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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You said you would

You said you would Çeviri Portekizce

3,716 parallel translation
Why the hell didn't you pick up your brother like you said you would?
Porque não foste buscar o teu irmão?
You said you would take my car into the shop because it keeps dying, remember?
E ias levar o carro à oficina, porque está sempre a ir-se abaixo...
Come on, Anthony, you said you would stay out of this.
Então, Anthony, disse que não se iria meter nisto.
Daddy... my whole life, you said you would buy me a car when I graduated.
Pai... A minha vida inteira, disseste que ias comprar-me um carro quando eu me formasse.
Yeah, well, you said you would kill my family and burn my house down if I didn't, so...
Bem, disseste que matarias a minha família e queimarias a minha casa se não aparecesse, portanto...
I followed your guidance and she reacted as you said she would.
Segui o seu guião e ela reagiu como disse que ela iria reagir.
Yeah, but if I told you a week, would you have said yes?
Se eu dissesse que seria uma semana, tu ias dizer que sim?
You know, if we did a shot every time they said something embarrassing, this would be one hell of a drinking game.
Se tomássemos uma dose por cada vez que ele diz algo embarasoso, seria um óptimo jogo para beber.
And what would you have said if I'd called?
E o que é que dirias se eu te tivesse chamado?
Lady Kenna said you would be expecting her?
A D. Kenna disse que a esperáveis?
- Orbiting a main sequence yellow star just as you said it would.
- Encontrá-mos. - Em orbita de uma estrela amarela... tal como o senhor previu.
You said that we would triumph.
Disseste que iríamos triunfar.
You said Overko would watch him. Who?
Disseste que o Overko iria vigiá-lo.
If you'd have given him a name, he probably would've said, "Good"... and let you go.
Se lhe tivesses dado um nome, se calhar ele tinha dito, "bom", e tinha-te deixado ir.
He always said you would become the strongest of them all.
Sempre disse que te tornarias o mais forte deles todos.
Simon said you would come.
O Simon disse-me que vinham cá.
How would you like it if I my next client walked in here and I said that the guy that just walked out of here Is a lunatic weirdo obsessed with a woman named Glo stick?
Ia gostar que o meu próximo cliente entrasse aqui e eu dissesse que o tipo que acabou de sair é um maluco esquisito obcecado por uma mulher de nome Glo Stick?
Would you feel better if I said no?
Sentir-te-ás melhor se disser que não?
If you would've told me or said something...
Se me tivesses dito, podias ter dito alguma coisa.
Now, if someone said that they could take that pain away, would you let them?
Agora, se alguém dissesse que poderia tirar essa dor, deixavas?
they said the best thing to do would be just to walk you through it.
Disseram que o melhor seria rever tudo contigo.
So what you're saying is that instead of erasing the video like you said that you would, you actually ended up sending it to everyone that you ever given one of those fucking iPads to?
Quer dizer que em vez de apagar o vídeo como disseste que ias fazer, acabaste por o mandar a todas as pessoas a quem já deste um iPad? !
What? No! You said that The Creator would give us what we'll need.
Disseste que o Criador nos daria aquilo de que precisamos.
I thought you said no one would follow us.
Tinhas dito que ninguém nos seguiria...
I... well, Miss Clarke, Joan actually... said that it would be... nice if I was to bring you all something.
Eu... bem, a senhora Clarke, Joan na verdade, disse que seria simpático se eu vos trouxesse alguma coisa.
And what would you have said, that I...
E o que dirias, que eu...
You know what your father would have said about this.
Tu sabes o que o teu pai diria.
But do not think I would have been as fun if you had said it was a joke. Before he lost an organ?
Não achas que já terias sido engraçado se me dissesse que era mentira antes de perder meu órgão?
He said that you two would smuggle out the heroin, that you'd replace it with glucose, that you two do it all the time.
Ele disse que vocês os dois iriam contrabandear a heroína, iriam trocá-la por glicose, que vocês estão sempre a fazer isso.
I know I said I would, but you looked so sad when I won, I couldn't.
Disse que faria, mas ficaste tão triste quando ganhei, eu não podia.
The prophecy said only one of you six girls would live, only the strongest would survive.
A profecia dizia que só uma das seis miúdas sobreviveria. Somente a mais forte sobreviveria.
Yeah, it's like you said- - if I was innocent, everything would work out.
Sim, foi como você disse se estivesse inocente, tudo iria resolver-se.
I was gonna do that anyway and you would've heard me and you would've asked her what I said, figured out what I said anyway.
Ia fazer isso de qualquer forma e terias ouvido e ias perguntar-lhe o que eu tinha dito, descobrias o que eu disse à mesma.
- I thought you said it would never get to this.
Achei que tinhas dito que isso nunca iria acontecer. - Espera lá.
- Now hang on. I thought you said you put loyal men in all the right places - so the crew would never turn.
- Achei que tinhas dito que ias colocar homens leais em todos os postos e que a tripulação nunca se revoltaria.
You said the crew would weather it.
E disseste que a tripulação aguentaria. Dias.
But I'll set out with you, because I said I would... and I'll help you tend your cuckoo clocks as long as it suits me.
Mas eu vou consigo porque prometi que ia. E ajudo a tomar conta das taradas enquanto me apetecer.
I said, what would you...
Eu disse : "O que..."
I said I would never... never marry another woman, never look at her... till you were settled down with someone.
De que não me casaria ou sequer olharia para outra mulher.
You said the story was over, and if I remember correctly, continuing it would be creative suicide.
Disseste que a história tinha terminado e se me lembro correctamente, continuá-la seria cometer suicídio criativo.
And I said to myself Manager What is with you in LA would not be a sacrifice...
Até me convenci a mim mesma que mudar-me contigo para LA podia não ser um compromisso.
I would like to do exactly what you just said.
Eu gostava de fazer exactamente o que tu acabaste de dizer.
So when Logan said "jump"... did you actually say "how high"... or was there an understanding that you would achieve max verticality?
Então quando o Logan disse "salta" na verdade disseste "a que altura" ou houve um entendimento de que irias atingir a máxima verticalidade?
If a guy you loved gave you a wedding ring, a ring you said you've always wanted, would you exchange it because your boss told you to?
Se um tipo que amas te desse uma aliança, um anel que disseste que sempre quiseras, trocá-lo-ias por o teu chefe te ter dito que o trocasses?
He said you would see sense.
E que tu ías entender.
You're certain he said nothing to you about why he would do this?
Tens a certeza que ele não te disse nada do porquê de fazer isto?
I said that you and I would go with the Dean's wife and talk to the Dean...
Eu disse que tu e eu iamos com a esposa do reitor e falariamos com o reitor...
You said that I would still be pretty even if I shaved my head!
Disseste que eu seria bonita mesmo se rapasse a cabeça!
The lady said me wanting to see my daddy would make you angry.
A senhora disse que ao querer vê-lo faria com que te zangasses.
When you posted the video online, you said he would never agree to the demands.
Quando publicaste o vídeo na Internet, disseste que ele nunca aceitaria as exigências.
And what would he do if you said no?
O que fazia ele se negasses?

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