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Scotland yard Çeviri Portekizce

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Do you expect the entire machinary of Scotland Yard to be held up to please you?
Pensas que a Scotland Yard inteira pode parar de trabalhar porque estás à minha espera.
You and your Scotland Yard
Tu e a tua Scotland Yard.
I... uh... I want to get on to Scotland Yard.
Tenho de telefonar para a Scotland Yard.
- Also rather unfortunate, that Scotland Yard, are at present looking for that man.
Que azar... a Scotland Yard anda à procura deste homem.
No Spaulding, Scotland Yard.
Spaulding. De Scotland Yard.
In Scotland Yard they teach you never to arrest an innocent man.
Na Scotland Yard, sabe-se : "Não se prende um inocente!"
All Scotland Yard was out and about.
A Scotland Yard inteira andava a rondar.
Does Scotland Yard have anything on me in their files?
Existe alguma coisa contra mim na Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard has nothing on me.
A Scotland Yard não tem nada contra mim.
Scotland Yard laid a trap for him once on a bank job he pulled in London.
A Scotland Yard quase o apanhou depois dum trabalhinho que ele fez em Londres.
Notify Scotland Yard to have a plainclothesman posted... on every corner of the district.
Avise a Scotland Yard e que coloquem homens à paisana... por toda a zona.
- Never heed the murder Mr Hannay. You'll convince Scotland Yard of your innocence like you convinced me.
Estou certo de que a Scotland Yard se ida sua inocência, tal como eu.
You can't do anything, I've been to Scotland Yard.
Mas não pode fazer nada. Estive na Scotland Yard.
Could you find a busier man in all London than the Chief of Scotland Yard?
Conhece alguém em Londres mais ocupado... que o chefe da Scotland Yard?
This is Scotland Yard, my boy, not Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Isto é a Scotland Yard, meu rapaz, e não contos de fadas de Grimm.
Usual thing, "What's the matter with Scotland Yard?"
O habitual : "Que se passa com a Scotland Yard"
I called on you seven years ago to enlist the resources of Scotland Yard for an unfortunate mortal afflicted with lycanthrophobia.
Visitei-o há sete anos... colaborando com a Scotland Yard... por causa de uma pobre alma, que sofria de licantrofobia.
This is a case for Scotland Yard.
Isto é caso para a Scotland Yard.
And, as head of Scotland Yard, I must warn you that there are only two courses which can be taken. Either to formally charge you with murder and send you to the gallows, or to have you committed to an institution for the criminally insane.
Como director da Scotland Yard, tenho de o avisar... há só dois caminhos a tomar- - acusá-lo formalmente de homicídio e mandá-lo para a forca... ou mandá-lo internar numa instituição... para inimputáveis.
I wish that bloke'd hurry up and get here from Scotland Yard so we could go home.
Oxalá chegasse o tipo da Scotland Yard, para podermos ir para casa.
You can't meet a sergeant from Scotland Yard.
Não pode ir receber um sargento da Scotland Yard.
It's against orders from Scotland Yard.
É contra as ordens da Scotland Yard.
Albert, this is Sergeant Wilkes of His Majesty's Scotland Yard.
Albert, este é o Sargento Wilkes, da Scotland Yard de Sua Majestade.
You have an appointment with Scotland Yard.
Tem encontro marcado com a Scotland Yard.
Scotland Yard.
- Scotland Yard.
You're coming with me to Scotland Yard.
A senhora é que vai comigo para a Scotland Yard.
Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard!
Neither can the special agents imported for the purpose from Scotland Yard... and the Surete Francaise.
Nem podem os agentes especiais chamados para isso, da Scotland Yard... e da Sûreté Française.
Call Scotland Yard?
Chamamos a Scotland Yard?
What's the good of being related to Scotland Yard?
De que adianta ter conhecimentos na Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard can't solve my problems.
A Scotland Yard não pode resolver os meus problemas.
Scotland Yard's in on it.
A Scotland Yard trata disso.
That's ridiculous, I've been in constant touch with Scotland Yard.
Isso é rídiculo, falei com a Scotland Yard.
And here, at Scotland Yard, we're equally convinced he did leave London.
Aqui, na Scotland Yard, estamos também convencidos de que saíu de Londres.
I promise you, Scotland Yard will not forget Basil Hallward.
Prometo, a Scotland Yard não esquecerá Basil Hallward.
Criminal Investigation Department, Scotland Yard.
Departamento de Investigação Criminal, Scotland Yard.
It's a gentleman from Scotland Yard asking about the dogs.
É um senhor da Scotland Yard a perguntar pelos cães.
A Scotland Yard man was murdered in the park... by a madwoman who made a noise like an animal.
Um homem da Scotland Yard foi assassinado no parque ontem, por uma louca que fazia ruídos como um animal.
That must be the place where the Scotland Yard man... was murdered last night.
Deve ser o lugar onde o homem da Scotland Yard... foi assassinado ontem à noite.
Later, I killed that meddling fool from Scotland Yard... because he was getting too close to the truth.
Mais tarde, matei aquele... tolo intrometido da Scotland Yard, porque ele estava demasiado próximo da verdade.
Scotland Yard?
- Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard was baffled, the FBI was baffled,
A Scotland Yard estava toda num lio, o FBI estava perplexo.
Scotland yard.
Scotland Yard.
- Scotland yard?
Scotland Yard?
Scotland Yard are searching the Rogues'Gallery... In the hunt for the criminals, and helping them is the bank clerk hero... Plucky little Holland.
A Scotland Yard procura os criminosos nos ficheiros com a ajuda do herói-bancário, o corajoso Holland.
I've been writing frantic letters to Scotland Yard.
Tenho escrito constantemente cartas para a Scotland Yard.
Still it's about Scotland Yard... might be amusing.
É sobre a Scotland Yard, é capaz de ser divertido.
A pal of yours at the Yard, said he thought you might be here.
É para ti da Scotland Yard.
I'm Captain Scotland of Spaulding Yard.
Eu sou o Capitão Scotland de Spaulding Yard.
Captain Yard of Scotland Spaulding always gets his women, or paintings.
Até a mim, o Capitão Yard da Scotland Spaulding, encontraram anos depois.
From Scotland Yard.
Scotland Yard.

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