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You could have died Çeviri Portekizce

113 parallel translation
You could have died.
Rom! Podia ter morrido.
Well, if you'd stayed... busy much longer you could have died.
Bem se continuasse a trabalhar tanto, teria morrido.
You could have died, like Nuria.
Podias ter morrido como a Nuria.
I'm thinking you could have died in the crash.
Podias ter morrido no acidente.
You could have died, Kelly.
Podias ter morrido, Kelly.
You could have died, trying to save me.
Podias ter morrido ao tentares salvar-me.
You could have died.
O carro não estava lá.
If the bullet had hit an artery, you could have died.
"Se a bala tivesse atingido uma artéria, podias ter morrido."
- You could have died in that fire.
- Podias ter morrido no incêndio.
You could have died out there.
Podias ter morrido ali.
You could have died.
Podias ter morrido.
That much chlorine is a poison in the sleeping juice so you could have died.
Tanto cloral é um veneno... não um sonífero.
I've been up all night. And now I find out you're sick and you could have died?
Estive acordada a noite toda e, agora, descubro que estás doente e que podias ter morrido?
Both of you could have died.
Ambos podiam ter morrido.
Clark, you could have died up there.
Clark, podias ter morrido ali.
You could have died!
Podias ter morrido!
Kyle, you could have died this morning. Well...
Kyle, podias ter morrido, esta manhã.
You could have died.
Podia ter morrido.
- You could have died had you eaten it.
- Se a comesses, tinhas morrido.
You could have died.
Você podia ter morrido.
- You could have died.
- Podias ter morrido.
I had. That doctor said you could have died fighting in that ring...
O médico disse que podias ter morrido naquele ringue.
- Sloan, you could have died.
- Sloan, podias ter morrido.
You know, you could have died yesterday.
Sabes, podias ter morrido, ontem.
You could have died today.
Podias ter morrido hoje.
If only your eyes were blue I could have died for you
Se tivesses os olhos azuis poderia morrer de amor por ti. Se tivesses os olhos azuis poderia morrer de amor por ti.
It's terrible to say this, but I think if... if Dan had died when the two of you were in Vietnam, Dad could have handled that.
É horrível dizer isso, mas acho que... se Dan tivesse morrido enquanto estava no Vietnã, papai conseguiria lidar com isso.
You son of an owl! My daughter could have died due to you.
A minha filha teria morrido por causa da sua negligência.
"I wish you could have told me... "... how Tommy died, but I guess we must be careful about security.
Gostava de ter sabido como morreu o Tommy, mas calculo que não tenha dito por razões de segurança.
A garota morreu e não tem nada que poderia ter feito.
My son could have died because of you.
O meu filho podia ter morrido por tua causa.
He died so you could have what you wanted.
Ele morreu para que você consiga o que quer.
Your husband died so that your daughter, his daughter, could have a mother. - Ain't nobody gonna touch you now. - Maybe.
As suas amigas...
Those two minutes you could have died.
Naqueles dois minutos, podias ter morrido.
He could have died, you asshole.
Poderia ter morrido, cretino.
It could have been anywhere or time that she wouldn't have been if you'd died.
Podia ser em qualquer lado ou altura em que ela não estaria, se o pai tivesse morrido.
And due to a trick of Fate, when Giacomo could have helped you with the money from Alberto, Cucchiara died. Taking your debts with him... to hell, I hope.
Mas, por capricho do destino quando ele a podia ajudar mais facilmente, porque tinha herdado do Alberto o Sr. Cuchiara morreu e levou as suas dividas para a cova.
- You should have seen... as soon as he died... they badly could wait to remove him / it of there.
- Você deveria ter visto... assim que ele morreu... eles mal podiam esperar para tirá-lo de lá.
But lf you could have killed her by wishing it, she should have died a thousand times!
Mas se o desejo matasse, ela já teria morrido mil vezes.
Hey, you know, what would be the coolest thing if when somebody's died, you could - peel off the top layer of their eyeball and develop it like film so you could have a picture of the last thing they saw.
Sabes, o que seria porreiro era quando alguém morre se pudesse extrair a camada exterior dos olhos, e mandá-la revelar como se fosse um negativo para termos uma fotografia da última coisa que viu.
We could have died, and then, as if that wasn't bad enough... you got a flat tire.
Podíamos ter morrido e depois, como se se isso não fosse suficientemente mau, - Tiveram um furo no carro.
Hundreds of people could have died'cause you dropped the ball.
Centenas de pessoas podiam ter morrido porque não tiveste o cuidado.
You died again and again with no thought of what you could have been or what you could have done.
Morreste uma e outra vez. Sem pensar sequer no que poderias ter sido. O que podias ter feito.
Listen, I know this is selfish, but I keep thinking it could have been you who died.
Olha, sei que é egoísmo, mas... contínuo a pensar que podias ter sido tu a morrer.
And how could you have known that she died in the gutter
E como é que sabias que ela tinha morrido na sarjeta?
People could have died if you missed!
Se cometesses um erro, sabes quantas vidas poderiam ter sido perdidas?
One of your employees had a heart attack. He could have died because of the way you're allowing your office to run.
Um dos seus funcionários teve um ataque do coração e poderia ter morrido por causa da sua administração.
We could have died, you dick.
- Podiamos ter morrido, idiota.
You know he could have died fighting?
Sabias que ele podia ter morrido no combate?
The man you saw { \ * up there } in those memories could never have died a happy man.
O homem que viste lá em cima naquelas memórias nunca poderia morrer feliz.
When Charley Bascom died, you could have just gone on living your life.
Quando Charley Bascom morreu, Podia apenas ter ido viver a sua vida.

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