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You were gone Çeviri Portekizce

1,313 parallel translation
While you were gone, she didn't make it after delivering the baby.
Enquanto estavas fora, ela não conseguiu, durante o parto
Oh yeah, while you were gone, I sent plenty of money to your folks
Ah sim, enquanto estiveste fora, mandei algum dinheiro aos teus pais.
When you were gone, in 18 months, I haven't got a decent piece of fish.
Desde que desapareceste, há 18 meses, não comprei peixe decente.
I got you something while you were gone.
Comprei-te uma coisa enquanto estiveste fora.
- I thought you were gone.
- Pensei que já tivesse ido embora.
I thought you were gone forever.
Achei que tinhas partido para sempre.
You were gone for a while.
Saíste por uns momentos.
I got out of the shower, and you were gone.
Saí do duche, e tu não estavas.
When I came back, Dad told me you were gone on a business trip.
Quando voltei, o pai disse que estavas em viagem de trabalho.
I saw you were gone and I thought maybe... maybe it was a one-night stand.
Vi que te tinhas ido embora e achei que talvez... fosse uma aventura de uma noite.
Sergeant Bates brokered a small trade agreement for food while you were gone.
O Sargento Bates fez um acordo comercial para os víveres, na vossa ausência.
He didn't even notice you were gone.
Ele nem reparou que não estavas.
Yeah, I sent you a letter like the very first day you were gone.
Sim, mandei uma carta no dia em que foste embora.
You were gone a long time.
Estiveste fora muito tempo.
- You never know if somebody's broken in while you were gone. - Ages.
- Imenso.
You were gone when I woke up this morning.
Você tinha ido embora quando eu acordei hoje de manhã.
CB's folly struck again while you were gone.
A maluqueira do C.B. atacou de novo nas tuas férias.
This was in the newspaper when you were gone.
Isto apareceu no jornal enquanto estiveste fora.
- Of course there were. - And I got home, and you were gone.
- Cheguei a casa e tu não estavas.
Look, I know it wasn't proper protocol, but you were gone, and I was busy and Lynn...
Eu sei que fugi às regras, mas não estavas, eu estava ocupada, e a Lynn...
And you were gone, off playing with that barmaid. Gone until you brought this unholy mess on us.
Tiveste o que querias de mim e depois enrolas-te com a empregadinha de bar, até nos arranjares este sarilho.
You were gone longer than we expected.
Veio mais longe do que esperávamos.
You were gone so long, I thought something happened to you.
Passou tanto tempo que eu pensei que tinha te acontecido algo.
I thought you were gone!
Estás viva eu pensei que não te veria mais
I thought you were gone.
Pensei que tinhas partido.
You were gone for four months, baby.
Quatro meses.
You were gone for a month!
Estives-te desaparecido um mes!
A lot happened while you were gone.
Aconteceu muita coisa na tua ausência.
I thought you were gone.
Eu pensei que já tivesse ido.
I saw you standing by the casket, and then you were gone.
Vi você em pé ao lado do caixão, e depois você desapareceu.
Well, you were gone for, like, 20 minutes.
Estive à tua espera uns 20 minutos.
They got me back, but you - - you were gone.
Eles me trouxeram de volta, mas você... você sumiu.
You were gone for two hours yesterday.
Ontem estiveste fora durante duas horas.
That night on the catwalk, you saved my life, but your eggs were already gone.
Naquela noite, na central, salvaste a minha vida, mas os teus ovos já tinham desaparecido.
Anyway, you'll never guess what happened while we were gone.
Quer dizer, é a coisa mais ridícula...
That day, when you came to my house when we first met, I remember telling you that it would be easier if John were just gone.
Na primeira vez em que foi a minha casa, eu disse-lhe que teria sido mais fácil se o John morresse.
Babe, I thought you were supposed to be gone. No, I've got 5 minutes.
Não, ainda tenho 5 minutos.
Okay? It's just that, after all the stuff that you and I had been through, where my head and my heart were at I couldn't have gone and just slept with some stranger.
É só porque depois de tudo o que tu e eu passámos, com a cabeça e o coração numa confusão, não teria conseguido ir para a cama com um estranho.
I mean, lots of British entertainers who have gone out there... and they were great, talented people. Great entertainers, you know? Big stars.
Montes de artistas ingleses foram para lá, gente com imenso talento, grandes artistas, estrelas.
Dude! If I would have known what you and the Vocab Ho were up to... I would have gone after you guys... instead of Owen in the dining hall.
Meu se eu soubesse que tu e a maluca estavam a tramar eu teria ido atrás de vocês em vez do Owen no refeitório.
You make it sound like we were gone for a month.
Falas como se estivéssemos fora por um mês.
Liv, you were pretty far gone last night.
Liv, foste longe demais ontem.
Liv, you were pretty far gone last night.
Liv, estavas passada na noite passada
You just came downstairs, and they were gone?
Só desceu as escadas, e eles tinham ido?
Our lives would be a hell of a lot easier if you were just gone.
As nossas vidas seriam muito melhores se desaparecesses.
According to your punch card, you were in at 3 : 00 a.m. and gone before the other employees got there.
De acordo com o teu cartão estavas lá dentro às 3h da manhã e saíste antes dos outros empregados chegarem.
I thought you and the kids were gonna be gone all afternoon.
Eu achei que você e os rapazes estariam fora a tarde inteira.
You were diagnosed with an incurable disease, now it's gone.
Foi-lhe diagnosticada uma doença incurável.
Now, either that's the cane or, I just ruptured one of those liver cysts we were chatting about, and you've gone into anaphylactic shock.
Agora, ou a bengala, ou eu, rompemos um daqueles quistos do fígado, aqueles sobre os quais falávamos, E está a entrar em choque anafilático,
Why were you gone all night?
Porque passaste a noite fora?
This morning. I told her you were the love of my life and I didn't know what I was doing, and I must've gone temporarily insane.
Esta manhã, eu disse-lhe que tu és o amor da minha vida e que eu não sabia o que estava a fazer que devia estar temporariamente louca.

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