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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You talked to him

You talked to him Çeviri Portekizce

571 parallel translation
- If you talked to him, another man...
- Fala com ele. Outro homem...
Did my father say anything to you about me when you talked to him? No.
Meu pai disse algo sobre mim quando falou com ele?
You talked to him. What do you think?
Você já falou com ele.
You talked to him.
Você falou com ele.
Hey.. Perhaps if you talked to him we could change places
Talvez, se você falasse com ele, podíamos trocar de lugar.
- You talked to him?
- Falou com ele?
- You talked to him.
- Falou com ele.
- You talked to him last night?
- Falaste com ele ontem à noite?
- You talked to him?
- Falastes com ele?
But you talked to him on the phone.
- Mas falou com ele ao telefone.
What was he like when you talked to him last?
Como é que ele estava da última vez que falou com ele?
You talked to him.
Que te disse?
Have you talked to him about it?
- Já lhe falou nisto?
Look it, I understand that Alan talked to you and you talked to him.
Olha, eu compreendo O Alan falou contigo e tu falaste com ele.
He didn't like the way you talked to him on the phone.
Não gostou da maneira como "tu" falaste com ele ao telefone.
You mean you talked to him seriously about the two of you living together?
Lynn, és demasiado jovem. Pai, alguns dos meus amigos da faculdade já estão casados.
You talked to him, right? Yeah, I think he'll be along.
Eu acredito que ele virá.
- After the way you talked to him... the other night, I think he's afraid to even look at you.
Depois da maneira como falas-te com ele no outro dia, acho que até tem medo em olhar para ti.
- Have you talked to him about it?
- Já conversaste com ele?
Zeke Hawkins, the guy in 13-A. You talked to him yet?
Zeke Hawkins, o gajo do 13-A.
She know you talked to him?
- Ela sabe que falaste com ele?
When you spoke to your poor brothers, you talked about peace, Maria... today a mouthpiece of Joh Fredersen incites them to rebel against him...
Quando falaste com os teus pobres irmãos falaste de paz, Maria... hoje, um porta-voz de Joh Fredersen incita-os a insurgirem-se contra ele...
Well, you've already talked to him, Judge.
O senhor já falou com ele, Juiz.
I thought perhaps if you talked to Mother... told her how well he's doing at the lab, what a wonderful future you see ahead for him... well, she might forget that his father manufactures overalls.
Diga à minha mãe que ele tem feito um bom trabalho no laboratório e tem um futuro promissor, e ela talvez esqueça que o pai dele fabrica macacões.
You talked last night and again today how you'd like to kill this Baxter and, in a technical sense, not murder him.
Você falou a noite passada e já hoje, como gostaria de matar esse Baxter, e, tecnicamente não assassiná-lo.
I was proud of the way you talked up to him.
Gostei da maneira como lhe falaste.
Has Fumiko talked to you about him?
Fumiko falou dele consigo?
You never talked to him about home, did you Arthur?
Nunca falavas com ele sobre a nossa casa, pois não, Arthur?
You just talked to him on the telephone.
Acabaste de falar com ele ao telefone.
You talked with a spy and brought him here, in the night to speak with me?
Falou com um espião e trouxe-o até aqui, a meio da noite para que fale comigo?
So, after you've talked to him, call me back at the cabin, will you, and let me know what he decided.
Depois de falares com ele, liga-me para a cabana e diz-me o que ele decidiu.
I just talked to him. You did?
- Ainda agora falei com ele.
You must've talked his ear off tryin'to get him to stay.
Você deve ter falado até para ele ficar.
You saw him at the beach but you never talked to him in the morning?
Você viu-o na praia mas não conversou com ele pela manhã?
You've already talked to him?
Já falaste com ele?
You can see that after you've talked to him for five minutes.
Podemos ver isso depois de falarmos cinco minutos com ele.
Well... I just talked with Ben Tramer and he got real excited when I told him how attracted you were to him.
Bem... acabei de falar com o Ben Tramer, e ele ficou muito contente quando lhe disse que estavas atraída por ele.
Now listen to me, I tell you, boys and girls whichever one of you gets it out of him is going to wind up with the single, most important interview since God talked to Moses!
Ouçam-me, meninos e meninas, quem lhe conseguir arrancar isto, vai conseguir a entrevista mais importante desde que... Deus falou com Moisés!
You did? Yeah, I talked to him this morning.
Sim, falei com ele hoje de manhã.
And talked to him! How did you talk to him?
Como pôde falar com ele?
When you and Mrs. Kirk talked to Dr. Morrison when you chatted with him about the crime Claudia had been charged with did he also indicate to you that he thought it was the best way?
Quando o senhor e a Sra. Kirk falaram com o Dr. Morrison, quando conversaram com ele... sobre o crime de que a Claudia fora acusada, ele também vos indicou que... achava que era a melhor solução?
Not after the way "you" talked to him.
Não depois da maneira como "falaste" com ele.
Yes, we talked to Mr. Maroon. He told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you showed him the pictures.
Sim, falámos com o Sr. Maroon, ele disse-nos que o coelho ficou bastante agitado quando lhe mostrou as fotografias.
I called the hospital and I talked to the head orthopedic surgeon and I told him who you were and what had happened.
Liguei para o hospital e falei com o chefe dos cirurgiões ortopedistas e disse-lhe quem o Paul era e o que se passou.
Last time I talked to you, your paper attacked him.
Da última vez que falámos, o seu jornal atacou-o.
When I talked to him, I could smell how much they want you.
Quando falei com ele, cheirou-me que te querem muito para o papel.
I noticed outside the Ed Sullivan theatre when that guy called you up for a television interview and talked about the new hairstyle, you said to him, "You haven't caught on to it."
Notei que à porta do Teatro do Ed Sullivan, quando aquele tipo o chamou para uma entrevista da TV e falou do novo penteado, você lhe disse : "Vejo que não aderiu à moda."
Father Jim mentioned you last time I talked to him.
O Padre Jim falou de ti, da última vez que falei com ele.
And we talked to him for a while and he said he had some brew, you know, would we like some.
E falámos um pouco com ele e ele disse que tinha uma bebida caseira, sabe, perguntou se queríamos.
You've actually talked to him?
Falaste mesmo com ele?
Marge, when you talked to Will about when we chained ourselves together... at sit-ins, you're only giving him the romantic part of the struggle.
Marge, quando falaste com o Will sobre nos termos acorrentado, sobre os piquetes, só lhe mostraste a face romântica da luta.

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