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Showed Çeviri Portekizce

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But, like always, he never showed up.
Mas, como sempre, nunca apareceu.
Your mom mentioned an undercover agent, that he showed up at Brian's apartment, bleeding out.
A tua mãe mencionou um Agente infiltrado, que apareceu em casa do Brian, a sangrar.
I guess Brian's sister was at the safe house and someone showed up with a stab wound.
Acho que a irmã do Brian estava no seu apartamento quando apareceu lá alguém esfaqueado.
You know, one time you showed up as Sloane from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Sabes, uma vez apareceste-me como a Sloane de "O Rei dos Gazeteiros".
But I've already had to lie about why a federal agent showed up at this particular door just in time to see Hawks dead.
Mas já tive que mentir acerca de aparecer uma Agente aqui a tempo de ver o Hawks morto.
You showed her what you are!
Mostraste-lhe o que tu eras!
Richard : After he showed himself to be the aggressor.
Depois de ele ser o agressor.
She just showed up?
Ela simplesmente apareceu?
He showed up at my apartment, missing half his neck.
Apareceu em minha casa sem metade do pescoço.
He has showed me the power of his uniform And now I show him the power of my money
Achaste que estava doido por ti e, por isso, tive esta relação?
Because, he said he was gonna tell you about the video I showed him of me and my ex.
Porque ele disse que te ia contar do vídeo que eu lhe mostrei de mim e da minha ex.
The fire brigade showed up.
O corpo de bombeiros apareceu.
What's more interesting is why you showed up at that tent.
O mais interessante é o porquê de teres aparecido naquela tenda.
Because he showed up on my door all sad with his big, sweet face and made me forget everything that was wrong with us.
Porque ele apareceu à minha porta, muito triste, com aquele rosto fofo, e fez-me esquecer de tudo o que estava mal entre nós.
Donna showed me that.
A Donna mostrou-mo.
He never showed up.
Ele nunca apareceu.
Yeah, well, before I had a chance to do that, they showed me what they had, which is names, dates, witnesses, and everything else they need to put me away for as long as they want.
Sim, mas antes de o conseguir fazer, mostraram-me o que tinham, incluindo nomes, datas, testemunhas e tudo o que precisam para me prender por muito tempo.
David Green never showed.
O David Green não apareceu.
Anyway, I showed him the picture and he recognized her right away.
Seja como for, mostrei-lhe a foto e ele reconheceu-a logo.
They showed me the results.
Eles mostraram-me os resultados.
You just showed up.
Tu é que apareceste.
Fischer showed me the bug.
O Fischer mostrou-me a escuta.
We are so proud of all of our students, who showed everyone what we at Leyland already know...
Estamos tão orgulhosos de todos os nossos alunos, que mostraram a toda a gente aquilo que "Leyland" já sabia...
Some of the guys showed up at my place, told me to call Taylor, tell him to meet me at the 5th Street Rec Center.
O pessoal foi até minha casa, pediram-me para ligar ao Taylor, e dizer-lhe para se encontrar comigo no centro recreativo, na 5th Street.
Guy showed his true colors, right?
Ele mostrou como é.
He showed me a video.
Ele mostrou-me um vídeo.
I sat around here waiting all day, practicing my surprise face for when the CO finally showed up, and then... nothing!
Fiquei sentada todo o dia à espera, a preparar a minha cara de surpreendida para quando um agente aparecesse e nada!
Washington showed me this when I started the garden.
A Washington mostrou-me isto, quando comecei a horta.
An Amnesty representative showed up as I was leaving to check on our treatment of political prisoners.
Um representante da Amnistia chegou para ver como tratamos prisioneiros políticos.
A couple days after Paloma got deported, her mother called in to the office and told me she never showed up in Mexico.
Alguns dias após a Paloma ser deportada, a mãe ligou-me e disse que ela nunca chegou ao México.
I've been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.
Venho a investigar o desaparecimento do Carter, e não encontro nenhuma prova de onde estava antes do carro aparecer na ponte, mas há muitas câmaras de trânsito por perto.
Been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.
Venho a investigar o desaparecimento do Carter, e não encontro nenhuma prova de onde estava antes do carro aparecer na ponte, mas há muitas câmaras de trânsito por perto.
I was surveilling him, trying to figure out what he was up to, when the team showed up.
Estava a vigiá-lo, para ver o que tramava, quando a equipa apareceu.
She just showed me letters from her parents apologizing over and over again for everything they've done, planning the next time they can see her.
Ela mostrou-me cartas dos pais a pedirem desculpa vezes sem conta por tudo o que fizeram, a planear o próximo encontro.
He said he'd cover the rest of my shift, but he never showed up.
Disse que fazia o resto do turno, mas nunca apareceu.
Iris, I showed you the letters.
Iris, mostrei-te as cartas.
Both disposal sites only showed evidence of one person.
Ambos os locais de desova apenas mostram evidências de uma pessoa.
And then Wynonna showed up to retrieve Wyatt's gun and left me a rope dangling,
Até que a Wynonna apareceu para recuperou a arma do Wyatt, deixou-me uma corda pendurada, e aqui estou eu.
Pa showed me your watercolours.
O pai mostrou-me as tuas aguarelas.
Has anyone showed you how zombies walk?
Já alguém lhe mostrou como é que os zombies andam?
- The guy who showed me the video.
- O tipo que me mostrou o vídeo.
He showed up after you were arrested.
Ele apareceu depois de teres sido detido.
So, Dr. Van Lier is absolutely Neolution because he, like, showed up out of nowhere with all this medical gear, like, right after that French doctor was shot.
O Dr. Van Lier é completamente Neo-evolução, porque apareceu do nada com imenso material médico, logo a seguir à médica francesa ser alvejada. Entendem?
She showed me the way.
Ela mostrou-me o caminho.
Then she died, not long after Rick showed up...
Então ela morreu, logo depois de o Rick ter aparecido...
You may be stupid, darlin', but you showed some real ingenuity here.
Podes ser estúpida, querida, mas mostraste um verdadeiro talento aqui.
She already had her hands full with Justin, and I showed up and I just doubled her trouble.
Ela já tinha as mãos cheias com o Justin, aparecei e apenas lhe dobrei o trabalho.
Huston instructed her to use it if anyone ever showed up to... oh, I don't know... kill him in the middle of the night.
Não sei bem... Matá-lo a meio da noite.
- Which showed you the truth.
Foi o remédio.
I didn't even know Sadie was trying to steal the tape until you guys showed up at my house earlier.
After that, she never showed so much as a tooth in my direction.
Depois disso, nunca mais foi brava comigo.

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