Who was that man Çeviri Türkçe
957 parallel translation
- Who was that man?
- O adam kimdi?
- Who was that man, Steve?
- O adam kimdi Steve?
Who was that man?
O adam kimdi?
Well now you know Who was that man.
Ne de olsa adamın ne gibi ilişkileri olduğunu biliyorlar.
Who was that man?
Kimdi o adam?
Who was that man?
Bu adam da kimdi?
- Who did you say that man was?
- Onun kim olduğunu söyledin?
A man who claims about himself that it was forced upon him to destroy lives - that man must be extinguished like a bonfire!
Can almaya zorlandığını söyleyen bir insan..... bir şenlik ateşinin söndürülüşü gibi yok edilmeli!
I think it's something to do with that man who was with dawker.
Bence bunun Dawker'ın yanında ki adamla ilgisi var.
The publishers did not see that my purpose was to write a moral lesson of the punishment that befell a mortal man who dared to emulate God.
Yayıncılar amacımın, Tanrıyı taklit etmeye kalkan bir ölümlünün cezanlandırılması üzerine ahlaki bir ders vermek olduğunu anlamadılar.
Well, maybe that man who wanted to speak to you was...
Belki seninle konuşmak isteyen o adam...
This man, charged with murder, is the Frederick Garrett who by the testimony of your eyesight, Miss Hooper was at home that Saturday afternoon and evening, then?
Cinayetle suçlanan bu Frederick Garrett, sizin tanıklığınıza göre o cumartesi günü ve gecesi evde olanla aynı adam, öyle mi Bayan Hooper?
Do you know right now there are headlines shrieking the news that Conway's missing? Does that look like a man who's life was empty?
Şu anda Conway'in kayıp olduğunun manşetten... tüm dünyaya duyurulduğunu biliyor musunuz?
That was the man who defeated the Swedes on the Neva.
O, İsveçlileri Neva'da yenen komutandır.
But those who had the privilege of serving with him today... know that if ever a man deserved the name and rank of soldier... it was he.
Ama bugün, onunla savaşmak ayrıcalığına sahip olanlar... asker unvanını hak eden biri varsa, bu kişinin, o olduğunu bilir.
Terrible thing, sir, that poor man who was here this morning.
Bu sabah burada olan bey, çok berbat bir olay.
Was that the act of a man who isn't in love?
Aşık olmayan bir adam böyle şeyler yapar mıydı?
And that it was you who rescued Sherazade from the man who bought her.
Şehrazat'ı, onu satın alan adamdan da kurtarmışsın.
Father, who was that strange man I saw leaving the house?
Baba, evden çıkan garip adam kimdi?
A book was recently published on the German colonies, in which it was specifically stated that one advantage of possessing duelling scars was that native Africans look with more respect upon white men who bear them.
Alman kolonileri üzerine yeni çıkmış bir kitapta özellikle belirtildiği gibi düello yaraları taşımanın avantajlarından birisi de Afrika yerlilerinin, yaraları olan bir beyaz adama olmayandan daha büyük bir saygıyla bakmaları.
When I first heard that a general of the British Army was arranging a ball for the benefit of those nurses of the West Riding who had taken part in the four-year struggle, I said to myself, 'There is a man whose heart is in the right place.'
İngiliz ordusundan bir generalin dört yıllık bu sıkıntılı dönemde yer almış West Riding'li hemşireler yararına bir balo düzenlediğini ilk kez duyduğumda, kendi kendime "İşte kalbi doğru yerde olan bir adam." dedim.
And a very neat trick it was to divert suspicion from yourself but it struck me as odd that the man who murdered both Musgraves with such a sure hand should have missed so badly in your case unless of course, um,
Ama şüpheyi kendinden uzaklaştırman çok zarif bir hünerdi. Ama iki Musgrave'i de böyle temkinlice öldüren adam, sizin davanızda çok kötü atlanmış olmalı ki bu bana çok garip geldi.
Now not even Sir Henry knew that this man, Pettibone, who traveled under the name of John Grayson, was the real messenger.
Bu arada Sör Henry'nin bile John Grayson adıyla seyahat eden Pettibone adındaki bu adamın gerçek ulak olduğundan haberi yoktu.
Oh one or two became badly worn and I told me housekeeper to give them to a man who was doing some work for me at that time.
Ah bir ikisi fena yıpranmıştı ben de hizmetçiye onları o zaman benim için çalışan bir adama vermesini söyledim.
That man who was just here!
Buraya gelen o adamdan!
The case is still open on the police books of a Connecticut city... and it may interest you to know that there are those... who still believe the accused man was guilty.
Dava Connecticut şehri polis dosyalarında hala açıktır ve sanığın suçlu olduğuna hala inananların olduğunu bilmek ilginizi çekebilir.
I nearly married a man once who was the image of Bob - only he broke our engagement simply because he found out that I...
Bir keresinde Bob'a çok benzeyen biriyle evleneyazdım. Nişanı attı çünkü fark ettiği şey...
Funny. I thought that tall, handsome man who came to see her last week was her boyfriend.
Geçen hafta gelen uzun boylu, yakışıklı adamın onun erkek arkadaşı olduğunu sanıyordum.
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
Dün gece... Oso Negro'daki yaşlı adamın... söylediklerine inanıyor musun? Yok altın adamın ruhunu değiştirirmiş, yok altın bulmadan önceki halinden... eser kalmazmış filan.
That was the man who brought me some money when Harry died.
Harry öldükten sonra o bana biraz para vermişti.
It was this Tajomaru who killed that man.
Şu adamı öldüren bu karşınızdaki Tajomaru'ydu.
And that's the man who was working in the guesthouse.
Konuk evinde çalışan adam işte bu.
A girl who was lying on the floor, outraged and butchered by the man who took that from her and gave it to you for ten per cent of her life!
Yerlerde sürünen, dövülmüş ve hırpalanmış bir kızdı o Onu soyan gözü dönmnüş adamlara Hayatının her senti için sana bir onluk verdi!
I was going to marry that vixen. Vicar, i who am a man of peace... kiss me where the sun doesn't shine!
Ne şirret bir kadınla evlenecekmişim, Piskopos, benim gibi mülayim bir insan...
But a few days later, here at the club... in fact at that table over there, where Manning and his father are now... I was having lunch with a man from Detroit... who had inherited an estate I was handling.
Ama birkaç gün sonra, burada, kulüpte Manning ve babasının oturduğu şuradaki masada, Detroit'ten bir adamla öğle yemeği yiyiyordum.
She will positively identify him for you, ladies and gentlemen, as being the same man who was in that insurance office on the date that the robberies occurred.
Kendisi, soygun günü sigorta ofisinde bulunan kişi olarak davalıyı teşhis edecek.
I thought that sooner or later... you'd fall in love with some man who was better suited to you.
Bence er ya da geç sana daha çok yakışan birisine aşık olacaksın.
My father wrote that, and he was a man who never lied.
Babam bunları yazmış ve o asla yalan söylemezdi.
Did you see that man who was just here?
Oradaki adamı gördünüz mü?
Marius was obsessed with the thought of that man who saved his life but had never come forth.
Marius'ün aklı ise, kendisini kurtaran ama bir türlü ortaya çıkmayan kişiye takılmıştı.
He was sure that he had the Negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete beaten.
Çok iyi bir insan ve iyi bir atlet olan zenciyi dize getirdiğine emindi.
And I was avoiding the obvious comment that you said that with the ease of a man who's said it often to an assortment of women. - That's not true.
Bunu çeşit çeşit kadına söylemiş birinin ağzından çıkınca yorum yapma gereği hissetmedim.
Admit that my arrest was ordered by an excited old man who will have forgotten me in a week.
Biliyorsunuz tutuklanmamı, beni hemen unutacak bunak bir ihtiyar emretti.
Well, I would like to call the court's attention to the fact that it was not I who tried to shift the guilt to a dead white boy to save this man!
Şimdi, mahkemenin dikkatini şu noktaya çekmek isterim ; Suçu, bu adamı kurtarmak için, ölü ve beyaz bir çocuğun üstüne atan ben değilim'
The man who jumped from that window five years ago was my father!
Beş yıl önce bu pencereden atlayan adam benim babamdı!
I'll clarify that for you, Curtiss. I'm a rock-ribbed Republican who thought that Franklin Roosevelt was a great man.
Ben Franklin Roosevelt'in çok büyük bir adam olduğunu düşünen cumhuriyete kalpten bağlı bir adamdım.
Instead, he met a reasonable man who explained calmly that the human race was doomed.
Oysa kendisine sakince insan ırkının sonunun geldiğini söyleyen, makul biriyle karşılaştı.
Who was the man in dark glasses that was with you the first time we met?
Seninle ilk kez buluştuğumuzda siyah gözlük giyen adam kimdi?
Greek tragedy was negative in that it made Man a victim of Fate, as embodied by the Gods, who abandoned him to a hopeless destiny. "
Yunan trajedyası olumsuzdur. Burada ; kendisini umutsuz bir yazgıya mahkum ederek Tanrılar tarafından vücüda getirilmiş olan insanoğlu kaderin kurbanı olarak betimlenir. "
That old man who was always going with young girls.
Hep genç kızlarla takılan şu ihtiyar.
And after that one man who was black became so red, so red
Oh, zevkli bir molaydı! - O adamlardan birisi, bütünüyle siyahtı! - Fakat başı uçtuğu zaman tamamen pembe oluverecek
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who was 108
who was there 49
who was with you 16
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
who was driving 24
who was that 1077
who was 108
who was there 49
who was with you 16
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
who was driving 24
who was she 151
who was here 20
that many 28
that man 302
that man there 19
who were you with 40
who were they 101
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who was here 20
that many 28
that man 302
that man there 19
who were you with 40
who were they 101
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43