In his hands Çeviri Türkçe
1,338 parallel translation
"Joyous Love seemed to me... the while he held my heart in his hands... and in his arms... my lady lay asleep... wrapped in a veil."
"Yüreğimi ellerinin içine... aldığında aşkın gücünü gördüm, kadınım onun kollarında... örtüsüne sarınmış uyuyordu."
He's got the last two tires in his hands, pushes them into the thing, and then I, of course, I go, "Hey, you!"
... elinde kalmış iki lastiği de karavanına tıkıştırıyor sonra, ben, doğal olarak... yanına gidip "Hey sen" diyorum.
Anyhow you see who I mean, who has your future in his hands at least your immediate future?
Neyse kimi kastettiğimi anladınız... en azından yakın geleceğinizin...
What the hell's he got in his hands
Ellerindekiler de ne?
- They're like clay in his hands.
- Nasıl da etrafında dönüp duruyorlar.
- He's got something in his hands.
- Elinde birşey var.
Yeah. "I place this letter in his hands, " and if ghouls dig it up again, then perhaps justice will be done when I am not here to see it. "
"Bu mektubu senin ellerine veriyorum ve zebaniler ortaya çıkarırsa hayatta olmayacağım için adalet yerini bulur."
As he ran through the streets with her heart in his hands, he tripped and fell.
Ellerinde annesinin kalbi olduğu halde sokakta koşarken, ayağı sürçtü ve düştü.
.. with only a golf club in his hands.
Bir golf-sopasıyla.
I saw the suspect reach into his waistband... and I saw a metallic object in his hands.
Zanlının kemerine uzandığını gördüm. Elinde metalik bir obje vardı.
I mean, he held this panel in his hands.
O panoyu elleriyle tutmuştu.
Your son is holding them in his hands.
Oğlunuz şu an elinde tutuyor.
He is always in my thoughts and I would place my happiness in his hands,'replied the little mermaid. "
O her zaman düşüncelerimde ve mutluluğumu onun ellerine teslim edebilirim,'diye yanıtladı küçük denizkızı.
Her life was in his hands.
Hayatı onun elindeydi.
Ever notice, he's the only guy who can smoke in the rain with his hands on his back?
Hiç fark ettiniz mi yağmurda elleri arkasında sigara içebiliyor.
In Sick Bay, the Doctor had his hands full, too.
Revirde, Doktor oldukça yoğundu.
I mean, he probably... just whipped up some eye of newt potion thingie... and he waved his hands over it a few times... and said some words in Latin, and voila!
Doğru. Doğru. Yani, muhtemelen şu yeni iksir gözünü yaratıverdi ve ellerini sallayıp Latince birkaç kelime söyledi ve...
Sky has had his hands in everything you got.
Sky senin her şeyinden yararlanıyor.
Having grown up in the shadow of this field Dunne would certainly like to make his debut here a success but he's got his hands full now.
Bu sahada büyümüş birisi olarak Dunne buradaki ilk oyununda mutlaka başarılı olmak ister ama şimdi işi oldukça zor.
- And in the end he used his bare hands.
- Daha sonra ellerini kullanmaya karar verdi.
This guy is very hands-on, not just in his business.
Adam operasyonlarla doğrudan ilgili, sadece iş anlamında değil.
All right, I guess in hindsight... I probably should've let the guy eat with his hands.
Evet, aslına bakarsanız adama elleriyle yedirmem gerekiyordu.
I'll cut off his hands and stick them in his kakushnik!
Ellerini kesip çubuk niyetine kullanacağım seni!
I've found traces of a mineral oil used in engineering and there's silver oxide on his hands.
Mühendislikte kullanılan bir çeşit yakıtın izine rastladım ve ellerinde de gümüş oksit vardı.
There are only a couple of bottles left, and I don't want Mr. Neelix getting his hands on them.
Geriye sadece birkaç şişe kaldı, ve Bay Neelix'in bunlara el atmasını istemiyorum.
Let's just say I know some bioengineers in the Department of Defense who'd love to get their hands on his symbiote.
Savunma Departmanı'nda ortakyaşamını çok seveceğini umduğum.. ... biyo-mühendisler tanıyorum.
And yet, knowing what Apophis did to Sha're, would you not trade it all for the opportunity to crush the life from his throat with your bare hands?
Apophis'in Sha're'ye yaptıklarını biliyorken herşeyini vermez misin, onun boğazını sıkmak ve çıplak elerinle onun hayatını almak için?
I've go t a situation on my hands here s Ricky's got a bullet in his as and he fed the dog a bunch of weed brownies.
Levi, çok şükür! Bir sorunumuz var! Neden kekimi yedin?
I leave his fate in your capable hands.
Onun kaderini senin yetenekli ellerine bırakıyorum.
Yancy will never get his hands on you in here.
Yancy burada sana elini süremez.
After he was "cured" he came back home waited until his parents were out slipped in here and smashed every doll he could get his little gay hands on.
"İyileştikten" sonra Victor eve dönmüş. Annesiyle babası dışarıya çıkana kadar beklemiş. Buraya gelmiş ve küçük gay ellerinin uzanabildiği bütün bebekleri kırmış.
I saw the suspect reach into his waistband... and I saw a metallic object in his hands.
Elinde metalik bir obje vardı.
His life is in your hands, Liberty.
Hayatı senin ellerinde, Liberty. Elbiselerini giy.
The hardest part was to persuade Sky to put his life in your hands
En zor tarafı Gök'ün hayatına senin ellerinde son vermeye razı olmasıydı.
His talent is in your hands.
Onun yeteneği senin ellerinde.
His careful hands built things to last. The tools that he built are still in the firehouse. They're still with us.
Değerli elleriyle yaptığı aletler onun yaptığı aletler hâlâ itfaiyede bizimle bize bağlanmış, korunmuş bizim için yapılmış ve onları her gün kullanıyoruz ve onlara her dokunuşumuzda onun hayatını paylaştığımız için minnet duyuyoruz.
You know how I hate to toot my own horn, but now his hands are just covered in all these tiny little bandages. Like a quilt.
Kendi borumu öttürmekten ne kadar nefret ettiğimi bilirsin.
Kid's playing tag, takes a header in the dirt, ends up with first-degree burns on his hands.
Çocuk ebelemece oynuyormuş. Yere düşmüş. Ellerinde birinci derece yanıklar oluşmuş.
Well, his hands were covered in blood, and he had a million dollars in his
- Elleri kan içindeydi, çantasında 1 milyon dolar vardı.
You know, a good friend put his life in my hands.
İyi bir arkadaşım, hayatını ellerime bıraktı.
I saw blood on his hands in my mother's bathroom.
Annemin banyosunda elleri kanlı olarak gördüm onu.
In that case, if the chief engineer wouldn't mind getting his hands dirty, I could use some help.
Bu durumda, eğer Şef mühendis elerinin kirlenmesinden çekinmezse biraz yardıma hayır demem.
Saw Mr Fixit here with his hands all over your bodywork.
Birde ne göreyim, "Bay Tamir et"'in elleri arabanın üstünde.
Colonel O'Neill put his life in your hands.
Albay O'Neill hayatını size teslim etti.
His fate is in the hands of the Community Council.
Kaderi kent konseyinin ellerinde artık.
And he, not the judge... has what's left of your beshitted career in his hot little hands.
Ve o hakim de değil... elinde kalan sadece senin piç olmuş kariyerin.
Blood in the Bronco, the cuts on his hands, those Jay Leno monologues!
Cipteki kan, elindeki kesikler, Jay Leno monologları!
I like when you hold my hands overhead, can be cranked up against him and thereby rub her clitoris in his body.
Ellerimi yukarda tutması hoşuma gidiyor, böylelikle..... vücudunun tamamı klitorisime temas edebiliyor.
Bathe our hands in his hot blood.
Sıcak kanıyla yıka ellerini.
In April 1918, Austrian General Landwehr, in charge of food distribution, took matters into his own hands.
Nisan 1918'de yiyecek dağıtım sorumlusu Avusturyalı General Landwehr, sorunu ele aldı.
Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands or in his.
Bu gece her iki dünyanın da geleceği senin elinde olacak ya da onun.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577