You said it Çeviri Portekizce
13,343 parallel translation
You said it herself... this will destroy her.
Disse que isto vai destruí-la.
You said it yourself.
Tu próprio o disseste.
Look, you said it was a day's hike.
Ouça, disso que era um dia de caminhada.
- The last time you came looking for me, you said it wasn't your money.
- Da ultima vez que me procuraram, disseram que o dinheiro não era vosso.
You said it, too.
Tu também concordas.
You... you said it was all clear. You said it was gonna be okay. Run!
Disseste que ia correr bem.
It's not like she can kill me again. You said it yourself... the entire Downworld is at risk.
Foste tu que o disseste, se ele tiver a Taça, todo o Mundo à Parte está em perigo.
You said it yourself.
Eles criaram-te.
You said it was a warlock book?
Disseste que era um livro de feiticeiro?
None of it is what you said it was!
Nenhum disto é o que você disse que era!
This ain't how you said it was gonna be daddy.
Isto não é o que disseste que seria, pai.
No, actually, you said it was people.
Na verdade, você disse que foram as pessoas.
You said it yourself, Jack.
- Tu mesmo o disseste, Jack.
The last time you came to me, you said it was because Mike made you.
Na última vez, disseste que o Mike te obrigou.
- I know all of that, but you said it yourself, we need sympathy, and no one is gonna get us more sympathy than the innocent guy we got out of prison.
- Eu sei isso tudo, mas tu próprio disseste que precisamos de empatia, e ninguém nos vais conseguir mais empatia do que um tipo inocente que tirámos da prisão.
I thought you said it was bad luck to see each other before the wedding?
Pensei que tinhas dito que dava azar vermo-nos antes do casamento.
You said it, chum.
Ora aí está, companheiro.
Was it Tom, what you said in South Dakota, with the couple?
Foi o Tom? O que disseste no Dakota do Sul, com o casal?
What you said... is it on the record now?
O que disse pode ser registado?
It's like you said- - we're running out of time, right?
É como disseste... estamos a ficar sem tempo.
You said you'd fix it?
Disse que o consertariam.
You said they were murdered, but it looks like they lost control of their car and crashed.
Disseste que os mataram, mas parecem ter perdido o controlo do carro.
That's what you said, right, isn't it?
Foi o que disseste, certo?
I know you said don't, but I realized that if I settle for this, then that would be it.
Sei que disseste para não fazê-lo, mas percebi que se me acomodar, então é o fim.
You found it... beneath you. I've had quite a bit of time to think, and I didn't mean what I said about Latin. Leith!
Consideraste-lo inferior a vós.
I don't, but it's like, you know, like what you said when we came up with this plan.
A sério, mas... sabes, é como tu disseste quando elaboramos este plano.
It's not going to be those two that just dumped her on the doorstep at the hospital, and said, " If you're still insisting in the morning
Vão ser as outras? As duas que a deixaram à porta do hospital e disseram :
You said you were going to deal with them and nip it in the bud.
Disse que ia resolver tudo.
Earlier today, you said, "It was personal," the reason why you were fired.
Hoje mais cedo disse, "foi pessoal", a razão pela qual foi despedida.
Look, I know you don't want to believe this, but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it.
Eu sei que não queres acreditar, mas a Lydia disse que ajudaria se arranjássemos uma forma.
You told me that's what Valentine said when it happened.
Disseste-me que foi o que o Valentine disse quando aconteceu.
I said that you were weak, and I meant it.
Eu disse que eras fraco e era a verdade.
Well, you heard what it said, it's just looking for a home.
Bem, ouviste o que ele disse. Está á procura de um lar.
The day we met, you said you had nothing to do with it.
Quando nos conhecemos, disseste que não tinhas nada a ver com isso.
You said you read it.
Disseste que o leste.
I had a ton of it yesterday. You said that it was this way.
- Comi imenso ontem.
You said this would be the end of it.
Tu disseste que este seria o fim de tudo.
Do you think it's as intense as she said it is?
Achas que é tão intenso como ela disse que era?
I mean, it could be that Piper's gone, just like you said, you know?
É possível que a Piper tenha morrido, tal como tinhas dito, sabes?
You know, it's fitting that a Russian said it best.
Sabes, o melhor foi dito por um russo.
It took you ten years to get to the moment where you finally said,
Levaram dez anos a chegar ao momento em que disseram :
It's like you said.
Foi como disseste.
What was it that you said to her?
O que foi que lhe disseste?
You fucking said it.
Tu mesmo o disseste.
It's two hours later, and I still haven't been able to do that, which means anything that I've said between then and now is not only inadmissible, it's also evidence that you violated my rights.
Já passaram duas horas e ainda não o pude fazer, o que significa que tudo o que possa dizer entre essa altura e agora não só é inadmissível em tribunal, mas é também prova de que violou os meus direitos.
I am a marshal, but the next guy won't be, and you give him that know-it-all attitude, and like I said, you won't last a night.
Sou um marechal, mas o próximo tipo não será, e se lhe mostrares essa atitude de sabichão, tal como disse, não aguentarás uma noite.
It said'You were wrong about me?
Dizia : "Estás errada a meu respeito"?
No, it's not gonna wait, because you said you'd take care of Gibbs.
Não, não vai esperar porque disseste que tratavas da Gibbs.
It'd probably get overturned, but if you think that's why I said what I said, then obviously you don't know me.
Provavelmente, será renunciado mas se acha que foi por isso que disse o que disse, então, obviamente, não me conhece.
What you said about forgiveness changing the future it comforts me to know you're looking forward again.
O que disseste sobre o perdão mudar o futuro... Conforta-me saber que olhas novamente em frente.
You looked into that empty grave back then and said you'd be staring at her if it weren't for me.
Você olhou para aquela campa vazia na altura e disse que iria estar a olhar para ela, se não tivesse sido eu.
you said it yourself 408
you said it was 18
you said it was important 29
you said it was urgent 22
you said 2178
you said you loved me 36
you said you were 23
you said you would 31
you said something 49
you said that 308
you said it was 18
you said it was important 29
you said it was urgent 22
you said 2178
you said you loved me 36
you said you were 23
you said you would 31
you said something 49
you said that 308