the bags up later. See you tonight.
Vejo você esta noite.
We'll talk later at dinner tonight.
Conversaremos no jantar de hoje a noite.
- That's later tonight.
- Hoje à noite.
Library open later than usual tonight, dear?
A biblioteca ficou aberta até mais tarde hoje?
Well, we have with us tonight one of your films,'Rear Window', which was to become such a success for Alfred Hitchcock a few weeks later.
Temos connosco, esta noite, um dos seus filmes, Rear Window, que se tornou um grande êxito para Alfred Hitchcock semanas mais tarde.
Well, then, what about later on tonight when everybody's asleep? What about it?
Bom, então que tal logo à noite, quando estiverem todas a dormir?
You see, what really happened was your brother came walking in here, just the way I did tonight, and you shot him and then you set the alarm a few seconds later.
O que aconteceu foi que o seu irmão entrou aqui tal como eu entrei hoje, a senhora matou-o e depois activou o alarme, passados uns segundos.
Tell him that I can't make it tonight until later.
Pode dizer-lhe que só posso mais tarde esta noite.
If I can possibly do it tonight... I'll try to relay this dedication in... and get it on the air for you later on.
Se eu conseguir, encaixarei hoje à noite... e tentarei mandar esta dedicatória... e colocá-la no ar mais tarde.
Later on tonight.
Esta noite.
Sooner or later, with or without you, I'm going to take over your news show. I figured I might as well start tonight.
Mais cedo ou mais tarde, com ou sem ti, vou acabar por tomar conta do teu Telejornal e pensei que também podia começar esta noite.
The ground must be prepared no later than tonight.
O chão deve estar preparado antes de hoje à noite.
Later... tonight...
- Logo à noite.
I'll explain later on tonight.
- Bem, explico-te logo à noite.
- What are you doing later on tonight?
- Que faz mais logo?
Look, Dean, if there's any evidence at all that I took this car tonight, my dad's going to slaughter me first and ask questions later, okay?
Olha, Dean. Qualquer coisa que indique que eu saí com o carro, o meu pai vai perguntar.
We're gonna try to catch up with her later on tonight.
Vamos vê-la mais tarde.
I'll be at the key shop later tonight.
Estarei na Loja das Chaves logo à noite.
Well, look, if we ever get out of here, me and the guys, we're gonna go to a club later on tonight.
Se sairmos daqui, vamos a uma discoteca, queres vir?
If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.
Se me esquecer digo-te já que gostei desta noite.

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