He was a doctor Çeviri Türkçe
408 parallel translation
The first time I saw him, I thought he was a doctor.
Onu ilk gördüğümde doktor olduğunu sanmıştım.
He was a doctor.
Kendisi doktordu.
He was a doctor, and a very fine man.
Bir doktordu, ve çok iyi bir adamdı.
He was a doctor like you.
Adı Mozart...
He was a doctor.
Benim gibi doktordu.
He was a doctor.
Bir doktordu.
He was a doctor in a brushy outpost.
Uzakta bir yerde doktorluk yapıyordu.
He was a doctor who performed a lot of unnecessary surgery.
Bir doktormuş ve lüzumsuz yere bir çok ameliyat yapmış.
He was a doctor.
Aynı zamanda doktordur.
- So he was a doctor as well?
- Yani o da bir doktordu?
He was a doctor.
O doktordur.
He was a doctor in Versailles.
Versailles'te doktordu.
He was a renowned doctor with a large private practice.
Çok sayıda özel hastası olan tanınmış bir doktordu.
Doctor, he was a different man when he saw Flora leave the car.
Doktor, Flora'nın arabadan çıktığını gördüğü anda, başka biri oluverdi.
It tells how, as a young doctor, he was summoned to the bedside of a dying girl dying because she'd been outraged by the Evremondes.
Genç bir doktor ölmekte olan bir kızın başucuna çağrıldı. ... ölüyordu çünkü Evremonde'ların gazabına uğramıştı.
He must've come in here while I was out phoning for a doctor.
Telefonda doktorla konurken gelmiş olmalı.
Doctor says he was shot with a.38.
38'likle vurulduğunu söyledi.
I went to the doctor today about these jitters I got... and he said it was the wagon for a month or a whole new set of organs.
Bu sinir mevzusu yüzünden bugün doktora gittim ve o da ya bir aylığına içkiyi keseceğimi ya da bir kaç organımın çalışmayı keseceğini söyledi.
He was very nice about it, but he made me feel like a third-class witch doctor.
Bu konuda çok nazikti, fakat yine de kendimi üçüncü sınıf büyücü hekim gibi hissetmeme yol açtı.
If the doctor's brain was put in a jaybird, he'd fly backward.
Zaten bu doktorda beyin olsaydı kuş gibi uçardı.
The doctor is a friend of mine and he told me that... he had the impression that the fall was voluntary.
Hastanedeki doktor, ki kendisi arkadaşlarımdan biridir... Michel'in kendisini merdivenlerden... bile bile yuvarladığını düşünüyor.
He never was a doctor.
O doktorluktan ne anlar?
It was a tremendous relief when we telephoned the doctor next morning... and he told us you were simply in a state of shock... and would come out of it all right.
Doktordan sadece şokta olduğunuzu ve bunu sağ salim atlatacağınızı duymak çok rahatlatıcıydı.
The son of an Ohio country doctor, a child who refused to follow in his father's footsteps because he was also a child of the 20th century.
Babasının izinden yürümeyi reddeden Ohio'lu bir köy doktorunun oğlu. Zira aynı zamanda 20. yüzyılın bir çocuğuydu o.
He made up his mind I'd be a doctor before I was born.
Doktor olmama doğmadan önce karar vermiş.
I remember wondering if he was going for a doctor, and then he came back in.
Doktora gitmiş olabileceğini düşündüm galiba, sonra geri geldi.
Oh. Doctor says if I was a building, he'd condemn me.
Doktor dedi ki, bir bina olsaydım beni yıkıp geçermiş.
Doctor said it was a heart attack... and there was a funeral... and he was sealed in this vault.
Doktor kalp krizi olduğunu söyledi ve cenazesi yapıldı. Ve yeraltına hapsoldu.
He made his reputation as a poet while he was studying to be a doctor.
Tıp okurken şair olarak ünlendi.
But like the doctor here, I can't prove he stuck a knife in me... and was stealing my horse.
Ama aynı buradaki doktor gibi, onun bana bıçak çektiğini kanıtlayamam... ve o atımı çalıyordu.
He said it was similar to when a doctor... amputates a patient's arm to save his life.
Bu durumun hastalıklı bir durum olduğunu söyledi. Bu, hayata sağlıklı devam edebilmek için hastalıklı bir kolun kesilmesi gibi bir şey.
As a staff doctor, he was seen without preliminaries.
Hastanenin doktoru olduğu için formalite gerekmedi.
Well, he was an archeologist and no medical doctor, he made a mistake.
Aslında kendisi kazıbilimciydi, tıp doktoru değil, hata etmiş.
He had to pretend to be a doctor... and kid Katherine that Ben was about to die.
Doktor rolü yapması için zorlandı. Katherine'i, Ben'in yakında öleceğine inandırması gerekiyordu.
But he was a good man, Doctor.
- Ama gene de, iyi adamdı doktor.
He was a practical man who understood that the treatment of a patient depends on diagnosis, he was a brilliant diagnostician, and on direct application by the doctor himself, he broke with the tradition by which the physician was a learned academic
Hasta tedavisinin teşhise bağlı olduğunu çözmüş,... pratik zekalı bir adamdı ve teşhisleri çok başarılıydı. Bir doktor aracılığı ile de olsa,... fizikçilerin, bilimi eski kitaplardan öğrenen akademik insanlar olma geleneğini yıktı.
The boy burned his hand by touching an electric wire. A doctor who was anxious to experiment in skin grafting... asked to operate on the hand... guaranteeing that he would restore it 100 %. He took a piece of skin from the boy's chest... and grafted it onto the unfortunate boy's hand.
Çocuk, elektrik teline dokunarak elini yaktı... deri aşılama konusunda deneme yapmaya hevesli bir doktor... eli ameliyat etmek istedi... eli onaracağına % 100 garanti verdi... çocuğun göğsünden bir parça deri aldı... ve onu talihsiz çocuğun eline aşıladı...
But they did have this wizened old witch doctor, and his name was Kiyato, and he was a pretty good cook.
Buruş buruş olmuş, ihtiyar bir büyücüleri vardı. Adı Kiyato'ydu ve çok iyi bir aşçıydı.
Mr Shahnawaz was treated by his doctor for a cut he received but was later able to identify Trevor when he was apprehended and arrested by the police.
Bay Shahnawaz yaralandığı için doktoru tarafından tedavi edildi ama polis tarafından göz altına alınıp tutuklandıktan sonra Trevor'ı teşhis etti.
It was nobody's fault but Brian, he's a doctor...
Her şey Brian'ın suçuydu, o bir doktor...
The doctor says it's the first time he'd ever been called because a baby was sleeping in the day.
Doktor, bir bebek gündüzleri uyuduğu için kendisinin ilk defa arandığını söylüyor.
But the best part of it was that hunk of a doctor who examined me - he's gonna be in Florida in a few weeks.
Ama en iyi kısmı şuydu : Beni muayene eden iri yarı, kaslı doktor birkaç hafta içinde Florida'da olacak.
- He felt it was inappropriate for a senator to have a corrupt wife, a doctor to take advantage of patients, for a wife to emasculate her husband and... so forth...
- Bazı şeylerin yakışıksız olduğunu düşündü mesela ; bir senatörün karısının namussuz olması veya hastalarından faydalanan bir doktor ya da kocasını hadım etmeye çalışan bir kadın ve buna benzer şeyler...
We called a doctor. But he said she was too old.
Bir doktor çağırdık ama çok yaşlı olduğunu söyledi.
But one night the doctor informed us there was no hope and that he wished to make a last communication to us.
Bir gece doktor bize hiç ümit olmadığını ve onun bize bir şey söylemek istediğini söyledi.
He was looking for a doctor.
Bir doktor arıyordu.
All it takes is a doctor you know He did not know what he was doing
Tek gereken, ne yaptığını bilmeyen bir doktor.
Because I don't think he was a real doctor.
Çünkü onun gerçek bir doktor olduğuna inanmıyorum.
I was scared he's gonna slip into a coma like on doctor Kildare.
Dr. Kildare'daki gibi komaya gireceğinden korktum.
The doctor said he was in a strange shock when he died.
Tek şansınız bir dava açmak. Ne olursa olsun bir şeyler.
Seems he was a promising young doctor in Chicago... till he got greedy and blew himself up.
Şikago'da gelecek vaat eden bir doktormuş. Açgözlülüğü yüzünden uyuşturucu yaparken bir patlamaya neden olmuş.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64