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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You were saying

You were saying Çeviri Portekizce

2,620 parallel translation
You were saying something?
Pois. Estavas a dizer alguma coisa?
Anyway, you were saying if I sign with you, I'd get the two of you.
- Estavas a dizer que se assinar convosco fico com os dois...
I'm just... you were saying you...
Foi realmente uma pessima atitude.
You were saying?
Estavas a dizer?
I heard what you were saying about him earlier, and... He came to me a couple weeks ago and asked me to help him with some medications.
Ouvi o que disse sobre ele hoje... e ele me procurou há duas semanas e pediu ajuda com uns medicamentos.
- l overheard you, what you were saying.
- Eu ouvi o que estavas a dizer.
You were saying we needed to talk?
Dizias que tínhamos de conversar?
- You were saying?
- O que tem? - Nada.
Forgive me, but I thought you were saying that you wanted Corporal Barrow to come and work here when he's fully recovered.
Perdoe-me, mas julguei que dizia que queria que o Cabo Barrow viesse trabalhar para cá quando estivesse recuperado.
Michael, you were saying about Sparrow?
Michael, estavas a falar da Sparrow?
You were saying, Captain rang?
Estava a dizer, Capitão Rang?
So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?
Estavas a dizer que não cresceste em San Francisco?
You know, I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying as
Não pude deixar de ouvir tudo, pois estava baixado aqui ao lado.
I do, but explain it as if I'm hearing it for the first time and was being shown images that illustrated what you were saying.
Sim, mas explica-me como se fosse a primeira vez que ouço isso, com imagens que ilustram o que dizes.
You were saying...
Desculpe estava a dizer.
What do you mean? Well, You were saying he had unfinished business, maybe that was to inspire the man that saved his life.
Você disse que ele não tinha acabado uns negócios, talvez isso tenha inspirado o homem que lhe salvou a vida.
You were saying?
O que dizias?
You were saying, iron man?
Estavas a dizer, Homem de Ferro?
Mike, you were saying?
Mike, continua.
That you didn't know what you were saying.
Que não sabia o que estava a dizer.
So you were saying you saw someone.
Então, estava a dizer que viu alguém.
It's not about what you were saying, but it seems like the right time.
Não é sobre o que estavas a dizer, mas parece-me a hora certa.
Anyway, you were saying, if I sign with you, I'd get the two of you.
- Estavas a dizer que se assinar convosco fico com os dois...
That's not what you were saying at the settlement meeting.
Não foi isso que disseste na reunião de acordo.
- As you were saying, when first he has a press conference, then he doesn't.
Como tu dizias, na primeira vez em que tinhas uma conferência de imprensa, - não compareceu.
But I'm not sure I got what you were saying.
Mas acho que não entendi o que estava a dizer.
You were saying good-bye... To whom?
Estava a despedir-se.
'cause that stuff you were saying - -
O que estavas a dizer...
Um, you were saying that... you thought that Bob killed himself?
Acha que o Bob cometeu suicídio?
What were you saying?
O que estavas a dizer?
You kept saying her name while you were unconscious.
Ficaste a dizer o nome dela enquanto estavas inconsciente.
Tony, are you saying you were...?
Estás a dizer que eras...
But why did you send me an email saying that you were looking forward to meeting me?
Mas porque me enviaste um email a dizer que esperavas ansiosamente uma reunião comigo?
You were the one who was saying how much you hate those bigheads.
Tu eras o único que estavas a dizer que odiavas aqueles cabeçudos.
I'm saying I thought you were stronger than someone who runs, Nick.
Achava que eras mais forte do que alguém que foge, Nick.
You're saying this happened in our own backyard! And you were a part of it!
Estas a dizer que isso aconteceu no nosso território!
Just now, what were you saying?
Há bocado, o que estava a dizer?
♪ don't fight ♪ all I'm saying is, You were harsh, violet's a friend,
Só estou a dizer que foi dura.
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Desculpa, o que estavas a dizer?
You're saying that no cameras at that tollbooth were working that night?
Está a dizer-me que nenhuma câmara nessa portagem estava a funcionar nessa noite?
What were you saying?
O que é que estavas a dizer?
I saw what people were saying about you online.
Vi o que disseram de ti na Internet.
Did you see what people were saying about me last night?
Viram o que disseram de mim ontem?
I believe you were just saying how you, uh, wanted to have sex with me?
Creio que estávamos a dizer como tu... querias fazer sexo comigo?
She kept saying you were busy.
Ela estava sempre a dizer que estavas ocupada.
All right. What were you saying about land?
O que estava a dizer sobre o terreno?
They were saying, "You can play football stadiums down there." We went, "You're joking."
Disseram que podíamos tocar nos estádios de futebol, mas não acreditámos.
What-what were you saying?
O que estavas a dizer?
How long you been saying you were going to do that?
Há quanto tempo andavas a dizer que ias fazer isso?
Unlike you, I don't leave wiothut saying good-bye to me. Thought you were going back to Alaska.
Ao contrário de ti, não saio sem me despedir.
I'm saying maybe she knew you were gonna be here.
Estou a dizer que talvez ela soubesse que ias cá estar.

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