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Maybe it's my fault Çeviri Portekizce

35 parallel translation
Poor kid, maybe it's all my fault.
Pobre miúdo, talvez a culpa seja minha.
Maybe it's my fault.
Talvez a culpa seja minha.
Maybe it's my fault, too.
Admito que seja culpado em parte.
- Maybe it's my fault.
- Talvez seja culpa minha.
Maybe it's my fault you wanted a new girlfriend.
Talvez por minha culpa você deseje uma namorada nova.
Dear Log, my brother is still missing and maybe it's my fault.
Querido diário, o meu irmão ainda está desaparecido, se calhar é por minha culpa.
Not my fault the insurance doesn't cover "act of troll". Gee, maybe it's time you found a new place to patronise.
Era a única coisa que ainda prestava aqui.
Maybe it's my fault, ma'am.
Talvez a culpa seja minha,.
They want me to say how I'm so sorry and it was my mom's fault or maybe it was my dad's fault, or it happened because of TV or movies or... some junk like that.
Eles querem que eu diga o quão estou arrependido. E que foi culpa da minha mãe, ou talvez do meu pai. Aconteceu por causa da televisão ou dos filmes, ou algo do género.
Maybe that's why I thought it was my fault.
Talvez por isso tenha pensado que a culpa era minha.
Maybe it's my fault.
Talvez seja culpa minha.
Maybe it's my fault
Talvez a culpa seja minha.
My kid took a wrong turn somewhere... maybe it's my fault,
O meu filho escolheu o caminho errado, talvez por minha culpa, eu não sei.
Maybe that's because you're relentlessly annoying, or maybe it's my fault because I can't tolerate relentlessly annoying people.
Isso talvez aconteça porque tu és tão irritante, ou então é culpa minha porque não consigo tolerar pessoas assim tão irritantes.
- Maybe it's my fault. - Don't say that.
- Talvez a culpa seja minha.
My house is turned upside down, my husband is missing and all you can say is that maybe it's his fault?
A minha casa está virada de pernas para o ar, o meu marido está desaparecido e tudo o que dizes é que talvez seja culpa dele?
So you're telling me now because... I got tested and it's not my fault, so maybe it's yours?
Então estás a contar-me agora porque... fiz os exames e a culpa não é minha, então talvez seja tua?
If I'd worked with you, maybe it wouldn't have happened and so it's my fault too.
se eu tivesse lhe ouvido no inicio, teria colaborado, e talvez nao tivesse acontecido! e portanto, e tambem culpa minha!
Maybe it's all my fault.
Talvez seja tudo culpa minha.
Maybe, it's my fault.
Talvez a culpa seja minha.
I don't know if it's my fault, maybe, or...
Não sei se é culpa minha, talvez, ou..
Anyway, I don't know. Maybe it's my fault.
Finalmente, pode ser minha culpa.
- So maybe it's not my fault.
- Talvez não seja culpa minha.
Maybe it wasn't Evie's fault, but I had to go live with my parents in Florida till I find something else.
Talvez não fosse culpa da Evy, mas fui viver com os meus pais até encontrar outro trabalho.
You know, maybe it's somehow my fault.
Talvez seja culpa minha.
Well, you know, when-when you put it that way, I guess maybe it's a little bit my fault, too.
Bem, sabes... quando o dizes assim... acho que talvez também seja um pouco culpa minha.
Maybe Nathan's death, it is my fault.
Talvez a morte do Nathan seja culpa minha.
Well, then, maybe it's my fault, too.
Então talvez a culpa seja minha também.
So this is maybe my path to becoming a chef, and it's mostly your fault.
Isto pode ser a minha hipótese de tornar-me numa chef. - E é tudo graças a ti. - Isso é incrível.

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