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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You were born

You were born Çeviri Portekizce

2,334 parallel translation
I've known you since the day you were born.
Não me lembro.
Arrietty... Before you were born, there were two other families living in this house.
Arrietty... antes de nasceres, havia duas outras famílias que viviam nesta casa.
You still in possession of the bollocks you were born with?
Ainda tens os tomates com os quais nasceste?
You still in possession of the bollocks you were born with? Dad, I'm OK with moody weddings.
Pai, eu estou bem com os casamentos tristes.
I had these before you were born.
- Já as tinha antes de nasceres.
I would have waited for you, but by the time you were born, I was middle-aged.
Eu teria esperado por ti, mas quando nasceste, já eu estava na meia-idade.
From the day you were born, I knew your destiny would be extraordinary.
Desde o dia em que nasceste, sabia que o teu destino seria extraordinário.
You say you're here to destroy Richard but he would have been just a child when you were born.
Disseste que estavas aqui para destruir o Richard, mas não passava duma criança quando nasceste.
Son, if I was interested in fun, I would've run away the day you were born.
Filho, se tivesse interessado em diversão, teria fugido no dia em que nasceste.
I found an entry from the night you were born.
Encontrei um registo, da noite em que nasceste.
From the day you were born, you were brought up to crave the approval of a man.
Desde o dia que nascem, são educadas para desejar a aprovação de um homem.
How attached are you to the body you were born with?
Estás muito ligado ao corpo com que nasceste?
But you were born there, weren't you?
Mas nasceste lá, certo?
Is it true you were born in 1880?
É verdade que foi nascida em 1880?
I did nothing. You were born that way.
Eu não fiz nada, vocês nasceram assim!
That happened seven years before you were born.
Isso aconteceu 7 anos antes de teres nascido!
Oh, yeah, after you were born, your mom and I both had to work and you'd never sleep, so Aunt Edie moved in and helped take care of you.
Depois de nasceres, eu e a mãe tivemos de ir trabalhar e tu nunca dormias. A tia veio para cá ajudar a cuidar de ti.
You were born 16.
Tu já nasceste com 16 anos.
My wish is for you to live a full and wonderful life, But I need you to know, you were born of a great love.
O meu desejo é que vivas uma vida preenchida e maravilhosa, mas... preciso que saibas que nasceste de um grande amor.
I've been coming to Chicago since before you were born.
Já vinha a Chicago ainda tu não eras nascido.
You were born with an ominous fate that causes your suffering.
Nasceste com um destino fatal que te faz sofrer.
That's you the day you were born.
És tu no dia em que nasceste.
I've known you since before you were born and I've got a plan for each of you.
- Eu conheço-vos desde antes de serem nascidos. - E tenho um plano para cada um de vocês.
Right after you were born... she rushed out of the hospital with you... for a church to get you baptized.
Sabes, logo depois de teres nascido, ela saiu a correr do hospital contigo, e levou-te a uma igreja, para te baptizar.
- After you were born. - Jenni?
You were born, son.
Eu tratava disto antes mesmo de nasceres, filho!
I let your mother down long before you were born.
Eu desapontei a tua mãe muito antes de nasceres.
I haven't had a sick day since before you were born.
Não fico doente desde antes de tu nascer.
I was there on the day you were born.
Estava lá no dia em que nasceste.
You were born in Glencoe, Illinois.
Nasceu em Glencoe, Illinois.
And if you let your guard down for so much as a second, as sure as you were born,
E se baixares a tua guarda apenas por um segundo, tão certo quão tu nasceste,
When you were born, everyone said to me,
Quando nasceste, todos me diziam :
You were born for it. And you're really, really, really good at it.
E és mesmo, mesmo muito bom nisso.
That's why you were born with these powers.
É para isso que devia servir a magia. Por isso nascestes com esses poderes.
You don't know what it's like to be an outsider to be ashamed of how you were born, to have to hide who you are.
Tu não sabes o que é ser diferente, teres vergonha de como nasceste, teres de esconder aquilo que és.
I mean, what if you were born with both male and female parts, but they sewed up the female parts?
E se nasceste com os dois sexos e te cozeram a parte feminina?
I was banging guys on the front lawn long before you were born.
Eu comia os rapazes no quintal... antes de tu nasceres.
Hey, I been doing this before you were born.
Faço isso já antes de tu nasceres.
You were born here.
- Tu nasceste aqui.
I was born into this world as all of you were.
Eu nasci neste mundo, tal como todos vós.
You were the most powerful wizard born in 3,000 years, yet you gave your powers to someone you hardly knew.
Eras o feiticeiro mais poderoso desde há 3000 anos... E deste os teus poderes a alguém que mal conhecias.
He was born before you and Rex were married.
Nasceu antes de tu e o Rex casarem.
You didn't want to move because you wanted the kids to have some stability, and then you get rid of their nanny since they were born?
Não te quiseste mudar para as crianças terem estabilidade, mas despedes a ama que tiveram desde a nascença?
You were right. I-I was born 16.
Eu já nasci com 16 anos.
So you wish you were never born, maybe?
Preferias nunca ter nascido, talvez?
You were not born to live like brutes.
Não nasceste para viver com os brutos. "
That-that was before you were even born.
Isso ainda foi antes de tu nasceres.
Were you born in Stillwater, Pennsylvania?
É natural de Stillwater, Pennsylvania?
Were you born in a barn?
Nasceu num estábulo?
All right, on behalf of the guys, I have to ask... Were you born without testicles, or did they just shrivel up and die over time?
Tenho de perguntar em nome do grupo, nasceste sem testículos ou eles murcharam com o tempo?
- Where were you born?
- Onde é que nasceu?

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