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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe we'll get lucky

Maybe we'll get lucky Çeviri Portekizce

153 parallel translation
Maybe we should just cut the chitchat and you just jump in here and we'll get lucky.
Talvez devêssemos deixar-nos de tretas. Salta aqui para dentro e vamos ser felizes.
Well, maybe we'll get lucky, and he'll do the half with our landlord in it.
Talvez fique com a metade que tem o nosso senhorio.
JOSEPHINE : We'll play cards later. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Jogamos às cartas logo.
Maybe we'll get lucky.
Talvez tenhamos sorte.
Forget it. Maybe we'll get lucky on the Rising Star.
Talvez tenhamos sorte na Rising Star.
Well, not on my own... but if you hit me in the head really hard... maybe we'll get lucky.
Bem.. sozinho não... mas se tu me acertares na cabeça com muita força... talvez nós tenhamos sorte.
Well, maybe we'll get lucky and one day modern medicine will find a cure.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e um dia a medicina encontrará uma cura.
Tryin'a long shot, pal, maybe we'll get lucky.
Temos de arriscar parceiro, talvez tenhamos sorte
Listen, just do what you're told, and maybe we'll get lucky again.
Oiçam, façam o que nós dissermos e talvez tenhamos sorte outra vez.
Mm-hmm. Come on. Maybe we'll get lucky.
Anda, pode ser que tenhamos sorte.
Maybe we'll get lucky, I have another man on the scene.
Nós dois somos capazes de ter sorte. Eu tenho outro homem em cena.
Maybe we'll get lucky.
Talvez a gente tenha sorte.
Uh, just hit it in the center really smooth, and maybe we'll get lucky.
Só pegue com suavidade no centro e talvez tenhamos sorte.
Maybe we'll get lucky and win.
Talvez nós tenhamos sorte e ganharemos.
Maybe we'll get lucky and come up with a user.
- Talvez achemos algum viciado.
Maybe we'll get lucky and find a motive at the apartment.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e encontremos o motivo na casa.
- Maybe we'll get lucky, ride this out.
Vou passar para outro caso.
Yeah, maybe we'll get lucky.
- Sim, talvez tenhamos sorte...
Maybe we'll get lucky.
Pode ser que tenhamos sorte.
Maybe we'll get lucky and the Jem'Hadar will pick that place to stand.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e os jem'hadar se coloquem nesse sítio.
Maybe we'll get lucky with a shark.
Pode ser que apareça um tubarão.
Maybe we'll get lucky and find whatever's down there.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e encontremos seja o que for que está lá em baixo.
Maybe if we get lucky, I'll get pregnant.
Se tiver sorte, talvez fique grávida.
- Martha, maybe we'll get lucky.
- Martha, talvez tenhamos sorte.
Maybe if we get lucky, next time they'll let us clean toilet bowls.
Se tivermos sorte, talvez para a próxima nos deixem limpar sanitas.
Usually they're not the stealthiest of criminals, so maybe we'll get lucky.
Não são muito discretos, talvez tenhamos sorte.
- Maybe we'll get lucky. - No problem, sir.
Não há problema.
Without those two kids... maybe we'll all get lucky.
Sem aqueles dois miúdos... Talvez tenhamos todos sorte.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Tony won't show. ( LAUGHING )
Talvez tenhamos sorte e o Tony não apareça.
Maybe we'll get lucky, Tinker, and they'll only shoot you.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e só acertem em ti.
Or maybe we'll get real lucky and catch us a nice shopping cart.
Ou vamos ter mesmo sorte... e pescar um carrinho de compras.
Maybe, next time, we'll get lucky.
Talvez da próxima tenhamos sorte.
Warden owns the shade, man. Maybe we'll get lucky.
O Director é dono da sombra.
Well, maybe we'll get lucky.
- Talvez tenhamos sorte.
Well, look, maybe we'll get lucky and settle at the conference tomorrow.
Olha, com sorte talvez se chegue a um acordo na conferência de amanhã.
Maybe we'll get lucky tonight.
Talvez tenhamos sorte hoje à noite.
And then, maybe we'll get a lucky hit. A brain shot. Or something!
Pode ser que tenhamos sorte com algum disparo... um disparo na cabeça.
Maybe we'll get lucky and you'll get a turn.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e o deixem jogar.
Well, maybe with the help of the FBI we'll get lucky.
Talvez tenhamos sorte com a ajuda do FBI.
Maybe we'll get lucky with somethin'.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e consigamos algo.
And maybe we'll get lucky and kill the fucker!
E talvez tenhamos sorte e matamos o cabrão!
I figured I'd take some pictures, get them developed tonight. And maybe we'll get lucky.
Pensei em tirar fotografias, revelá-las à noite e talvez tenhamos sorte.
- Maybe we'll get a lucky shot. McKay? - Almost!
- Talvez se consiga um tiro de sorte.
Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't all come from you.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e o sangue não seja só seu.
Maybe we'll get lucky and match the weapon he used.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e encontremos a arma que ele usou.
Maybe we'll get lucky and see another crash this year.
Talvez tenhamos sorte e vejamos outro desastre este ano.
Maybe we'll get lucky one day, and it'll bubble to the surface.
Talvez tenhamos sorte um dia, e venha à superfície.
Yes. Maybe we'll get lucky and ID the poor bastard that way.
Sim, e teremos sorte se identificarmos esse pobre coitado desse jeito.
And if we're lucky Maybe we'll get laid
E se tivermos sorte Podemos dar uma queca
Maybe we'll get lucky and catch him in wide.
- Se tivermos sorte, vamos achá-lo.
Maybe we'll get lucky, come up with a few crumbs.
Talvez tenhamos sorte, e descubra umas migalhas de pão.

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