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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe it's because

Maybe it's because Çeviri Portekizce

793 parallel translation
Okay, maybe it's because of our breakup.
Talvez seja pela nossa separação.
- Or maybe it's because you and Cal are putting ideas in his head.
Ou talvez seja porque tu e o Cal lhe andam a pôr coisas na cabeça.
Maybe it's because all of life came from the sea.
Talvez seja porque todas as formas de vida vieram do mar.
- You do? - Maybe it's because I'm so happy.
- Talvez seja por me sentir tão feliz.
Maybe it's because I wear my collar frontwards.
Deve ser porque uso o colarinho para a frente.
Maybe it's because he was bold and lawless, like we all of us like to be sometimes.
Talvez porque fosse corajoso e rebelde, como todos gostamos de ser por vezes.
Maybe it's because we understand a little that he wasn't altogether to blame for what his times made him.
Talvez porque compreendamos um pouco que ele não tinha a culpa daquilo que fizeram dele.
Maybe it's because for ten years he licked the tar out of five states.
Talvez seja porque, durante dez anos, deu que fazer a cinco estados.
Or maybe it's because he was so good at what he was doin'.
Ou talvez porque era bom naquilo que fazia.
Maybe it's because his name is Jack.
Talvez porque se chama Jack.
Maybe it's because you interest me.
Talvez porque me interessa.
Maybe it's because I'm putting more meaning into the words.
Talvez seja por que ponho mais sentimento nas palavras.
Maybe it's because nobody loves me.
Pode ser porque ninguém me ama.
And, I don't know, maybe even the feeling's more terrible for them because they don't have words to describe it.
Talvez seja pior para eles, pois não tem como descrever isto.
Maybe it's because the marshal's leaving Silver City.
Talvez porque o xerife está indo embora de Silver City.
Maybe it's because I want to be the biggest man in the state but I don't know how to do it any other way.
Talvez por isso eu queira ser o maior homem do estado... e não sei como fazê-lo de outro modo.
Maybe because it's not longer in contact with the ray.
Talvez por não estar em contacto com o raio.
Maybe it's just because he's young.
Será porque é muito jovem.
Maybe it's because you and me are both the same kind.
Talvez porque você e eu somos da mesma espécie.
Maybe it's because I've nothing much else to do.
Talvez porque não tenho nada que fazer.
Or maybe it's because I'm so full of wonder about this place... and want to stay a little longer.
Ou talvez porque me fascina tanto este lugar... e quero ficar um pouco mais.
Or maybe it's because I remember how relieved I was... when I found out it was your sister's wedding day and not yours.
Ou talvez seja porque lembro do alívio que senti... quando soube que era a boda da sua irmã, não a sua.
Maybe it's because getting someplace is such a big thing to me.
Talvez seja porque ser famosa é muito importante para mim.
If I ever seem to favor Millie maybe it's because I want to make it up to her.
Se eu favorecer a Millie Será para fazer as pazes.
You've got to take my deal because it's gonna be a hot night... and the world goes crazy on a hot night, and maybe that's what a hot night is for.
Tem que aceitar o meu negócio porque vai ser uma noite quente... e o mundo enlouquece numa noite quente... e talvez seja para isso que uma noite quente sirva.
Maybe it's because he doesn't understand women the way that I do.
Talvez porque não compreende as mulheres como eu.
I don't know. Maybe it's because it's the first time.
Não sei, talvez seja porque será a primeira vez.
He said maybe it's some weeds that she ate on the parade ground and now she's got poison wind, but that don't seem right because I remember she ate a whole field full of weeds once and never acted like this.
Ele disse que talvez sejam umas ervas que ela comeu no pátio... e agora ela está intoxicada, mas eu não acho que seja isso... uma vez ela comeu um campo inteiro de ervas... e não ficou assim. Sim. Acho que o veterinário não sabe o que fazer.
Maybe it's because they're a bit jealous.
Por causa de seu ciúme.
Maybe it's because he's so clean.
Talvez porque seja muito fino. O tipo mais fino que já vi.
- Romantic. Exactly. Maybe that's why, because it is young it is often taunted.
Exactamente, porque se o cinema é uma arte para os jovens, é uma arte jovem.
Nick, you think you mean this, and maybe you do. But maybe it's just because of all that's happened.
Julgas que falas a sério, e talvez fales mas talvez seja só por causa do que aconteceu.
Maybe it's because he doesn't have the maturity.
Talvez por não ser ainda maduro o bastante.
Oh, but it's not, maybe, because I also remembered...
Não é uma simples hipótese.
Maybe it's because of all these lights... but the night is scarier here than in the country. It's darker.
Talvez seja por causa destas luzes... mas a noite aqui é mais tenebrosa que no campo.
It's beautiful. Hey, Tony, you think maybe you could put this on the tab because something'happened before?
Ei, Tony, achas que poderias pôr isso na conta... porque alguma coisa aconteceu antes.
Maybe it's because you're a girl.
Talvez seja porque és uma menina.
I mean, maybe it's because we've gotten everything we've ever wanted, more, even.
Quer dizer, talvez seja porque temos tudo o que queremos. Até demais.
It's an ambiguous term because, it supposes, that, to start with, that evolution is connected to a man, or a group of men, and maybe, perhaps, a social situation of isolation and regression.
O termo é ambíguo porque, para começar, permite supor... que esta evolução está ligada... a um homem, ou a um grupo de homens,... ou, talvez, a uma situação social de regressão e circunscrição.
I don't know whose reason, or whatever the reason is maybe it's because...
Não sei de quem, nem que razão. Talvez seja porque...
I could never understand why. Maybe it's because she really couldn't admit that we were finished.
Talvez nunca tenha admitido que entre nós tudo havia terminado.
Maybe it's because we get so damn little of it.
- Quem sabe porque temos tao pouca.
Maybe it's because I've done bad things.
Se calhar é porque me portei mal.
Maybe it's because of the way you used to treat me.
Talvez seja por causa da maneira como costumas tratar-me.
Maybe it's because, um- -
Talvez seja por causa...
Maybe it's because... I can't stand being left alone. I really can't.
Eu não sei porquê, talvez porque... eu não suporto estar sozinho.
- Maybe it's because you're riding a girl's bicycle.
É por a tua bicicleta ser de menina. Se calhar estamos a fazer alguma coisa mal.
Well, maybe it's because he hasn't found the right woman.
Se calhar, ainda não encontrou a mulher certa.
- I don't know, kid. Maybe it's because that big dealer up in the sky shuffles the cards and we just play what we're dealt.
Se calhar, é o destino que dá as cartas,... baralha os naipes, e nós apenas nos limitamos a jogar.
Maybe that's why he left - because you forced him into it.
Então, ele deixou-a porque casou obrigado.
Maybe it's because I have a son.
Talvez seja porque tenho um filho.

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