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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Try and relax

Try and relax Çeviri Portekizce

232 parallel translation
Now try and relax.
Tente relaxar-se.
Really, Mr. Talbot You must try and relax.
Sr. Talbot tente relaxar-se.
So just try and relax.
Tenta relaxar.
So try and relax.
Tenta descontrair.
She's gonna be just fine. Try and relax.
Ela vai ficar bem, tenta relaxar.
Come on, B.A. Just take a minute and try and relax and enjoy.
- Vá lá, BA. Tenta lá relaxar e aproveitar.
I got to try and relax.
Tenho que me relaxar.
Just try and relax, Mrs. Lowry.
Tente relaxar, Sr.ª Lowry.
Would you try and relax...
Podes tentar relaxar...
Why don't you try and relax a little bit?
Tenta relaxar.
Just try and relax.
Tente relaxar.
So why don't you and I try and relax.
E se tentássemos acalmar-nos?
Tem calma!
Captain, try and relax!
Capitão, porque não tenta relaxar!
Just try and relax.
Tenta te relaxar.
Just try and relax.
Forget about work for a while and try and relax.
Esqueça o trabalho um pouco e tente descansar.
Let's just try and relax.
Vamos tentar diver...
- Try and relax, Mr Torrence.
- Procure relaxar, Sr. Torrence.
Try and relax.
Tente relaxar.
But right now, try and relax and get some sleep.
Mas agora descontrai e dorme.
Just try and relax, okay?
Tente descontrair, está bem?
Go get something to eat and try and relax.
Vai buscar alguma coisa para comer e tenta acalmar-te.
If you could just try and relax, Kathryn.
Procura descansar, Kathryn.
Try and relax.
Tenta relaxar.
Can you try and relax and relieve yourself?
Tenta relaxar e aliviar-se?
- Jarod... just try and relax.
- Jarod... tenta acalmar-te.
Try and relax.
Procura relaxar.
I want you to try and relax.
Quero que tente relaxar.
Just try and relax, Mr. Wong.
Tente descontrair, Mr. Wong.
Relax, honey, and try not to think about it.
Calma, meu amor, e tenta não pensar nisso.
Well, I suppose I must just do as he says, try to relax and not think about it.
Bem, suponho que devo fazer como ele disse : Relaxar e não pensar no assunto.
Stay and try to relax.
And try to relax.
E tenta descontrair.
Now try to quit complaining'and relax.
Agora tenta parar com as queixas e relaxa.
You'd best just relax and try to forget about this thing.
O melhor é descontraires-te e tentar esquecer tudo isto.
See, suppose you just relax and try to remember the very thing you were thinking when the headache first started.
Só precisas de relaxar e tentar lembrar aquilo em que estavas a pensar quando a dor de cabeça começou.
AII right, relax and try again.
Tenham calma e tentem de novo.
Relaxa e tenta manter-te forte.
Let's try to relax and finish dinner. Talk about something else.
Vamo-nos acalmar, terminar de comer e mudar de assunto.
Now, you just take some deep breaths and try to relax.
Basta que respires fundo e tentes descontrair-te.
And try to relax.
E tente relaxar.
Have fun and try to relax, Diane.
Divirta-se, e tente relaxar, Diane.
Have fun and try to relax.
Divirta-se e tente relaxar.
Just close your eyes and try to relax.
Feche os olhos e tente relaxar.
Would you just try to relax and just enjoy yourself?
Podes descontrair e tentar divertir-te?
In the meantime, why don't you take some deep cleansing breaths, and try to relax, okay?
Entretanto, porque é que não fazes umas respirações profundas e purificadoras, e tentas relaxar?
would you just try to relax and just enjoy yourself?
Podes descontrair e tentar divertir-te?
And I'II try to relax.
E tentarei relaxar.
Por favor, tenta relaxar e divertir-te, está bem?
Just try and relax.
Tenta descontrair-te.

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